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Graphical IRC client recommendations
  • Googling 'irc client' is always a "blast to the past" adventure

  • Graphical IRC client recommendations
  • I did give irssi a spin but it seems Cinny has spoiled me 😅

  • Graphical IRC client recommendations
  • I'm using it atm, but it really feels like there should be sth more, well, FOSSy

  • Graphical IRC client recommendations
  • It does, but the matrix bridge can be a bit unstable, and I wanted a native experience anyway :P

  • Made a small sound visualizer demo
  • Thank you! I've made small tweaks since posting, like adding config flags to CLI, for instance --style fill will display "filled" bars instead of "striped":

  • Am i missing out if I dont use an IDE?
  • I think there are two key aspects to IDEs:

    a) the larger the codebase and the less familiar you are with it, the more of a nightmare it will be to hunt bugs or search places to insert code; this is where an IDE becomes extremely helpful by e.g. letting you search a struct across multiple modules, showing lints, compiler errors etc.

    b) IDEs are only as helpful if they can be configured with your codebase, and sadly there are probably numerous codebases that won't play nice and let you crate a working config

  • Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023
  • I see they toned down the language a bit, switching "most loved" to "most admired"