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tranarchist tranarchist
Posts 1
Comments 34
  • and it's anarcho communism, which I think will turn into anarcjo syndicalism at some point

  • ich🤡iel
  • das ist ja nur weil woke und so, man darf heute ja gar nichts mehr sagen!!!111!1!1!1!1

  • If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • ban stateist flags

    no, but seriosly, I wouldn't ban anything

  • What is the craziest story from your life, so far?
  • I experiment with guns (building guns and ammo from scratch) and sometimes I'm drunk or stoned doing it

  • Why are politicians doing nothing for first time home buyers?
  • the communist party in my country wants to make housing cheaper, idk about other coubtries tho

  • Any good Telegram alternative?
  • signal is the simplest alternative, it's actually better than telegram since it doesn't save data

  • Who says "...maxing" nowadays?
  • hey, it's for femcels too

  • Who says "...maxing" nowadays?
  • it's used a lot on /tttt

  • "We have MP5 at home"
  • can you send a link? I'm collecting designs and haven't seen this one before, also I can't accsess defcad and somehow even couldn't with a vpn

  • Favourite sandwich?
  • cucumber sandwich

  • How much theory have you read?
  • I've read Rudolf Rocker, can I still get in?

  • on our way to fascism
  • tbh I was just too lazy to insert every european flag, so I just put the EU one there and the countries I know some politicsl shit about

  • on our way to fascism
  • no, they aren't, because they were leftists trying to reclaim the word so they obviosly weren't nazis, the people using it nowdays are far right, so it's not really obvios wether they are nazis or not.

  • on our way to fascism
  • everyone calls themself human, not everyone calls themself Führer, Reichskanzler, Volkskanzler, etc.

  • on our way to fascism
  • they already are fascist, so no reason for them to run towards it, also they're included in the EU

  • on our way to fascism
  • the guy running for chancellor in Austria (Herbert Kickl) is calling himself "Volkskanzler", guess who also called himself that? fucking Hitler. so no, I don't think I'm over reacting

  • on our way to fascism

    Obsidian Kamala
  • it's called AI """art"""

  • Talk me down: Teams could be a tool of mass data gathering
  • > my company feeds all our data to big tech

    > is big tech gonna use that data for malicios purposes?

    there's your answer