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tr0xy tr0xy

Don’t ask. Don’t tell.

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Buyers Are Avoiding Teslas Because Elon Musk Has Become So Toxic
  • were and we're aren't even pronouned the same?

  • egg🦈irl [Gender-Nonspecific Meme]
  • The color scheme of blåhaj roughly resembles the colors of the trans flag

  • egg_irl
  • If the topic is interesting, info dumps can be quite nice

  • Oh no, it's one of those episodes, again!
  • You should be safe if you don't make fun of others. It's not necessary to ridicule a specific person or group to make a joke.

  • The Queer Guide to Finding a Fediverse Server.
  • is invite only

  • Egg👩‍⚖️irl
  • I’d assume self hate for doing/liking that