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thoralf Thoralf Will

Familienvater, Tech- und PV-Fan (12,6 kWp/15,6 kWh), Elektromobilist, Gutmensch, ParentsForFuture, im Herzen grün

geboren um 333 ppm

Hinweis: AfD-Fans, Schwurbler, Putin-Fans, sonstige Leerdenker und Nappsülzen werden kommentarlos blockiert.

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Comments 58
Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • Sure, no problem. But this time without all the unfair special rules and exceptions that the UK had.

  • Greece introduces the six-day work week
  • That’s what you get when you vote conservative-right.

  • Old timers know
  • SAP still seems to do it this way.

  • I'm convinced watchOS 11 is hinting at an Apple Watch 10 with better battery life
  • I sold my watch because I was so annoyed by the bad battery life.

    I expect a watch to run for a couple of days at least. Charging it while taking a shower must be sufficient. And I do not shower for half an hour.

    As long as the Apple Watch is not able to do that, it’s a no-go for me.

  • Tesla Shareholders Approve Musk's $56 Billion Pay Package in Early Voting
  • The stupid shareholders are financing Musk’s Twitter-disaster.

  • Antisemitismus auf Lemmy
  • Yupp. Ist krass.

  • Frage zu Volt
  • Ich schreibe „Grundsatzprogramm“ und du verlinkst das Wahlprogramm.

    Muss alles mundgerecht präsentiert werden? Ist es zuviel verlangt, dass der Fragende dann in der Quelle -> nach „Steuern“ sucht?

    Seite 63:

  • Frage zu Volt
  • Im Grundsatzprogramm stehen Steuersenkungen für Firmen.

  • You can now bridge Fediverse and Bluesky Accounts!
  • I would prefer to let Bluesky die silently instead of throwing a life line.

  • How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?
  • I used to live in Regensburg, one of the northernmost Roman garrisons. So, the oldest remaining building (stone wall) is almost 2000 years old.

  • Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • I would like an app for desktop and phone/tablet that are syncing, just like Authy did, before they abandoned the desktop app.

    So, for me that means: iOS/iPadOS and macOS

  • Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • I do not see a desktop client.

  • FTC fines Razer for every cent made selling bogus “N95 grade” RGB masks
  • I’m more surprised that anyone bought this nonsense.

  • Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app
  • After Authy scrapped its support for the desktop client, I’m looking for an alternative. Sadly, this does not look like it.

  • Thoughts about Posteo?
  • No own domain - instant KO from me.

  • Europawahl 2024: Bekanntgabe der zugelassenen deutschen Parteien und Abgeordneten
  • Ich bin Mitglied der Grünen.

    Aber bei der Europawahl wird die letzte Generation mein Kreuz bekommen.

  • CATL, the little-known Chinese battery maker that has the US worried
  • Little known? Under which rock did you have to live to not have heard about CATL?

  • Protesters crash truck into Mexico's National Palace
  • Terrorists. Those are terrorists, not protesters.