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thegiddystitcher thegiddystitcher

Hopefully migrating to @[email protected] , come find me there

Posts 7
Comments 158

What's the moderation like on

Hi all, I'm sure you've probably seen that Beehaw (my current home) has decided to defederate from half of Lemmy. I'm actually fine with that, more power to them, but it's not my personal preference so I'm looking for a new chiller home.

Since attitudes to moderation and when / if you'll defederate are basically the main thing differentiating servers at the moment, I wanted to ask what your plans are in that regard?

Just trying to avoid setting up all my subscriptions again on a new instance only to get into the exact same situation, I'm sure you understand! :D

Day 1, and she stole my shoe
  • I cannot deal with how smol she is omg

  • What‘s keeping us from promoting Lemmy on Reddit?
  • Yeah I think you're right. And they'll hopefully fix their tech issues soon so we can all be one big happy family again haha

  • What‘s keeping us from promoting Lemmy on Reddit?
  • The easiest way is to search for hashtags and click through to profiles that look like they post interesting stuff. You can also check out where there are suggested accounts to follow for all kinds of different topics. If you've not made an intro post there yet, do that too with the tag #introduction and any other tags you're interested in, that way people will come to you!

    Also what kind of crafts and do I already follow you there? 👀 lol

  • What‘s keeping us from promoting Lemmy on Reddit?
  • Kbin seemed to be pushed more on Mastodon than Lemmy was, during and in the run up to the blackout. Lots of people giving new things a go this week, even from places other than Reddit!

  • welcome reddit refuges
  • Oh Christ 😅

  • What icon should we have?
  • Gotta be between this and top hat lemming. Does Lemmy do polls, yet? 🤔

  • Just give it a shot
  • What a time to be alive 🍿

  • My "subscribed" feed is flooded with one community
  • I've seen talk on GitHub issues of changing exactly how it works but not sure how high priority that is right now.

    If the really big community is on your home instance, one workaround is to actually unsub because you'll see it in the local/all feeds anyway.

    Alternatively try changing your default sort, I'm on new comments which does at least mean I only see the big threads when someone is chatting in them.

  • Am I the only one who used the native Reddit app?
  • I mostly used RiF, but installed the official app during a trip last year to do logistics with someone who was using the built in chat.

    I don't tend to always have data on my phone, because WiFi is everywhere, and just add some when I'm going on a trip like this. I'd loaded up a fiver's worth the morning we left, which usually sees me through an entire month in these situations.

    Woke up after the first night away to an alert that my data was all used up. And on further investigation, guess which app was the culprit? Just literally sitting there overnight while I was asleep, gobbling up a month's worth of data to do god knows what.

    I uninstalled the app.

  • Just give it a shot
  • Yep they're on fire, husband was on there but has temporarily moved back to Lemmy since Kbin isn't federating. They'll sort it aaaaht I'm sure.

  • Just give it a shot
  • I believe Kbin isn't federating properly at the moment because everything is on fire over there due to growth. But once that's sorted out, then you'll be able to do this.

  • How do I *properly* link to a post?
  • Think you ended up in a different thread to where you intended, fyi.

  • why I ended up leaving Reddit today
  • Yeah everything is taking an absolute hammering atm and federation is all over the place. I've got two accounts myself. Just couldn't bear the idea of OP having like ten accounts for different instances by accident :D

  • 1000 subscribers!
  • Buns forever!

  • why I ended up leaving Reddit today
  • I know it's not the point of your post (which I did read and also agree with) but just in case nobody else has mentioned it..

    In your summary you said you'd signed up for "other instances of Lemmy" and I just want to make sure you know you don't need to do that to join communities in other places! :)

  • What's your default view? Subscribed, local or all?
  • Subscribed, new comments. It's the perfect combo as it shows me new posts but also ones getting recent action.

    I do regularly flip to local or all just because it's fun to stumble across random new stuff, and also because I'm not subbed to many actually big communities (yet).

  • Are we doing Thursday complaints? Because I have a COMPLAINT.

    I've been trying to get into a routine of going for a morning walk. It's not far, just basically climbing a hill near home, sitting down on a bench at the top pretending to enjoy the view but really trying not to pass out because I'm terribly unfit, then back down.

    Well, guess what used to be in that patch of dirt? Yep, my bench.

    Who suddenly took it away? No idea. For what purpose? Beats me.

    Now I just have to defiantly sit on the grass next to it and dare anyone to comment.


    What's grinding your gears today?


    Hand-knitted socks best socks!

    Going with a knitting post today! Any other keen sock knitters about? Feel free to show off your cozy feet and recommend good patterns!

    I love knitting socks, they're the best travel project and you can just get so many stunning sock yarns from indie dyers.

    These beauties are the "Drippity Drop Socks" pattern by Kay F Jones which I was gifted by a very kind Instagram friend. The yarn was by Castle View Yarns, their Fear of the Dark colourway on a typical 75/25 merino/nylon base.

    One thing I'll say about this pattern is that the toe section was weird. Instead of just decreasing down each side which is what I've seen in basically every other cuff-down sock pattern, it had me decrease evenly around the whole toe so it has a slightly odd "bunched" feel. If I make this pattern again I'll probably just do the toes the normal way tbh.

    Other than that though, absolutely love them!


    PSA: If you're patient enough you can get every Discworld book on Kindle for not much money at all Discworld

    Visit Amazon's Discworld page and shop for all Discworld books. Check out pictures, author information and reviews of Discworld

    Like probably most of you I do own at least the majority of the books in physical form. But sometimes it's just easier to read on Kindle.

    Sadly they're about £5.99 each, which is absolutely worth it if you can afford it, but x41 books it really adds up.

    The good news is, if you check regularly you'll find that one or two books go on sale at a time for as little as 99p. Personally I pick up anything that goes under £2, currently I think that's just Guards! Guards! but they change all the time.

    If anyone knows what schedule they change on that would be useful info, atm I just have a reminder to check back every couple of weeks.

    (link is to the UK page but I'm sure the same applies on other Amazon sites too)


    Crocheted flowers for a cheapo wedding

    Joining @[email protected] in the quest to fill this place with fun craft projects. Yesterday was sewing, today I present to crochet!

    I taught my bf (ok yes now husband but that sounds weird still) to crochet last year, so we made these simple little crochet flowers together for our small ceremony a couple months ago. The smaller white flowers are just artificial Baby's Breath from Amazon.

    The pattern was Crochet Ranunculus from Moara Crochet but fair warning that the written version didn't make much sense and the video was much better. There's lots of blue and white sock yarn left over so I may yet end up with some kind of souvenir ankle socks out of it.

    My ribbon wrapping technique left a bit to be desired but it was the night before and things were fraught!

    Tried to sew my own wedding dress too but that was a fail so I just picked up a £30 thing off Amazon. Worked out just fine!



    How can I see all comments in a thread?

    Hi, sorry if this is a stupid question I'm sure you're having to answer all kinds of ridiculous things with the influx of us newbies.

    I'm finding that often I can't actually see most of the discussion in a thread while logged into my account. I'll see a thread with no comments, and be able to reply to it normally, but if I view that same thread in incognito mode suddenly I see all the other comments that are apparently invisible to me while logged in.

    On Mastodon there are sometimes similar issues that can be got around by following users or searching specific toot URLs to help federate, but I have no idea what the equivalent action is on Lemmy.

    Any pointers very welcome, thanks!


    Made myself a flag dress for Eurovision this year!

    I've been a massive fan of Eurovision since I was a little kid and this was the first time it's been hosted in the UK since 1998, so if there's ever an excuse for a special make it was this one!

    I used the "Magnolia Boat Neck Dress" pattern from My Golden Thimble, which I've used before and is fairly beginner-friendly. It comes with all kinds of options for different necklines, pockets, additional ruffles etc but for this one I just stuck to the basics. I did make the pocket insides out of some red cotton scraps though because why the heck not, although I can't figure out how to attach more than one image to show you...

    The main fabric is just some flag print polycotton that you can find all over eBay, technically it wasn't 100% accurate to the list of participating countries this year but hey, close enough.

    We had a fantastic time in Liverpool, and as luck would have it the person sitting in front of us in the arena recognised my dress from a Mastodon post about it the day before! What are the chances?!

    Pattern link:
