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teflocarbon teflocarbon

A refugee who likes technology, geopolitics and interesting videos.

I did the UI/UX for Memmy which you can find at [email protected]

Posts 4
Comments 109
[Feature Request] Full Black dark mode + Accent colors
  • There’s the Night Owl theme which uses very dark colours with a purple colour palette.

  • Any plans to add the swipe the bottom to go back feature from Apollo?
  • Hi there o/ Glad to hear that you’re enjoying the app! (especially the UI :P)

    This is definitely something that has been considered and will likely be implemented soon. We didn’t actually know about it until a few users told us about it on our Discord server.

    Also quick note, you don’t need to tap the top, you can just swipe from the far left side at any point.

    Give us a shout if you have any other suggestions or concerns surrounding the app. We may not reply to all of them, but we definitely read them.

  • Say hello to Pips
  • Hi Pips o/

  • Fury 325 support crack
  • Holy shit that’s absolutely terrifying. I don’t think it’s just cracked it, it looks like it’s also partially shifted towards the right. New found fear discovered.

  • Everyone Watches TV with Subtitles Now. How’d That Happen?
  • Sound mixing has gotten absolutely terrible. Vox did a pretty good video on why which explained a lot about it.

    From what I can remember a few key points are

    • The director has a lot more play with sound now, so they're trying to make it in their 'vision', which usually means deafening explosions and background noise and quiet dialogue.
    • Microphones have gotten a hell of a lot better over time. Both directors and actors have picked up on this. Mics have gone from being huge and failure prone to something that can fit in an actors jacket, perfectly capturing everything they say. This has the unfortunate side effect of actors gaining a mumble.. usually to sound more dramatic. This has the other side effect of not being able to understand what they're saying.
    • Theatres have constantly upgraded their audio equipment and some now have 128 channels of sound (Dolby Atmos). When you're watching on your television, you're likely watching with stereo, which is two channels. Even if you have a fantastic home theatre setup, you're probably going to have 11 channels at most, which is usually through a 4K Blu-ray disc. It's the job of the sound mixers to make sure that the sound is coherent over these channels, but going from the master with 128 channels to 2 channels is a difficult job.
    • Audience expectations have changed and technology has changed with it. Movies have progressively become more and more focused on spectacle rather than story. It's far easier now to add some explosions or have a huge monster pick up a car and toss it, naturally you'd expect these to make some noise.. which they do. A loud noise naturally has an impact on you, it's just human nature. They want to use that to their advantage and have begun to prefer that over dialogue.

    But you can combat the storm!

    Closed captioning is an obvious one but there is other methods such as dynamic range compression. This is like sacrilege to audiophiles but they're the ones who caused this in the first place so they deserve it. Effectively, it amplifies quiet sounds whilst reducing loud sounds. Explosions can still be heard but they're quieter and dialogue can be heard again. Huzzah!

  • UK Ministry of Defence - 29th of June update
  • “shock of losing a large number of aircrew in this manner will almost certainly damage morale within the Russian Aerospace Force.”

    It’s worth noting that this was the shock of losing aircrew to themselves

  • Memmy has a new onboarding flow. If you delete and reinstall, you'll see it.
  • Haha yeah, I get what you mean. The issue is trying to explain these things within my self-imposed limit. I wanted it to be less than 5 pages and under 200 words.

    Unfortunately corners do have to be cut somewhere to achieve that. It’s something that’s quite complex to explain and I think I did an okay job. When it comes to terminology, I think hub is much better than instance. Centralised was one I dwelled on for awhile but I decided to leave it in the end as it provides a comparison to traditional social media platforms.

    I think some illustrations would go a long way as well with it, but my illustration skills are practically non-existent. I can do UI and UX but not illustration :P

    The idea of it wasn’t to be a detailed guide on it, it needed to be quick and simple. I’m planning on having some kind of knowledgebase in the future, which will give more guidance, information on terminology and inner workings. It’s something that I definitely want to do but it’s not in focus at the moment.

    For now, I think it’ll be a helpful guide. I’m sure it’ll change in the future and I’ll be surprised if it didn’t. As the saying goes, if I had more time, I would’ve written a shorter letter. I’m pretty sure I’ll write a shorter and better explanation in the future. Hopefully sooner rather than later :P

  • List view of subscribed communities
  • This is under consideration at the moment and will likely be added in the future. Although a few changes will need to occur in order for it to be supported, like finishing the non-swipe functionality for posts.

  • Memmy has a new onboarding flow. If you delete and reinstall, you'll see it.
  • Thank you! We all do really appreciate your positive comments and constructive feedback, we strive to make sure your experience continues to be a positive one. It’s what keeps us going :D

  • Feature request: dark and light high contrast themes
  • It would’ve been released but unfortunately with our current theme engine I just realised it’s impossible. So that’ll have to be fixed before it can be released.

  • Memmy has a new onboarding flow. If you delete and reinstall, you'll see it.
  • Yup, this is in the latest build. I’m planning on having the instance selection be available in the account screen in the future, although I called it hubs to make it more user friendly.

    The whole idea of it was to be hopefully easy to understand for new users whilst having functionality that veterans would enjoy. Newbies will hopefully appreciate the guide and veterans should appreciate the instance selection for new and old accounts.

    The background is just something I grabbed quickly from Unsplash. I’m planning on changing it in the future to something more appropriate. It was originally just supposed to be a placeholder :P

    I’m quite pleased with how it’s turned out but I’m always looking for feedback on possible ways to improve it or things we should do differently.

    The main focus of the redesign and the rebrand was to make things more user friendly and applicable to a larger audience. Hopefully this makes it much easier to bring new users over to the Fediverse!

  • Feature request: dark and light high contrast themes
  • High contrast themes have been something that I've been working on for awhile. But I don't really know much about high contrast themes, so I need to do some more research on what they entail before they're released.

  • Is there anyway you can make the the darker on dark mode?
  • A full OLED theme has already been mocked up and should be implemented soon. Night Owl was more Gen 2 of it with very dark grey instead of pure black to prevent smearing issues on certain displays. But it seem like full OLED is still popular.

  • What does the eye symbol mean on community pages?
  • Number of users online, as in currently viewing the community. It seems to be a pretty unreliable number though, but it's there because.. why not.

  • Anyone else ever try to upvote with these?
  • My apologies for the poor UX on my part. This will be fixed shortly.

  • List view of subscribed communities
  • As others have pointed out, it's the star icon in the top left. My apologies for this poor UX, we have been working on a better design for this that will be implemented in the near future.

  • Feedback and suggestions
  • You can do it on GitHub

    Or our feedback channel on Discord. We don't accept bug reports here though.

    Whichever you're more comfortable with.

  • It's not perfect, but this is my favorite thing I've made!
  • It took me awhile to see that they’re owls, but damn I’d kill for that during winter right now.

  • UK government considers preparing for scenario of unexpected collapse of Russian Federation
  • As they mention in the article they anticipated a much slower collapse and likely prepared for that. But at the rate it’s currently going, it’s quite astounding. The fragmentation and internal strife in Russia are certainly not over.

    I did read one article that made a reference to this more being an “end of the beginning” rather than the “beginning of the end”. Which I agree with. It hasn’t collapsed the federation overnight, but it’s certainly weakened it a hell of a lot.

  • Calling all moderators - looking for ideas for mod tools

    Hey everyone, not sure if you know me but I'm the one who did the UI/UX redesign for Memmy. I hope that you're all enjoying the redesign and that it's helped you settle in nice and cosy.

    We've had several questions asked about mod tools and when they're coming. We definitely know this is an important feature but we have one major problem. None of us are moderators.

    I've been going back and forth on designs on what I think a good interface would look like but my mission is futile since I don't really know how the flow of it should feel, which is paramount to good UX.

    That's where you come in. I need ideas on what you want to see, how your moderation flow works or what would work best for you. Is there a certain feature that you just can't live without or a way of moderation that is practically engraved in your DNA? I want to hear about it.

    Unfortunately, I'm limited by the somewhat limited number of tools that Lemmy provides. But I can work on making sure using those tools feel seamless.

    I'm looking for feedback on these things.

    • How should you access these tools? Should it be always active on communities you moderate, be able to be toggled? When you're in a post, how do you want to use them?
    • I'm considering a moderation centre at the moment. What would you like it to contain?
    • What are the most important things to you? How should they be displayed and in what order by importance?

    These are just a few ideas of course, I'm always open to feedback. You can find me on here or at our Discord server at

    I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say on this so I can get to work instead of procrastinating on maritime history videos.

    teflotest teflocarbon




    How has been your experience with iOS 17 so far?

    For me it feels like a much smaller update, which has been rumoured for awhile. Sort of like iOS 11 or OS X Snow Leopard.

    It's been running very well for me so far, even macOS Sonoma, even though macOS betas are notorious for breaking things and causing fires, this one has worked perfectly for me so far.

    iOS 17 has ran very well too, with the exception of a few of the new features causing the occasional respring but nothing major. Battery life has been fine and my phone is cool so that's got to count for something right? From a core functionality perspective I'd say that it's very stable, maybe even more so than 16.5? I did get some weird resprings on 16.5 towards the end which I haven't had on stable for a long time.

    Curious to hear your thoughts on it.


    How do heat pumps work and how are they so efficient?

    We recently had our heater changed to a heat pump and whilst producing the same amount of heat, it's also very energy efficient, using a good chunk less energy than our previous heater.

    How do they work and how are they so damn efficient?
