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stumblewyk Josh 🥁⚾

40-something nerd. Dad, husband, #drummer, #TTRPG GM. I toot about Philadelphia sports, games, my kid, and my own oddball sensibilities.

\#GoBirds #RingTheBell

"At some point in our evolution, we started making decisions consciously, and we're not very good at it." \- Ap Dijksterhuis

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They're just fun to browse through, ok?
  • @Bougie_Birdie Can confirm this instinct of yours - I got into the game in the 2e AD&D days, and I have spent good money reacquiring things, because I missed them and needed them on my gaming shelf, knowing full well I'll never use them in play again.

  • Recap Monday: What did you play this week?
  • @Raikin I think it depends on your group's buy-in. We're all experienced roleplayers, very good friends, and were all-in on our house "winning."

    We ended up backstabbing each other, lying through our teeth to get people on our sides, and ultimately being incredibly selfish. In that respect, our ending felt very earned, and very satisfying.

  • Recap Monday: What did you play this week?
  • @Raikin @dpunked finished a King's Dilemma game a few months ago. It's an amazing game, and my friends and I are anxiously waiting for the sequel as well!