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Cure for Fascism
  • @ZeroHora you're right. ahem. There's a fuckton of authoritarian regimes that use Marxism as an excuse to rob their people and burden them with egregious regulation.

  • Cure for Fascism
  • @Captainvaqina The Marxists are gradually losing power. And you're a fucking idiot.

  • Cure for Fascism
  • @LandedGentry there's a fuckton more Marxists in America than fascists. Trump supporters aren't fascist by nature. Sorry not sorry

  • Cure for Fascism
  • @hamid incidentally, it's also the cure for Marxism

  • Fixed it for ya
  • @Nougat @toaster most social problems wouldn't exist if the government hadn't caused them to begin with.

  • Fixed it for ya
  • @toaster fuck I didn't see the crossed out line. Went on a rant that wasn't even applicable

  • Fixed it for ya
  • @toaster most of the problems that exist is because the government robs us off so much of our money. Both through purposely causing inflation and taxing us. Then turning around, paying people to make poor choices (welfare), indoctrinating us into believing we need government assistance to survive. Government is a big fucking scam.

  • Fixed it for ya
  • @toaster and of that 33 trillion in debt we are, most of it went to the military industrial complex. Which has never been audited. You think they're spending your money wisely dropping bombs on brown people in the desert? Or maybe pissing our money away in forever foreign wars is exactly how you WANT your tax dollars spent. Jesus Christ.

  • Fixed it for ya
  • @toaster are you fucking kidding me?! You think a corrupt, bureaucratic governing body would actually spend the money efficiently, responsibly, or even direct the biggest percentage of it to the right people? Are you insane? How many local construction projects end up as money laundering schemes for politicians?! Biden's inaccurate "infrastructure" bill alone maybe actually spent $25 billion on infrastructure, if that. Statists are literally the biggest fucking morons.