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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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What do you think of Richard Stallman?
  • He seems to have no filter whatsoever. His comments are inexcusable but he seemed to set himself up to broadcast every single thought that ever goes through his head to the entire world. I suspect there would be some clangers in there if I - or anyone else - spewed all of their halfbaked thoughts out all the time like that.

    Personally I'm never going to meet the guy and my opinion of him doesn't particularly matter. That provides an opportunity to pick out the bits of his thoughts that I find interesting and leave out the bits that are crass. Appreciate not everyone has that luxury though, especially if they have been personally affected by one of the issues he's crashed into like a bull in a china shop.

  • AMOREDCORE VI Fires of Rubicon has sold over 3 million units.
  • I personally had more fun with this than Elden Ring. Maybe it was Dark Souls fatigue, or maybe it awakened a latent desire to play Mecha games which had been untapped before. Whatever it was I had a lot of fun.

  • Fallout: London is out
  • Playing it now. I had to buy FO4 GOTY edition in order to play but that was fortunately on sale for £12. Encountered one game breaking bug in the first hour where I had to look at the floor of a train to avoid a crash to Windows desktop after the opening credits. However since then I've had no issues.

    They seem to have leaned into the roleplaying elements of the series which I really appreciate. I felt that was missing from FO4 when I played that back on consoles when it came out. I'm not sure if, tonally, London will be a suitable location for a Fallout game given how heavily they lean into Americana - and a specifically American style of Hoover-esque Cold War paranoia. We'll see how it goes as the game progresses.

  • Fallout: London is out
  • So if I claimed a "free" copy of this mod from gog then how will that help me install it vs downloading the mod from another site? I understand it requires a downgraded FO4 to play.

  • I just worked out why Sunak gave his speech in the rain...
  • One of my more left wing pals has a theory about The West Wing as having falsely imprinted the idea into the Democrats that every policy requires compromise with the other side. She believes this has critically undermined the left wing agenda since the politics nerds who grew up watching the show took it to be instructive as opposed to ficticious entertainment. Essentially it indirectly dragged the overton window over to the right.

    I've not actually seen it so hard to judge the argument. I think I've seen clips where they are discussing watering bills down to get it "through the floor". Need to actually sit down and watch it some time so I can make my own mind up. Personally it seems like the overton window has beem dragged in two different directions simultaneously for the past 25 years: people are more socially liberal than ever but they are economically more conservative too.

  • "What Teachers Make," by Taylor Mali

    Old but gold.

    0 'We crossed the line': Scottish newspaper apologises for insulting English on front page

    "Every summer, they fill up your beaches. They drink all your beer. They make a mess of your plazas," said the front page - which was reported as a hate crime.

    'We crossed the line': Scottish newspaper apologises for insulting English on front page

    I find The National frequently embarassing as a Scottish person. Enjoying seeing them squirm here.


    This is upsetting to see. I've got a friend with MS and I hope she is not prevented from claiming assistance if (or when) she needs it due to this case causing more stringent checks on claimants.

    At least this lady got the jail.

    1 Labour's Wes Streeting 'to make trans puberty blocker ban permanent'

    Wes Streeting has reportedly indicated that the Labour government will make the Tories' emergency puberty blocker ban permament.

    Labour's Wes Streeting 'to make trans puberty blocker ban permanent'

    I think Wes might be right here but this is going to cause consternation amongst groups who were hoping that Labour might take a more liberal approach to LGBT issues than the tories.


    SMTV:V Hype Thread

    My copy is arriving on Saturday - it seems that the days of ordering on Amazon and occasionally getting games a day early has passed.

    I was a fan of the base game and I don't think the story was as bad as some people made it out to be. However I am excited for the new story that they are promising with the Vengeance route. Getting hyped up seeing the positive reviews coming through!

    I have been replaying SMTIV:A this week in the run up to the release to keep me occupied. Had taken a detour into the Devil Survivor series most recently so it has been nice returning to the mainline gameplay.

    What are you all thinking about the release this week? Any hopes for the new title? Fears?


    Kunisada - Kabuki Actors in the play Ise Ondo (1850)

    Apologies for the slightly skewed picture. I actually own this artwork. A close family friend has been collecting 19th Century Japanese woodcuts his entire life, and he gifted this one of a wedding scene to my wife and I when we got married.

    More details about the work. The artist Kunisada lived from 1786 to 1864 and he shared a studio / teacher with the (perhaps more famous) artist Kuniyoshi. This work was published by Hayashiya Shogoro in 1850.

    The work depicts a Kabuki theatre scene; traditional Japanese theatre. Actors are playing the roles of Aburu-ya Oshin and Fukuoka Mitsugi in the play Ise Ondo. In this scene the couple are getting married.


    Cano - The Lactation of Saint Bernard (1645-1652)

    Philosophy steeznson

    My MSc thesis from 2016 critically evaluating the solution to the Ship of Thesis problem which denies that there ever was a ship to begin with (mereological nihilism).


    Montpellier : Hogg, la surprise du chef ? Montpellier : Hogg, la surprise du chef ?

    Info Midol. Si Montpellier n’est pas encore assuré de sa présence en Top 14 la saison prochaine, le club héraultais reste offensif sur le marché. Selon nos informations, il pourrait réaliser un des recrutements les...

    Montpellier : Hogg, la surprise du chef ?

    I guess punditry isn't working out for him with his current image woes. Couldn't find an english source for this one.

    4 Loaded magazine returns to reassure men they can ‘ogle beautiful women’

    Men need to be men, according to the editor of the revived magazine hoping to reclaim its rebellious place in pop culture

    Loaded magazine returns to reassure men they can ‘ogle beautiful women’

    Heard the editor being interviewed on Radio4 Today Programme this morning. This 90s throwback is bizarre. Do people really think there will be demand from this after the initial novelty?

    I read a couple articles this morning and the "journalism" reads like a Sunday Sport article.

    Interesting thought experiment - since the magazine is online only - are the nonces going to have to print out the magazine now to leave it in shubbery for kids to find? Those reddit threads where every man over the age of 40 seems to have a story about finding porn mags in bushes always had a creepy undertone. I'm not sure that the 'porn fairy' commenters sometimes refer to was a very savoury character.


    Senua's Saga: Hellblade II: Accessibility Review

    Playing Hellblade 2 at the moment myself. Personally I'm fortunate not to need any of the accessibility features but I found this review to be a fascinating read.

    The reviewer also compares the accessibility options to some other recent AAA releases in this reddit comment.

    In terms of my opinion of the game: I've only got the Series S version so it's not the full fat graphics but even then they are stunning. I think some of the negative reviews were from people wanting it to be a different type of game, however, if you are aware it is basically a walking simulator with Punchout combat every so often then the story and world takes centre stage. The world is similar to God of War (2018) but grittier and focusing on other aspects of Scandi mythology. I think I like this world more.


    Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia

    Tohou Artificial Dream In Arcadia is hands down the best SMT-clone I've ever played. It's extremely cheap, got it for a fiver. Devs are regularly updating it. The gameplay is closer to SMT1/2 than anything else I've ever played. Clearly a labour of love from the devs.

    Edinburgh steeznson

    Edinburgh International Festival ticket prices

    EIF tickets are so much more expensive this year. They used to be cheaper seeing the opera during the festival than during the rest of the year due to subsidies from the arts councils. This year it is more than double the price! A ticket for Carmen in the upper circle with a restricted view was more than £100.

    Granted, I did have a concession for being under 25 at the time, but I saw La Boheme at the festival a few years ago for £15. In some good news they've raised the concession age threshold to 30 this year but not sure how large a discount it applies.

    FWIW I still think that the quality of the EIF is worth the price. Comedy shows in the Fringe can be like ~£25 these days and the quality is extremely variable. Will probably only go and see my mate's show at The Stand this year

    Free Fringe can have hidden gems but I've ended up being trapped in some extremely awkward shows with 3 other audience members before. Might be a while before I spin that paeticular roulette wheel again lol.

    0 BBC Radio Scotland Rugby Podcast - Tuipulotu on rugby, fatherhood and family ties - BBC Sounds

    Scotland centre Sione Tuipulotu joins Tom and Andy to discuss fatherhood and family ties

    BBC Radio Scotland Rugby Podcast - Tuipulotu on rugby, fatherhood and family ties - BBC Sounds

    Tuipulotu is such an asset. Great interview with him and excited to have his brother joining Edinburgh. Hope they got that supposed nonsense with Dave Cherry sorted out!

    2 Just Stop Oil protesters in their 80s target Magna Carta

    The women used a hammer and chisel to try to break the glass case protecting the historic charter, which was the first document to put into writing the principle that the King and his government were not above the law.

    Just Stop Oil protesters in their 80s target Magna Carta
    Edinburgh steeznson School reported parents of ‘trans’ child to social services

    George Watson’s College in Edinburgh alerted social workers in 2020 after the parents asked the school to adopt a ‘watchful waiting’ approach to their child

    School reported parents of ‘trans’ child to social services

    Interesting story since it's my old school. From what I've heard the headmaster can't be arsed dealing with these difficult parents anymore and is retiring.

    My wife was a teacher and she believes the school made the right call since it sounds like the family were not coping with their child's needs and needed extra support.

    Rumour from the school is that the child had socially transitioned but the parents were not aware of this until their other child informed them. Mother is currently campaigning on twitter and name dropping all of the teachers involved in an unpleasant manner.

    One interesting angle is that this is a private school so the parents probably feel that they ought to be able to dictate exactly how the school ought to handle the situation. At the end of the day they are still a school though with a duty of care to the students. They need to follow government regulations assiduously and at the time the guidelines were clear.


    You come at the king...


    Unnerving Enemies

    Careful with this one, it's an antique


    Helen Lewis has left the chat

    I've really enjoyed this radio4 series about internet culture and the impact that messaging apps have had on our lives/politics.

    Each episode is a half hour with different themes: WhatsApp groups, Politicians using WhatsApp, Slack, Chatbots/AI, Discord leakers, Telegram in Russia.

    Probably would say the first half is more UK-specific but the show does a good job of making the later episodes relevant, thought provoking.

    16 Amazon's Just Walk Out technology relies on hundreds of workers in India watching you shop

    Amazon promoted Just Walk Out as AI-powered cashierless technology. But the tech reportedly relied on workers in India for accuracy.

    Amazon's Just Walk Out technology relies on hundreds of workers in India watching you shop