I'm just here to lurk and occasionally reply with nerdy jokes or to suggest cool stuff.
Late 30's, AuDHD, video games, programming, learning Japanese.
Non-24. My sleep-wake cycle averages about 25 hours because my body apparently doesn't understand how clocks are supposed to work.
He/him out of boring inertia, not any particular identification as such. Mostly I just find the urge to categorize all of humanity into one of two arbitrary boxes to be rather silly. Trans rights are human rights.
@BarrierWithAshes Mobygames has a massive database of games with enough metadata to be a good trick for obscure queries like this. Not perfect (I guess cataloguing metadata on every game ever made is complicated?), but good enough to give some plausible leads if you want to dig a bit. For example I see that there's a Banjo Kazooie GBA game that looks like it might be up your alley.
Link to "isometric platformers", since it doesn't seem to have a collectathon genre tag: