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sphfaar sphfaar
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Google assistant rule
  • And this is the company that has invested the most in AI.

  • What a good dude
  • Firefox is like this in fact, just put the option to deactivate or fork open source and everyone is happy.

  • Big cars are dead weight dragging down climate policy
  • I know someone who died because he was irresponsible, I myself had 2 accidents, one of which was serious and I no longer ride because I don't trust myself or others, with the problem that I spend a lot more if there is no public transport.

    It's a vehicle that gives too much freedom, and it doesn't take long for a person who isn't fully responsible to abuse what he can do on the road.

    I was speaking more ideally, because if you limit yourself you can have all the advantages it can give without ending up between the sheets of guardrails and cars.

  • Staying at the top.
  • We have already seen with the release of cyberpunk how everything was manipulated by the major shareholders, all the fake development updates such as the Gold phase when the game was still far from being considered finished.

    And they'll remove that DRM-free stuff on GOG as soon as their store has more users

  • Big cars are dead weight dragging down climate policy
  • I hope you're not being ironic, but this is the example.

    a tall and bulky vehicle full of blind spots, which causes an accident with a motorbike due to lack of precedence.

    the second is an idiot, but I never said that motorcyclists can't be idiots

  • Big cars are dead weight dragging down climate policy
  • Bullshit, more dangerous because of the other cars who are not used to having motorbikes nearby, and you have this idea of ​​being less protected on a motorbike, in reality you should try to understand that on a motorbike everything is much more predictable and the problem is almost only who is riding it, in a car, you have more blind spots and less control and therefore greater risk of making mistakes and for pollution, seriously, the simple use of a motorbike when all the space in the car is not needed would eliminate almost all traffic on the road therefore less pollution, less weight to move, less wasted energy, motorbikes are better in everything and not they are only considered because of the comfort zone of the average person.

    And noisy what the fuck means? even motorcyclists can be idiots and change the exhaust to make more noise, but this happens because having the fucking motorbike is a niche of people who adore and modify their motorbike, but you can very well not do it.

  • Big cars are dead weight dragging down climate policy
  • Meanwhile, people hate motorcycles even more

  • Staying at the top.
  • From how much they invested in making source 2, they will certainly make other video games.

  • Staying at the top.
  • I had hope for CD projekt, but it's publicly traded.

  • Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot.
  • I fucking don't, I use yay or whatever, I'm talking about you, if you really don't want to see the terminal there is the app store that uses flathub in any pre-configured DE for linux

  • Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot.
  • Not all programs work, And in Linux you can forget the terminal with the stores that use flathub, much easier and safer than the shitty exe/MSI installers.

  • a32 5g battery died and samshit wont repair it because of magisk, so i made this meme
  • Yes, by tuning I meant ECU remapping or installing aftermarket parts.

    btw like anything to contest, legal action is only worthwhile if the profit at least covers the lawyer's fees and the time lost, unfortunately.

  • a32 5g battery died and samshit wont repair it because of magisk, so i made this meme
  • Even in cars it's the same thing, if you tune it they don't know where to look since it's no longer the same, On rooted android you can install things like Advanced Charging Controller to fuck your battery, and many software that manage performance/temperature.

  • "Outdoor Cat vs Indoor Cat" by Sarah Andersen
  • It is not their habitat, from experience I have had many cats, and in my opinion it is better to be able to leave them free so that they can go in and out without going where it needs to be clean.

  • Phantom Liberty is rated 90 at OpenCritic
  • You contradict yourself here, from your comments it seems to me that you expected a more complete game after purchasing.

  • Phantom Liberty is rated 90 at OpenCritic
  • In any case I didn't know what the fuck to expect so you took it in the ass.

  • Phantom Liberty is rated 90 at OpenCritic
  • so you learn not to buy games that have yet to be released, the same goes for expansions.

  • Phantom Liberty is rated 90 at OpenCritic
  • It is an expansion that adds content beyond the current game.

    You are not paying to unlock features and content already within the game as EA and Ubisoft have accustomed us to.

  • Deregulation will surely help the housing crisis 🤡
  • Surely that citydao wasn't created by someone with profit motives and not aware that in a few years it will be another worthless and abandoned NFT-bullshit.

  • Putin Outlaws Anonymity: Identity Verification For Online Services, VPN Bypass Advice a Crime * TorrentFreak
  • It will happen first in the USA, UK and Australia before all the EU countries approve such bullshit.