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#linux #mxlinux #foss #game #cyberpunk #roguelike #privacy #genXgoth

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Comments 4
What games did you enjoy so much that you still think about them?
  • Masquerada: Songs and Shadows, the unique story & lore, the characters, the language, the pausable combat, the haunting music.

    Citizen Sleeper: The evolving well written narrative and dice based decisions affecting your run and outcomes. The music and art design.

    Transistor: Aesthetic, story and characters along with the music and cyberpunk noir setting and combat.

    Greedfall: The pseudo-historical setting, the fully fleshed out world, the language, story and investment in the plot.

    Elex: The fantasy/sci-fi hybrid, verticality and exploration of an apocalyptic world wracked by factional war.

    Duskers: The remote tactical exploration of infested space hulks with command-line operated drones.

    Cosmic Star Heroine: indie retro sci-fi cyberpunk espionage RPG with delightful turn based combat system, enjoyable characters, excellent soundtrack.

  • I've really liked using onenote, but would like a FOSS alternative if there is one that replicates the experience. I don't need any syncing abilities, since I prefer to store locally.
  • I went from Evernote to Joplin (in its early days) and then onto Emacs with org-mode. I realise that is a big leap, but it has IMHO been worth the effort.

  • What Indie hidden gems do you recommend?
  • Duskers, command line remote control of science drones exploring anf salvaging from procedurally generated space hulks.

  • DEAD LIGHTS - RUN (live video performance)

    (warning flashing lights in video)

    The band are described as "glam-goth-industrial" which kind of hits all the sweet spots for me personally. But they deliver a kind of powerful pounding dystopia with enough theatrics and cool to be my favourite band at present.

    If I'm still finding new and interesting music to nourish my old goth tastes. I'm content in the strobe lights...

    Plus this is a live performance and it certainly doesn't lack power.

    What are y'all's all time favourite game OSTs?
  • One of my favourite soundtracks of all time was the haunting soundscapes from Anarchy Online. Timeless and haunting whilst travelling the wastelands of the planet Rubi-Ka.

    I canโ€™t froth at the mouth about game music, without mentioning Dear Esther. The arty solo exploreable story in a rugged haunting Hebridean landscape. The piano and cello move together in deep tones, and build up to ascending anthems of emotion. Composer Jessica Curry is simply a genius, and I can easily be moved to tears with this soundtrack. My favourite track is โ€œI have begun my ascentโ€.

    Also Supergiant Games soundtracks to Transistor and Pyre are emotive and catchy as any non-soundtrack album.