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French PM says all options are on the table, including declaring a state of emergency, to re-establish order (in French)
  • The headline shared is somewhat sensationalized editorialization.

    "Toutes les hypothèses", dont l'instauration de l'état d'urgence, sont envisagées par l'exécutif pour "le retour de l'ordre républicain", a déclaré Elisabeth Borne vendredi 30 juin.

    Note the part in quotes said by PM is "Toutes les hypothèses". The part about a state of emergency (l'état d'urgence) is added by the author of the article in between her actual quotes, with "dont", to show what the writer is implying can be included in that.

    Included in "all hypothesis" I could also imply and add... well basically anything I want to.

    I'm not saying there won't be state of emergency. Just making the actual context of this headline clear to non french readers.

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  • Picard left the TNG storyline state in such a decent and settled place, feels like another story would only risk ruining things. Feels like the series is already in a good-as-it-gets state and can only go down from here, unless they go for total spin-off.

    But I'll still watch it even if it sucks, which the people with $$ in their eyes know so...

  • Favorite Time Travel Episodes?
  • TNG: Time's arrow. I loved the Guinan backstory, Mark Twain, the western setting, and especially that it was all Data centric.

  • Is Reddit watching us?
  • They're probably watching statistically from a KPI / market-share point of view

  • I hate battle royale games
  • Well I did have to spend minutes gathering armor or grabbing the wanted weapon sometimes in Quake II CTF or Quake 3. But yeah at least when you die you just respawn, no reque.

  • I hate battle royale games
  • You have a point about less content development time. But don't underestimate the complexity of getting the netcode right and balancing the PVP system.

    It's more like trading one set of problems for another, than it is a cop-out.

    Plenty of games that lack substance in any category.