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somefool somefool

I am terrible at secret identities.

Posts 13
Comments 14
Bees and Beekeeping somefool How the Tech Behind a COVID-19 Vaccine is Helping Save Bees

A biotechnology startup has developed a revolutionary new treatment for bee disease that could have wide applications for agriculture.

How the Tech Behind a COVID-19 Vaccine is Helping Save Bees
What is this Blue Tit planning?...
  • I haven't seen any other birds there since the pigeons figured out my flower pots were filled with not flowers, but rainwater. Maybe they keep a close watch on their personal spa.

  • What is this Blue Tit planning?...
  • I am sorry to say I am tearing up laughing at your tale. The bird was okay and likely learned from his experience, though.

    Reminds me of when I was a kid and blue tits nested in our mural mailbox. My brother and I, being kids, would open the mailbox door (inside the house) to peek at the babies. Anyway. Have you ever tried to catch an irate and terrified blue tit mama while she's frantically flying in a 2x2m hallway, so you can put her back in a large rectangular hole in the wall, this at one in the morning, while praying your mother won't wake up? Because I have.

  • What is this Blue Tit planning?...
  • even inside the apartment in some 3D printed bird feeders

    Oh boy, you like to live dangerously. How did that go?

    I'm doing the same (outside the window) with bird seed, so I'll sometimes enter my kitchen and find pigeons / collared doves staring at me. But they just stare and stare and then fly away. No war cries.

  • What is this Blue Tit planning?...
  • Blue tits are always the loudest, most annoyed birbs when I'm out. They'll alert constantly. Which makes them a lot easier to photograph.

  • The Secret Movement Bringing Back Europe’s Wildlife | NOEMA
  • I'm Belgian. A coworker tells me regularly how he he sees beavers in the woods near where he lives (and foxes in his backyard, the man has to be a Disney princess). I had no idea about the secret backstory of the Belgian beavers, but I am delighted it happened.

  • Do we have a discord or other chatroom?
  • Live chat is just sometimes more convenient than a chain of thirty replies for a conversation. But I was just asking if something already existed, just in case.

  • Do we have a discord or other chatroom?
  • I'm not opposed. Time for me to figure it out!

    Edit: oh my god it has an easy export to text option.

  • Do we have a discord or other chatroom?

    Just wondering, not calling for one to be created if it doesn't exist. I don't want to overwhelm @Sal with more moderation and work ;)

    6 The Secret Movement Bringing Back Europe’s Wildlife | NOEMA

    An underground network of wildlife enthusiasts is restoring rare species like boar, beaver, butterflies and pine marten without asking permission. Are they criminals or heroes?

    The Secret Movement Bringing Back Europe’s Wildlife | NOEMA
    Space & Astronomy somefool Saturn’s rings steal the show in new image from Webb telescope

    Webb turned its gold-coated mirror toward Saturn this week.

    Saturn’s rings steal the show in new image from Webb telescope
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • test

  • RSS Feeds for Mander
  • Great idea. I've been growing my own opml for the same purpose as you, I hoped to share it so other people could populate Lemmy instances (especially Mander, because I am not qualified to filter the good science from the bad before posting). I got sidetracked, though.

    Have you looked into RSS bridge for websites like AP news and Reuters that no longer have RSS? It looks like this:

  • RSS Feeds for Mander
  • Bless you for this ♥ It's a fantastic list.

  • Blocking exploding-heads
  • I've been trying (in vain) to find old mod chats from reddit, from back when TD was at its peak, where the mods related the kind of behavior and threats they had to deal with. I wish I could find it to compare how the situation progressed between then and now, but no dice. The upcoming US election year has me wary, however, as well as the global political climate.

    In any case, my European, non-English speaking relatives got converted to Qanon, which gave me enough of a window on those circles to know those are not people you want around a community. They might not all be insane to the point of being dangerous, but a significant subset of those groups are, and their rage is easily redirected and instrumentalized.

  • What is this Blue Tit planning?...
  • Nice shot! The framing is neat.

    Also what is looking at? He certainly seems to disapprove of it.

  • Archaeological dig finds another age-old stone lintel

    NAKHON RATCHASIMA: A fourth decorative lintel, dating back about 1,000 years, has been unearthed at an archaeological site in Sung Noen district.

    Archaeological dig finds another age-old stone lintel
    0 Cuttlefish camouflage gets complicated

    They receive constant feedback about their skin pattern and adjust camouflage accordingly.

    Cuttlefish camouflage gets complicated
    0 What Indiana Jones Gets Right About Archaeology

    As the franchise returns to the big screen, a real archaeologist discusses the merits of the Indiana Jones movies.

    What Indiana Jones Gets Right About Archaeology
    1 This Ancient Maya City Was Hidden in the Jungle for More Than 1,000 Years

    Archaeologists surveying the ruins of Ocomtún found pyramids, stone columns and a ballgame court

    This Ancient Maya City Was Hidden in the Jungle for More Than 1,000 Years
    0 Unicorns in southern Africa: The fascinating story behind one-horned creatures in rock art

    One-horned creatures are found in myths around the world. Although unicorns in different cultures have little to do with one another, they have multiple associations in European thought.

    Unicorns in southern Africa: The fascinating story behind one-horned creatures in rock art
    How an 1800s Midwife Solved a Poisonous Mystery
  • I wasn't certain of where to put this article, since it's history medicine, plants and all, but the cause of the sickness was relevant enough for the journal "Economic Botany" in 1965... I guess it fits?

  • Botany somefool How an 1800s Midwife Solved a Poisonous Mystery

    For decades before Doctor Anna’s discovery, “milk sickness” terrorized the Midwest, killing thousands of Americans on the frontier

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Moderation / Federation test...

  • First Nations women don't always access health care after head injuries from family violence. Here's why
  • We won’t report when there is domestic violence. If there is any words that come from the woman that [her] children were there, children are considered at risk and so they are taken.

    A justified fear (2020 article). And the Stolen Generations were not so long ago.

    Loosely related, since it's a whole different continent (Canada) ... I started listening to the “Unreserved” podcast just yesterday (more precisely the episode on birthing services, and the fear of children removals is mentioned too, in the context of childbirth rather than domestic violence. The Sixties Scoop and birth alerts.

  • Refugees are living longer in exile than ever before, with complex consequences for them and their host communities
  • We won’t report when there is domestic violence. If there is any words that come from the woman that [her] children were there, children are considered at risk and so they are taken.

    I started listening to the “Unreserved” podcast just yesterday (more precisely the episode on birthing services, and the fear of children removals is mentioned too, in the context of childbirth rather than domestic violence. The Sixties Scoop and birth alerts.

    Absolutely justified fear.