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Xamalicious Android Malware Affects Over 327,000 Devices
  • Link to the source blog entry. It has more information on how the malware went undetected and how it worked.

  • Things I want to do
  • because everyone is tired of work and life. I'll do those things if I get some time off, like two years or so

  • The happiest country in Europe revealed
  • Education is free and you get what you pay for.

    I disagree. Take the technical university of Graz for instance. The work they accomplish regarding Cyber Security is quite amazing. Remember Meltdown and Spectre? Scientists from Graz were in key positions. Æpic Leak and SQUIP too.

    What about Ferenc Krausz? He studied at the technical university in Vienna, and the team did some work in Vienna and they got the Nobel Prize this year.

  • The happiest country in Europe revealed
  • It's actually quite okay. Inflation is just high (above average), the prices of everyday life have been skyrocketing for months. Buying real estate has become impossible for most people. Our far-right party has been at the top of the polls for almost exactly a year. Nevertheless, it has to be said that the common Austrian is doing quite well. Public transport is relatively good (at least in the cities) an annual ticket for the whole of Austria costs only €1095 (price for a single state starts at €365). Nature is beautiful, food is good, education is free, social system works. So, could be worse.

  • The happiest country in Europe revealed
  • We are? The world is really going downhill isn't it?

  • Sony Steals Customers' Purchased Content - Piracy is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED!
  • In German we say Raubkopie which translates to "robbery copy". It sounds metal but linguistically puts it right next to actual robbery which is kinda insane.

  • A repost from r/linuxmemes - Because I saw the original comic
  • Real talk, Pop_OS! is just nice. Besides Blackbox and like 3 Gnome Extensions I hadn't had to change or add anything. It's a great experience and I recommend it to everyone.

  • Mit Vutter! präsentiert Green Plant Petfood eine neue Marke für veganes Tierfutter - vegconomist: Das vegane Wirtschaftsmagazin
  • Ein Hund kann ohne Problem pflanzlich ernährt werden, spannender wäre ein rein pflanzliches Katzenfutter. Soweit ich weiß gibt es nur 3 Hersteller die so ein Alleinfuttermittel anbieten (Ami Cat, Benevo und V.E.G.).

  • Suche Empfehlung für Blog / Podcast / YouTube über politische Entwicklung

    Hat jemand Empfehlungen für solchen Content? Mich würden Analysen von gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen und politische Strömungen interessieren. Vergleiche mit Historie und Situationen aus anderen Ländern. Fokus sollte auf Österreich sein, europäische Politik ist aber natürlich ein Teil davon.

    I'm just at home heating up my no-code offering in the microwave...
  • So... too many cooks creating overly complicated meals that occasionally are admirably but more often then not are not worth the money. Also really hard to get into and make more efficient.

    Bloated complex frontend with so gosh darn many tools, some specifically created for one certain meals but sometimes get used for other meals, more or less effective. Sometimes it's already at the table, sometimes gets delivered with your meal.

    Fancy looking APIs but you somehow have to know how to correctly talk to them and if you phrase something wrong, well good luck.


    Simple, efficient, maybe not as sophisticated but if you get too many customers: just order a second one.

  • Metaller fordern plus 11,6 Prozent - Gewerkschaft empört: Arbeitgeber bieten 2,5 Prozent mehr Lohn und Einmalzahlung
  • Jänner und Feber sind in Österreich offizielle Namen für Januar und Februar.

  • Metaller fordern plus 11,6 Prozent - Gewerkschaft empört: Arbeitgeber bieten 2,5 Prozent mehr Lohn und Einmalzahlung

    Die zweite Verhandlungsrunde um einen neuen Kollektivvertrag für die Metalltechnische Industrie endete am Montagnachmittag vorzeitig. Die Arbeitnehmervertreter haben die Verhandlung nach dem Angebot der Arbeitgeber – 2,5 Prozent Lohnplus und eine Einmalzahlung – unterbrochen. Nun sind Betriebsräteko...

    Metaller fordern plus 11,6 Prozent - Gewerkschaft empört: Arbeitgeber bieten 2,5 Prozent mehr Lohn und Einmalzahlung
    classic configure neovim experience
  • Have you ever tried changing anything substantial in any other editor? It's a nightmare if you want a custom experience.

  • How to say the number 92
  • Yes, and it's so annoying. I'm Austrian, a bit dyslexic, and sometime I just can't sevenandeighty sixandseventy.

  • How do YOU create your Docker images?
  • Self hosting your own CI/CD is the key for OP. Littering is solved too because litter is only a problem on long running servers, which is an anti-pattern in a CI/CD environment.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Der FPÖ-Politiker nannte etwa „radikale Klimakleber“, Anschläge auf FPÖ-Parteilokale, Morddrohungen gegen freiheitliche Politiker und Vorfälle bei Demonstrationen gegen den Akademikerball als Beispiele.

    Morddrohungen sind kein Kavaliersdelikt, aber protestieren darf man schon noch, oder? Hab die Anti-Corona Demos auch akzeptieren müssen.

  • Infinity for Reddit is dead.
  • And with that my reddit consumption is restricted to desktop only (as long as old reddit works)

  • Zero to Hero in 1 hour
  • 10 is a bit exaggerating. What do you really need?

    ExternalDNS is nice so you don't have to config your DNS manually. You might need to install your own Ingress controller. If you want to automatically add and renew certificates cert-manager is great. Security is important! Speaking of, you should add some kind of secret management (something like sealed-secrets, vault or Secrets Store CSI Driver).

    A really important thing is monitoring so you know your pods and the cluster itself is healthy. Prometheus is still king in that regard in my opinion. PromQL isn't that hard. Of course some kind of alerting like AlertManager is a must for prod environments. Be aware that the front ends of those tools are not behind a login so something like oauth2-proxy and dex is vital! You might want to have some visualisation too so Grafana is a nice addition. If you add Loki too you got your OPs covered.

    Keeping track of all of your stuff is the hard part so some GitOps is highly recommended. ArgoCD or FluxCD are popular for a reason!

    I think that should cover the basic setup so you may scale your CRUD app without worries!

  • I'll just sort it myself
  • Stuff like that exists to remind us of the Java in JavaScript

  • Microsoft to Force Web Links Shared in Teams to Open with Microsoft Edge
  • Exactly. They should be learning a variety of different operating systems and apps. However, that implies that teachers are familiar with the tech.

  • Microsoft to Force Web Links Shared in Teams to Open with Microsoft Edge
  • As long as the web client works, I'll use teams from inside Firefox thank you very much.