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sithbelle sithbelle

Fledgling writer, avid Minecrafter, proud supporter of kitties

Posts 3
Comments 17
War Pigs
  • 🎶 _evil minds that plot destructioooooooooooon_🎶

  • Sound Off: How many 10+ year redditors have left the site?
  • I made it about 12 years or so on Reddit. There are days where I do miss the place, but Kbin and Tumblr have been quite adequate replacements, I find.

    I also feel like both sites are much friendlier as a general rule.

  • I really wish it didn't do it
  • Nope, they've always been that way, no training required. My husband can go to bed at 4am and will still wake up when the sun comes out.

    If left to my own devices, I run on about a 28 hour day and will eventually go fully nocturnal. That said, I have trained myself to go to bed at 2 and wake up at 10. But if I try to go to bed at 9pm so I can wake up at 5am, all that will happen is that I toss and turn until 2 am, then wake up at 5. No amount of training will fix that. I averaged 4 hours of sleep per night back when I was in school, simply because I could not go to sleep that early.

    So while training is absolutely possible, I think you're underestimating the power of the natural circadian rhythm and how people react to it.

  • I really wish it didn't do it
  • @Jamixthedestroyer My husband and stepmom are that way. Sun's out, and they're up and chipper. Meanwhile, I don't even begin to feel tired until around 2am, and the mornings are just a bright, miserable blur.

  • So long, Calibri: Microsoft has settled on a new font for its Office apps
  • @surrendertogravity Seaford was my favorite of the group, too. It feels like it has a bit more weight, like it's more "official" or something.

    Hopefully they'll include it as a choice as well, even if it's not the "default".

  • So long, Calibri: Microsoft has settled on a new font for its Office apps
  • @leo I feel like some of the other suggested fonts were a bit stronger contenders than Bierstadt, though admittedly the name is awesome.

    I'll miss you, Calibri!

  • So I'm definitely missing something with Lemmy...I've tried creating an account on their site, but it's never gone through. I know we get the same stuff on kbin as we do on Lemmy, but I was curious to
  • @Hildegarde Hmmm, that's interesting. I've never come across someone using this same username, but I do suppose it's possible.

    The issue is that it's saying that my email address already exists in the system, not necessarily the username itself.

    It sounds like I'm going to be looking into other instances though, so hopefully it'll all be moot soon!

    Thanks for replying, and I'll definitely do a search for the username out there!

  • So I'm definitely missing something with Lemmy...I've tried creating an account on their site, but it's never gone through. I know we get the same stuff on kbin as we do on Lemmy, but I was curious to
  • @Wander Yeah, I'm still very new to the fediverse / haven't played with it much, so I'm still finding all these lovely, obvious pitfalls.

    Any suggestions for alternatives to

    Thanks for replying!

  • So I'm definitely missing something with Lemmy...I've tried creating an account on their site, but it's never gone through. I know we get the same stuff on kbin as we do on Lemmy, but I was curious to
  • @MrJukes It never got far enough to suggest checking for email verification, unfortunately. It just kept trying to send it through to no avail.

    I'll keep an eye out for wayward emails though. Thanks!

  • So I'm definitely missing something with Lemmy...I've tried creating an account on their site, but it's never gone through. I know we get the same stuff on kbin as we do on Lemmy, but I was curious to
  • @nocturne213 I was trying to sign in on, but based on you and the other comments, I should try a different instance. Any suggestions for alternatives?

    Thanks for responding!

  • Enjoy your fireworks, America
  • @EndOfLine Ahhh, good ol' Buni comics. Always good for a laugh!

  • Is it possible to update Forge and its mods? 1.19 --> 1.20
  • @gamarus While I can't speak to 1.19 to 1.20, I did have a server that updated from 1.18 to 1.19 back in the day, and we were able to update it without any issues. You just put the mods in the required folder and delete out the old ones, and it should keep the information.

    That said, definitely make a backup before messing with anything, and if it's giving you any trouble, you can always pull the world files down to your computer, update the mods, then reupload it back to the server (I had to do that a couple of times).

    Good luck!

    Edit: I just realized you were asking about Forge. Full disclosure, we used Paper, so your experience might differ. Sorry about that!

  • So it might not be the most useful information in the world, but you can put mending and unbreaking on your archaeology brush. No efficiency or fortune though, sadly...
  • @mack123 It's been pretty fun so far! It seems like it hasn't taken the mods as long to update as they did from 1.18 to 1.19, which is nice.

    I hope your server update goes well!

  • Minecraft sithbelle

    So it might not be the most useful information in the world, but you can put mending and unbreaking on your archaeology brush. No efficiency or fortune though, sadly...

    Books sithbelle

    I received the copyright certificate for my book yesterday. It's such an incredible feeling to know that all those years of writing has something to show for it.

    I received the copyright certificate for my book yesterday. It's such an incredible feeling to know that all those years of writing has something to show for it.

    Of course, after I filed for the copyright, I learned that I pretty much did things in the wrong order for getting published...

    But still! Synia lives!

