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silmaril silmaril
Posts 3
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Did you know that you can work with Jupyter notebooks directly in LabPlot?
  • Great to hear!

    I'd phrase this differently: The "system version" is the version that was used by the build system.

    Most users don't build the application themselves, so this is some system they have zero knowledge about, which means this information is not helpful at all.

    I understood "your system" as "the system I am using to run this software".

    I know this might be hard for developers sometimes, but please try to phrase all documentation (except chapters about actual development, builds etc.) from the user's point of view. Build systems are no part of a typical user's environment ;-)

  • Did you know that you can work with Jupyter notebooks directly in LabPlot?
  • Would it be possible to display the Python version and/or it's executable path in the CAS configuration dialog?

    That's where I would look for this information and it wouldn't leave any potential for documentation not being up to date.

    The FAQ currently states:

    On Linux distributions it usually means LabPlot only works with the system version of Python.

    What is the "system version"?

    On my system python3 --version returns Python 3.10.12, but print(sys.version) in LabPlot returns 3.11.9 (main, Nov 10 2011, 15:00:00) [GCC 13.2.0]

    The information about Python versions on Windows seems to be correct, but I would recommend to mention the LabPlot version we are talking about in the FAQ, since this will probably change in future versions.

  • Did you know that you can work with Jupyter notebooks directly in LabPlot?
  • Does this mean that as a user of the binary build, I have to install the correct Python version to be used by LabPlot / Cantor on my machine? And the current version will need Python 3.11.x and won’t work if Python 3.12.x is the only version installed?

    How can I determine the required Python version from LabPlot in case it’s not already installed?

  • Did you know that you can work with Jupyter notebooks directly in LabPlot?
  • And while we're at it: How does LabPlot decide which python version to use?

    On my Linux system, there is no python and python3 points to Python 3.10.12.

    LabPlot uses Python 3.11.9 and Python 3.12.2 is also installed.

    Which mechanism is used by LabPlot to find the Python version to use? And (how) can I tweak it to make it use 3.12?

  • Did you know that you can work with Jupyter notebooks directly in LabPlot?
  • In the help you get when pressing F1 inside LabPlot:

    But it's great to hear this info is wrong!

    I just tried this in LabPlot:

    import sys

    and the result was

    3.11.9 (main, Nov 10 2011, 15:00:00) [GCC 13.2.0]

    BTW: What does "CAS" stand for?

  • Did you know that you can work with Jupyter notebooks directly in LabPlot?
  • I think it should be quite simple to make this possible.

    All we need is a parameter for the python binary path in the CAS Python configuration.

    This could be improved further by adding such a parameter to the project, which would override the global value if it is set and which could be a relative path, too. (OK, maybe we would also need some kind of automatism to find the correct binary both on Windows and Linux, because the path from the venv to the acutal python binary is different depending on the system).

  • Did you know that you can work with Jupyter notebooks directly in LabPlot?
  • I just looked at the documentation and saw that LabPlot only supports Python 2.x, which makes it entirely uninteresting to me.

    I'd love to see support for current Python versions, including following new releases, which might be easier to achieve with 3.x.

    But I know this kind of things is a lot of work to get started, so I won't blame anyone for not doing this ;-)

  • Did you know that you can work with Jupyter notebooks directly in LabPlot?
  • That's a great feature, indeed!

    I just downloaded this file and opened the notebook in LabPlot. This worked fine in general, but in some places I got errors because of missing packages.

    I can see that there is a requirements.txt in the same repo two folders up.

    How do I install packages into the environment LabPlot uses? Where can I define a venv for LabPlot? Can I define different venvs for different projects?

  • Getting started with NixOS - looking for tutorials
  • That sounds like something I should try, too.

    Currently I'm using Linux Mint and I also have a dotfiles repo, so that sounds quite similar to your case.

  • This account is being verified
  • That's a good opportunity to look what other Lemmy apps there are in the F-Droid store.

    The list is impressingly long now :-)

    I tried Voyager and it doesn't show any of the problems I have in Jerboa while offering everything I need - that solves it very well for me.

  • What's that thing with --extra-experimental-features?
  • Yes! That's the correct way to write this, thank you! 😊

    And it's already set inside /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix after installing inside a VM.

    I had an additional layer 8 problem - clipboard sharing doesn't work until it's enabled in the VirtualBox host , too 🙃

  • What's that thing with --extra-experimental-features?
  • Thank you very much!

    nix.settings.extra-experimental-features = [ “nix-command” “flakes” ];
    seems to actually work in my setup.

    And it's nice to know that I can make do with one --extra-experimental-features argument for several features at once.

    May I be so bold as to ask a follow-up question that doesn't have much to do with this one?

    What do I have to do to get Virtualbox Guest Additions to work on NixOS? Not having a shared clipboard is driving me crazy ;-)

    Once again everything I found on the internet leads to errors during sudo nixos rebuild. I hope it's just another case of knowing the correct names for the actual packages or options to use.

    Can someone help me here?

  • What's that thing with --extra-experimental-features?

    So I tried to follow some tutorial about flakes, but it seems these are extra-experimental still.

    I am using NixOS 23.11 with Nix 2.18.1 in a VM (those are the most recent stable versions, right?).

    Trying around I already found out that instead of eg. nix flake update I have to use --extra-experimental-features two times to get this simple command: nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes flake update Searching the web I found several different things that people put into their /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to enable this globally, but none of those worked for me. I assume there is still a way to do this - can someone please tell me the correct syntax for Nix 2.18.1?

    What makes things worse is that I cannot start playing around with home-manager and flakes, because home-manager switch flake . seems to use nix flake internally, which leads to errors instead of results.

    Getting started with NixOS - looking for tutorials
  • Oh! Just found out that LibrePheonix accompanies each video with a blog article - that's nice 🙂

  • This account is being verified

    Whe using my account with the app Jerboa on my Android phone, I get a message > This account (silmaril) is being verified

    and things don't work, whenever I try to use certain functions, eg. listing my saved postings.

    If I continue trying, the message changes to > Failed to connect to instance (

    General reading of posts still works.

    So I am wondering if there is something I still have to do in the verification process of my account?

    This might just be some bug in the app or incompatibility between app and server - but before digging deeper into this I wanted to check if there is a known solution.

    Getting started with NixOS - looking for tutorials
  • Thank you very much for those links!

    Generally I don't like video tutorials much - I prefer reading things in my own speed and being able to copy & paste stuff.
    But only looking at the titles of those videos sounds promising enough to give them a try :-)
    (I didn't yet have the time to watch any of them.)

    One aspect I find interesting:

    One look at the Misterio77 configs shows that the concept of flakes seems to be important. I have no idea what they are, but I can see that both youtubers have something about flakes as the second video in their NixOS playlists - looks like I should better learn about this concept soon :-)

  • Getting started with NixOS - looking for tutorials
  • Currently I am playing around in a virtual machine to get to know NixOS and find out what I can do with it.

    I'd like to set up a usable everyday desktop configuration with "everything".

    This includes typical desktop applications like Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice ... development tools like Git, PyCharm, VS Code, ... all those little things I need to work productively like Nextcloud desktop client, KeePassXC, Zim and many more.

    And I'd like to have zsh as my default shell with my own custom theme and some dotfiles for different applications that currently reside in a git repo that I clone to every machine I use.

    I know this is a lot and I don't expect to get this all up and running in an afternoon.

    It's just that I find it very hard to find the next bit of information I need. For example I found snippets to put into my configuration.nix long before I found out where to find this file (/etc/nixos/configuration.nix).

    From the answers so far I gather that there really is no (official or unofficial) documentation to tell NixOs newbies how to start, so everyone just makes do with the things they find.

    So I think I'll just fight my way through this jungle, too ;-)
    The price that's waiting at the other and seems to be totally worth it!

    If anyone has valuable tips or links to help me achieve something from the things I listed, those would be very much appreciated! :-)

  • Getting started with NixOS - looking for tutorials
  • I know what you mean - the problem with this approach is that things might work, but I am using it not in the way it's intended, because I didn't understand the underlying concepts.. But I cannot search for concepts of which I don't know they exist...

  • Getting started with NixOS - looking for tutorials

    I heard a lot about the concepts of nix and NixOS and I'd love to try it.

    After installing the VirtualBox demo, I keep getting stuck with every tiny step I take, though.

    So I was wondering if there are any tutorials for beginners that you can recommend?

    I couldn't find anything on the internet - everything that looks like a tutorial presumes a lot of things everybody seems to know about nix, so no need to explain those.

    Where can I find those explanations to make the first baby steps with NixOS?

    To put it in other words: Where is NixOS for dummies?

    Welcome to Lemmy, hosted at
  • This is great!

    However I can't connect to using lemmy apps from F-Droid.

    Both lemmur and Jerboa consider this URL to be no lemmy instance.

    What could be the reason for this?

    Is there some API option that needs to be activated on the server?

  • Obsidian, Logseq, RoamReseach and others. Which tool to choose?
  • Was unterscheidet denn "die neue Generation" von "alten" Tools?