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shtrom Olivier Mehani

Random geek randomly geeking.

Topics of interest are mainly #FreeSoftware, #SelfHosting, #Electronics, #AmateurRadio, and #InfoSec, some #Politics and, sadly, the ongoing #COVID19 pandemic.

Mostly retoots on all of the above, with the occasional original material and/or follow-up discussion.

Also blogging at @shtrom

Mainly in English, some in French.


Posts 1
Comments 2
The detailed daily PCR test & case data for Queensland has been updated, up to April 1.
  • @mike_honey_ So, with my layperson's understanding of Reff, this means than any active case creates 0.8 new cases (every arbitrary period).

    As current cases resolve (either recovery or death), does this means that with a (actual, sustained) Reff=0.8, we should see cases go down to a negligible level over time?


  • Err so. While I've been meaning to give money to #MessageEase for years of use, I very much dislike being forced into a subscription. Just a reminder that it is not Libre Software, and that it's not

    Err so. While I've been meaning to give money to #MessageEase for years of use, I very much dislike being forced into a subscription. Just a reminder that it is not Libre Software, and that it's not under my control and can be taken from me on someone else's whim. Particularly for something as important as my main input method.

    I'll give a go to the Pro app, and see what the subscription looks like, but it feels like it's time to reevaluate @thumbkey , I guess.
