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shatteredsteel shatteredsteel
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Comments 26
Raspberry pi 4 inside abandoned scooters
  • They took them out of my small town, mostly due to the company (I think it was Bird in our area) not picking them up for weeks on end.

    I'm personally glad they're gone, too many douche canoes leaving them in the handicapped parking spots and on the walking trails. Finally had to lodge a complaint with the company when we found a bunch of them in front of the ER at my workplace...not like we have people who have mobility issues going in there or anything.

  • What is your machine naming scheme?
  • At my first job/internship it was fish names (they were dev/qa servers so wiped almost daily): Crappie, Bluegill, Walleye, Marlin, etc.

    Current job is medical so it's all professional (i.e gr01sec02, gr02sccm01)

    At home I've got a couple of naming schemes for different device types.:

    Phones: i-telleuwat(last 4 of the number)
    PCs and Media centers: playon(last octet of the IP)
    Servers:gimme(service thats hosted)

  • What is your "Chicken soup" game?
  • Slay the Spire right now. Just mindless enough that I don't have to think too hard, but also engaging enough that I don't think about being sick.

    Otherwise I'd go with Link to the Past.

  • I should feel bad about myself for selfhosting using Yunohost?
  • Yunohost is, to me anyways, a good stepping stone in learning the hosting side of things. You can have something up and running while you learn the rest.

    I don't think you should feel bad about it, everyone needs some kind of "training wheels" or "guard rails" when they're first getting in to any hobby.

    I think of it in terms of my other hobbies, would I have started off in electronics repair if I had to fix a modern motherboard for my first project? Maybe, but I would have struggled mightily. Instead I started doing simpler circuits and worked my way up while learning theory and technique.

  • Pihole, Adguard home or blocky
  • No the one you asked, but I'm running pihole on a lenovo M93 (fedora server) with 8Gb of ram. No kill like overkill, I guess.

    The only time any of the cpu cores pops above 1% is when I'm updating the config, and at the moment it is hovering at 293 MB of RAM used according to the free command.

  • ELI5: How does an icemaker work??
  • It depends, on standard consumer units, it's just like putting a plastic ice cube tray into the freezer, once it's frozen the ice drops down a chute to break it into individual cubes.

    For commercial versions (where more volume is needed), they will build up layers by misting a low temp tray with water. That way it has less mass to bring down to the freezing point at a time.

  • What headphones are you all using while gaming on Linux?
  • Sennheiser 373D

    The company I work for bought them for me for work, then turned around and told me to get a Jabra set because those were the new I took them home. Their loss.

  • Is there a process for dealing with magazines with inactive mods?
  • Right now, AFAIK, the only way would be to put in a request with @ernest in a pm. Since he is the admin of the instance he can set up new moderation, but he's been working his tail off on developing the platform so it could be a while.

    Since this is a early beta software most of those types of tools haven't been made yet.

  • How do you guys self host?
  • Personally, I'm very lucky with my isp. I have gigabit fiber to my door and they charge me 10$ extra per month for a public IP and to be taken off of thier firewall (I also have to promise that I'm running my own firewall and traffic monitor, but that's not a hard promise to keep considering it's basic security).

    I'm just getting back in to self hosting after years of IT work beating that hobby out of me, but my plan is to add a few hosts to my domain so I can share my photography and maybe a jellyfin instance for when I'm traveling for work.

    After my workplace switched to HP I have a bunch of Lenovo m900s in storage so I figured that would be a good base to begin building my homelab back up.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Personally, I'd prefer to have as little of that type of incentive as possible. For three reasons:

    1. It creates echo chambers due to rewarding same think. If you get awarded for saying the "right thing", then there will be nothing but the same regurgitated sentiments.

    2. It adds to meaningless visual clutter in the interface.

    3. It will encourage gaming the system. It's another form of "internet points" that mean nothing, but lend to gamification and where there are awards there will be people who equate it to winning. The G.I.F.T. (Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory for those who haven't seen that acronym before) will come out in full effect as soon as there is a leader board whether official or not.

  • "Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin.
  • That hasn't been functioning for me, I've had to go to each magazine individually to block them.

    If I click the button on the instance it doesn't do anything, I still see the posts in my feed. I've tried on a few of the non-english instances (since I don't know other languages).

  • Can someone ELI5 the situation with Red Hat and CentOS?
  • The only thing I think you may have gotten mixed up here is that CentOS or other clone distros didn't remove the branding. Red Hat did that themselves in thier repositories that were used in the clones.

    If I'm remembering correctly, in the very early days of Centos and the like, that was the deal that Red Hat had don't use our trademarks/branding and you can have access to all of our source. Most likely so that Red Hat wouldn't get endless support tickets without pay if something went wrong on a clone package.

    The rest of this seems pretty spot on.

  • Weird behavior with "auto media preview", possible security issue.
  • I was taking a look at the same issue earlier in another thread.

    Both of the issues are from CBS news.

    Was yours trying to download a playlist file as well?

    Edit to add link to previous issue:

  • How often do you turn federation off?
  • Same here.

    I leave it off so that I end up with less duplicates in my feed. I got tired of seeing the same exact articles / posts clogging up my feed from 20 different instances. The only time I go out of kbins instance is for askelectronics really.

  • I keep getting this .m3u8 download whenever I open the homepage? What is it?
  • That is very strange, does explain why I'm not seeing this issue though. I have most of the us/generic news magazines blocked.

    I'm not a kbin developer or web developer, but this issue has my curiosity piqued.

    Do you get it when you go to the CBS news site for the story itself? Maybe it's something to do with the instance itself or a bug in the link?

  • I keep getting this .m3u8 download whenever I open the homepage? What is it?
  • Do you have some sort of playlist/media downloading add-on enabled on Firefox? Because that is what the extension listed is for.

    I'm using Firefox as well and don't get that, the next thing I would look at is a possible malware infection.

    Edit: changed extension to add-on. I've got chrome on the brain at the moment.

  • Why Kbin insead Lemmy?
  • If you type domain here then (on kbin) scroll down you should see the same buttons that you see for users and magazines including a block button.

    Usually I'll just change the m in the url to d then delete upto the domain name.

  • We should defederate from English instances
  • Can we not do this crap?

    I get that this is the kind of thing that was on reddit, but it would be nice not to turn this place into a complete garbage fest just because someone's mommy didn't hug them enough so they seek any sort of attention to validate thier meaningless existence.

  • We should defederate from
  • I'd point more to a troll.