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sem Sem

I am a software engineer living and working in Belgrade, Serbia. My hobbies contain a lot of things including cycling, bikepacking, photography and quantum computations.

All the photos in my posts are made by myself (if not specified other) and are shared under CC-BY 4.0.

Posts 22
Comments 92
Ventoy source code contains some unknown BLOBs, still no word on the issue from the dev after months
  • For me the problem is more in GPL violation: they distribute blobs under GPL3, user made a request of the source code by creating an issue, but they ignored that request. It is not only about "you have to fix it" versus "just fork it" imo.

  • free and open source google analystics alternative that does not need to be self hosted
  • I asked the same question in c/privacy, you may find some answers useful: For myself I chose plausible

  • Eldritch Yoga
  • Is it Cthulhu?

  • What OSS tools do you use for personal knowledge & task management?
  • No, I have two different things:

    • org-mode files with schedule, diary, tasks, etc.
    • knowledge base, org-roam (orgnote). I have a single base but it contains graphs about topics and these graphs are not connected

    I like that approach, because I use orgzly-reviwed on Android with a notifications. And because it is simpler to maintain knowledge base.

  • What OSS tools do you use for personal knowledge & task management?
  • Yes... org-mode is more than 20 years old... It is a price of flexibility: I have a strong feeling that one can adjust org-mode to any workflow. But I do not use even a third of the org specification. There are a lot of cool blog posts like "org mode quick start" or "org mode basics", I would recommend to start from such posts, not from a documentation.

  • What OSS tools do you use for personal knowledge & task management?
  • For me one of the most flexible and mature way to knowledge base, tasks and notes is an org-mode.

    I have two main workflows. The first one is task management. I have a lot of recurring tasks with tags, deadlines, schedules, etc. All of them are living in org-files in my Nextcloud. On Android I'm using orgzly-reviwed for sync via WebDAV, on my work I'm using organice (via WebDAV) as a "web-version" and also I'm editing my notes in emacs on my laptop (but actually any text editor could be used).

    The second one is a knowledge base. I'm using org-roam locally (and with a localhost web server, built in into emacs) and orgnote for Android/Web + synchronization. My knowledge base is Zettelkasten-based.




    Orgnote provide a way to encrypt all notes by your own key/password. With orgzly I'm relying on Nextcloud encryption.

  • How do i convince my brother privacy is important?
  • I would refer to the recent FTC questions to "algorithmic pricing practices". Long story short it was about some companies are using browser data, accounts data, etc. for "smart" pricing. Your brother may not care about someone watching him but I don't think he wants to pay for the same goods more than others.

  • Hamas 'categorically rejects' attempts to add Netanyahu’s conditions to Gaza ceasefire proposal
  • I do not like the idea of the collective guilt. It is totally right imo to hate politicians and soldiers. But to hate the whole country is a bad way imo.

  • Efficiently Manage Memory Usage in Pandas with Large Datasets
  • If I already use Pandas for processing my data in-memory, CoW can significantly improve the performance. That was my point.

  • Efficiently Manage Memory Usage in Pandas with Large Datasets
  • If you are doing data processing in pandas CoW allows to avoid of a lot of redundant computations on intermediate steps. Before CoW any data processing in Pandas required manual and careful working with code to avoid the case described in the blog post. To be honest I cannot imagine the case of offloading each result of each operation in the pipeline to the storage…

  • Efficiently Manage Memory Usage in Pandas with Large Datasets
  • If you are doing data processing in pandas CoW allows to avoid of a lot of redundant computations on intermediate steps. Before CoW any data processing in Pandas required manual and careful working with code to avoid the case described in the blog post. To be honest I cannot imagine the case of offloading each result of each operation in the pipeline to the storage...

  • Efficiently Manage Memory Usage in Pandas with Large Datasets

    Pandas supports Copy-on-Write, an optimization technique that helps improve memory use, particularly when working with large datasets.

    Efficiently Manage Memory Usage in Pandas with Large Datasets
    The best free, adless Chess server
  • Written in Scala ❤️

  • How to be private with google services and noroot.
  • It is an interesting question... It seems to me I compared it and I chose Island. But I cannot remember why :D

    UPD. I chose Island/Insular only because it is updated more frequently:

    • The latest release of Insular was at May 20, 2024 and frequency is ~ a release per two months
    • The latest release of Shelter (on F-Droid) was at Dec 12, 2023 and frequency is ~ a release per year
  • How to be private with google services and noroot.
  • Island work without root. It is based on a "work profile" feature of android devvices. It is not a complete privacy, but at least it allows to separate google apps from other apps.

  • Decided to start paying predominantly cash again
  • A nice way to understand how much your data costs

  • Decided to start paying predominantly cash again
  • I'm starting to use more cash for daily spendings. The rise of surveillance pricing is terrible, better to hide qt least some of information from my bank.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Privacy is a spectrum, not dichotomy. It is enough, imo, to reduce the amount of usage of google/amazon services significantly instead of blocking it.

  • FTC Issues Orders to Eight Companies Seeking Information on Surveillance Pricing

    The Federal Trade Commission issued orders to eight companies offering surveillance pricing products and services that incorporate data about consumers’ characteristics and behavior.

    FTC Issues Orders to Eight Companies Seeking Information on Surveillance Pricing

    After reading such news I have an obvious question. Does anyone know a PayPal-like service, that allows to hide the destination of my transactions from Mastercard / bank, but with a good privacy policy? Or how else can I restrict the usage of my financial data by mastercard or bank?


    A guide how to adopt an existing Spark scala library for Spark Connect Spark-Connect: I'm starting to love it!

    Summary This blog post is a detailed story about how I ported a popular data quality framework, AWS Deequ, to Spark-Connect. Deequ is a very cool, reliable and scalable framework that allows to compute a lot of metrics, checks and anomaly detection suites on the data using Apache Spark cluster. But ...

    Spark-Connect: I'm starting to love it!

    Let me share my post with a detailed step by step guide how an exisiting Spark scala library may be adopted to work with recently introduced Spark Connect. As an example I have chosen a pupular open source data quality tool AWS Deequ. I made all the necessary protobuf messages and a Spark Connect Plugin. I tested it from PySpark Connect 3.5.1 and it works. Of course, all the code is public in git.


    What is the most appropriate way of tracking web traffic?

    I have my personal blog, made with Hugo and hosted on GitHub pages. Initially I did not turn on any kind of web tracking / web analytics, because I do not like tracking at all. But I want to make my blog better and to achieve it, I need a feedback loop about traffic. For example, what are the most popular publications, or how many people view my blog from mobile devices, etc.

    So, my question is, what is the most appropriate (ot the less evil) way to track a web traffic?

    An answer "there is no good way to do it without breaking user's privacy" is acceptable too, I did not decide yet turning on the analytics. Instead I'm interested in an opinion of the community.

    Thanks in advance!


    Threat of mining to African great apes

    tldr: Green transition, like switching to electric vehicles and use renewable energy sources, requires a huge amount of minerals. One of the main sources of these minerals is African continent. Researchers found big overlapp of that mining with areas of big apes. Almost 200.000 of apes are in a risk area, based on the estimation:

    > We estimated that more than one-third of the entire great ape population in Africa—nearly 180,000 individuals—could be directly or indirectly threatened by mining now and in the near future. Apes in West Africa could be most severely affected, where up to 82% of the population currently overlaps with operational and preoperational mining locations and their 50-km buffers

    Another problem is that mining companies working there are not pay attention to ecological consequences of their business:

    > only 5% of the 400 assessed companies had carried out science-based nature and biodiversity impact assessments of their operations and business models


    An implementation of Apache Spark physical execution from Apple Initial PR by sunchao · Pull Request #1 · apache/arrow-datafusion-comet

    This is the initial PR for Comet. Related mailing list discussion:

    Initial PR by sunchao · Pull Request #1 · apache/arrow-datafusion-comet

    Apple donated to community their own implementation of native physical execution of Apache Spark plan with Data Fusion.


    Ski resort Jahorina


    Hotel Holiday Inn, Sarajevo, BiH

    The hotel was designed by Ivan Štraus, one of the most famous architects of former Yugoslavia (Museum of Aviation in Belgrade, Bosnia Electric Power Buiilding in Sarajevo and others). The building was opened in 1983. During the Bosnian War it was damaged and was restored in the modern time following the original project. It looks like it is one of the most famous example of Yugoslavian modernism in Sarajevo.

    Original content, CC-BY-4.0.

    Architecture Sem

    Historical Museum of BiH in Sarajevo; built in 1963, architect Boris Magas

    Photo was made by myself. Original content under CC-BY-4.0.

    Architecture Sem

    St. Luka the Evangelist Church, Sarajevo, BiH, 2007

    Original content, CC-BY-4.0


    Cycling route across Eastern Serbia

    Hello! I would like to share the route I made for myself and my story how I finished it recently. The route I will describe starts in Belgrade, goes along the Danube River, through Djerdap National Park to the border with Serbia, and returns to Belgrade through Kucaj-Beljanica National Park. The route is compilation from parts of different EuroVel routes.

    Route Summary:

    • Total length: about 700 km;
    • Total elevation: about 5000 m;
    • Highest climbing category: 2;
    • Highest point: 960 m above the sea;
    • Estimated days required: 6-7;
    • Overall level: medium;
    • Recommended lowest gear: 1:1
    • Recommended tires: 35+ mm or MTB;
    • Link to the routeplanner;
    • Link to Kamoot;
    • Total price, including hotels and food in restaurants: 385 Eur (Fall 2023);

    I made a blog post with detailed information about every part and also additional photos inside.


    Question about cycling Bosnia and Herzegovina

    The photo is just for the cover :)

    Has anyone cycled through Bosnia and Herzegovina? I'm planning my next solo trip and I'm thinking of going from Belgrade to Sarajevo, crossing the border at Bajina Basta Water Power Plant one way, after visiting Sarajevo it looks like I can cross the border at Bijelina. Most of the videos on YouTube are about cycling back through Croatia, but this is not an option for me due to visa restrictions... The whole route (~700km with +-8500m of altitude difference) looks like an interesting challenge and a great opportunity to get to know BiH.

    But I have a lot of general questions about road quality, driver culture in relation to cyclists, water accessibility, etc. I'm also worried about the mountains near Sarajevo: from the border to Sarajevo and from Sarajevo to Tuzla. How good are these mountain roads for cycling? Is it possible to zigzag on the most difficult climbs?

    Thanks in advance!

    Architecture Sem

    Avala Tower, Belgrade, Serbia

    Telecommunication tower built in 1965 according to the project of Uglješa Bogunović, Slobodan Janjić and Milan Krstić. Destroyed in an air raid in 1999, rebuilt according to the original project in 2010. One of the most famous examples of Yugoslavian Brutalism in architecture. A photo of the tower was included in the exhibition "Toward a concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia, 1948-1980", organized at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 2018. This exhibition opened Yugoslavian modernist architecture to the world.

    Original content, CC-BY-4.0.

    Architecture Sem

    "50 yars of the USSR", Novokuznetsk, Russia

    Built in 1972, architect A. Vipov (А.И. Выпов). Unofficial name is "The Stone Flower".


    How important is the tires weight?

    Hello, community! I saw in one video that tires and wheel weight are critical for the fast cycling. But how important is it for the tourism? For example, I'm using "hard" slick tires from Kenda (on the photo) that are great for asphalt roads and are very strong against small stones, plant spines and glasa pieces. The problem is weight about 600g (700x32c). I also have 700x32c soft and lightweight gravel tires with only 300g weight. But how important is it for cycling if I have about 10 additional kilograms of bags on top of my bike when I go into a long trip? Does it make sense to lose the durability and dril resistance of Kenda Kwest 700x32c for decreasing the weight of tires twice? Thanks in advance!


    How hard is to replace the whole groupset?

    I was going to upgrade my bike (Decathlon Triban 100) and ordered the whole new groupset (Shimano SORA). It will be delivered soon, so my question is how hard is the replacing process? It is not a problem to pay in local bike service for the replacement but I'm also interested in trying by myself. I have a repairment kit and all the things, I like to make some maintenance of bike by mysleft but I didn't do so complex maintenance before.

    AskBalkans Sem

    Tips and advice for the cycling trip to Tara National Park in Serbia

    This summer I'm going to visit Tara National Park by bike starting from Belgrade. I'll first go to Valjevo for a few days (visit caves, etc.) and then directly to Tara.

    Questions are:

    1. How bad/good is the road quality? How wide is the road? How good is the visibility and lighting along the road?
    2. How big a problem is it that I only speak English? Should I prepare some special phrases in Serbian for different cases or is it not necessary?
    3. How much cash will I need? I prefer to pay with my Visa card.

    Also, any advice about what to visit in Tara will be a pleasure!

    Thanks in advance!


    Newbie questions

    Hi there!

    I'm relatively new to anarchism, so I'd like to ask a few questions. I was very inspired by the book by F. Hayek (The Road to Serfdom) which changed my mind and convinced me why regulation doesn't work. Before this book I believed in the world trend towards regulation for the common good. Now I'm looking for a more general book on why government doesn't work at all. What can you recommend? I'm an engineer and prefer more economic and less philosophical books (like one by F. Hayek). Is there anything like that?

    And more generally, what is the general opinion on private property in the anarchist community? I tried to google it but found controversial views. I know there are left-wing (Geoism/Georgism?) and right-wing (anarcho-capitalism?), but I think there should be something common about the property question...

    Thanks in advance!

    Architecture Sem

    Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade

    Built in 1965 according to the design of Ivan Antić and Ivanka Raspopović. According to the design, the building should look like a crystal. It was renovated in 2007-2017. When the renovation began, one of the architects of the original project was still alive and participated in the renovation.

    Compared to other examples of Yugoslavian modernism, this building is in very good condition and is well maintained. Also the surrounding area of the park is very human friendly compared to examples of Yugoslavian Brutalism, which looks more like some kind of ghetto.

    Near the building there are benches and monuments in the modernist style:

    ! ! !

    Architecture Sem

    Genex Tower, Belgrade, Serbia.

    Genex Tower (or Western City Gate) is one of the most famous examples of Yugoslavian brutalism architecture. The sky scraper was built in 1979 by architect Mihajlo Mitrović. The left part of the building contained apartments and the right part was suited for offices. In communist era there was the office of "Generalexport" here but today the right side is used as a stand for advertisements.

    On the top there was a rotating restaurant here but today it is closed as I know.

    Even being in a very bad condition the building still inspires, and you have a lot of controversial feelings when you stay nearby. !

    One may say that the building dominates and suppresses surroundings but it is a common for almost all modernist architecture.
