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Nudus egressus sum de utero matris meae et nudus revertar illuc. Dominus dedit, Dominus abstulit; sicut Domino placuit, ita factum est: sit nomen Domini benedictum.

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Comments 9
DuckDuckGo starting to give more "personal" search results
  • @Cataphract Nowadays I just prefer to pay for search to #Kagi

  • JetBrains RustRover Is Released and Includes a Free Non-Commercial Option
  • @onlinepersona #nix works very nice as a systems package manager. I use it to pull in C libs or build my own, without polluting my base system. And it's much more lightweight than VM or even docker, especially flakes that I discovered recently.

  • JetBrains RustRover Is Released and Includes a Free Non-Commercial Option
  • @onlinepersona @deluxeparrot Last time I checked, jetbrains editors didn't support nix well. Has that changed?

  • Unlimited Kagi searches for $10 per month
  • @narwhal Anyone recommending self-hosting searchx instead

    1. They also ask for donations to help improve code
    2. Cheapest server is at around $5/month.
    3. Maintenance, upgrades, DDOS protection and whatnot also costs money.
    4. You're still only as good as Google results allow you to be.
  • Microsoft accused of malware-like tactics, again, in attempt to push users onto Bing
  • @InternetUser2012 @const_void Haven't had Windows installed since like 2005. Did I miss something?

  • Computer chip with built-in human brain tissue gets military funding
  • @photonic_sorcerer Maybe. But you didn't show that genius potential in your toot.

  • Computer chip with built-in human brain tissue gets military funding
  • @neko @boem The fetus cluster has the potential of developing into a human, if left alone in the womb. A brain cell does not AFAIK.