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screwtape screwtape


art from @[email protected]

Posts 4
Comments 4
I was called a troll and banned for saying I use links2
  • I guess this is like telling people crammed into a cubicle farm office that air conditioning is bad, and then being banned by an air-conditioner-repair-person. The fact that they're chained to an office with stale, mouldy air implies more than one thing has gone wrong.

  • Gopher-commerce: a proposal?
  • You've actually convinced me that this was at least a reasonable idea but I don't think a gopherhole shop rating system would be in theme with the closely knit community dynamic we have.

    The protocol was going to have a feature-rich, shopping-friendly set of extensions, but when this was proposed in 1993, there was a community backlash against commercialising the gopher; read Albert Rosetti's booklet about what happened. This is roughly how the gopher protocol became both liberated and hyperstable in the early 90s.

    Imagine if a gopher wanted to sell or otherwise pass on some old computer hardware. It makes sense to share that on their gopherhole: And since payment handling is ~ always legally middle-manned by a payment handler who will handle the payment anyway, the protocol wouldn't need to be extended to be a payment processer.

    On the other hand, I would be against paving paradise to put up a parking lot.

  • Lispy GOPHER show

    Every week Wednesday 000UTC (so 19 hours from now) I do an aNONradio show about lisp and the gopher !

    This week my gopher oriented topic is mainly old computer challenge final phosts,

    but if you know a good gopher topic I should mention, please share it here !

    Mastodon toot:

    Gopher bug out kit: netcat
  • Hmmmm does echo do the CRLF? I thought I normally printf "~tomasino/phlog\r\n" | nc 70 which I guess should actually be printf "%s/%s\r\n" "~tomasino" "phlog" | nc 70

    my name is screwtape right

  • Common Lisp Formatted Output screwtape (@[email protected])

    @[email protected] For silly example (not demonstrating pretty printing indentation levels and line width though) (uiop:define-package :fmt (:export escape eg)) (in-package :fmt) (defun +escape+ (stream arg &rest unused) (declare (ignore arg unused)) (format stream "~a[~dm" #\escape arg)) (defu...

    screwtape (

    I do use code like I tooted there. Hex UTF-8 ~aesthetic, ~<Indentation levels~>, c\@(\s~)ses, READ~s, {iteration^ ~}, conditional:[s], word/numbers, ~/function:calls/, goto (~*well they're not all boring). Links or lemmy-replies (leplies?) to formatted output controls?


    ASDF 3.1+ :package-inferred-system p

    On my show this week I am looking at a few people's Common Lisp mathematical packages (including mine).

    So far, I am the only one I am seeing using :package-inferred-system . François-René Rideau 's style guide simply echoes the ASDF manual on it (or vice versa) as a thing you could do.

    The practical difference I have found is recompiling and reloading changed files within one lisp image using :force t

    (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op "my-system/src/changed-package-file" :force t)

    Instead of restarting my lisp. (without force, an already loaded package won't be recompiled and reloaded, it will just be left alone)

    To some extent it is also an encouragement to use the feature rich uiop:define-package and corrollary support for understanding dependencies between files/packages in a given asdf system, though uiop:define-package can be subbed for 'defpackage without using :package-inferred-system .

    What's your call / experience here ?


    Lispy Gopher Show notes for Tuesday (Wednesday 21 June 0000UTC)

    Hi everyone! This is my first attempt at lemmying. Normally every week some hours before my show, I produce a mastodon toot of topics and hyperlinks. This week I will try doing that here on the lemmy (and much earlier - this is the thread) !


    lisp community

    De facto per gopherhole threads



    • Peoples' mathematical packages in Common Lisp?

        • for example !
      • Carlos Ungil's usual-suspects deep learning FFIS
    • My binary hopfield net lisp package

      • gopher://
      • on Setting Up New ASDF Common Lisp projects
    • Old computer challenge preparations !

    • Christy's June 5 questions !

      • gopher://
    • and I would like to go read lots of other gophers this week.

    • I didn't sort out music yet. Ancrsprk? Or... You? (Me?)

    Seeking suggestions and commentary for this week's show and about using lemmy, which I am new to !

    Footnotes: Show art by @[email protected] !


    Mastodon toot/discussion linking here:
