Free Scenario "Together Unto Death" added to DTRPG

For some reason, this scenario flew very low under the radar more than two years ago. It has now been added to DTRPG, so I thought I'd give it a ping seeing how this community hadn't even been born back then:
You can also download it directly from GDrive, if you don't like using DTRPG:
Beowulf (tactical map)

The last entry from my backlog. And it's kind of a low-effort one, I'm afraid.
The ship itself is provided as a template in the Cosmographer3 addon to CC3+, and I'd already done a couple of macros that automatically change the colors for the Scout.
Still, hope you find it useful.
Updated Quickstart Rules

As the latest Kickstarter approaches the end, the Helmgast team have announced a new version of the Quickstart Rules. They're free, of course:
The original announcement is here:
Does anyone know the story about this edition? It does seem like it was intended to be faxed. 😅
Wait… did you even get to use fax machines? Geez, I’m old.
Anyway, while I didn’t play Traveller back in the day, this edition holds a special place in my heart. I had watched Seth Skorkowsky’s videos (I think he had completed the full series, not too long ago if you’re keeping score) and thought: this is the game I want to play. But I was absolutely broke. I got started with Cepheus Engine SRD, because I didn’t even know if my players would like it and didn’t want to spend money that I didn’t even have. I think I got this facsimile edition for $1, and I was ecstatic.
Granted, I had everything truly necessary out of the Cepheus Engine SRD, but I felt like I was chipping in somehow.
Thanks Marc!
Classic Traveller (facsimile edition) is free today
I’m pretty sure it’s slashed to $0 every now and then. If you don’t own it yet, you might as well add this museum piece to your collection.
For the longest time, I wasn’t sure if a Star Trek game would suit my table. But then they released the Lower Decks and fixed that for me. 😅
Coriolanus System

cross-posted from:
> Here I did the same than the post from a month ago: I used to generate a new star system, and then drew it with CC3+.
Coriolanus System

Here I did the same than the post from a month ago: I used to generate a new star system, and then drew it with CC3+.
Darn. I still had two “quadrant one”s on this version.
I thought I’d fixed that.
Apparently my issue was a false positive. It seems Lemmy doesn't like large images (even if small in size) but the message saying "too many pixels" was off-screen at that time.
I resized the image and reuploaded. Everything seems fine now.
My attempt at Death Station

cross-posted from:
> In case you're not familiar, Death Station is an adventure for Traveller. > > As many more have done so, I have it a ty myself, mostly because I wanted a large map to place on the table. > > Little did I know that the free 2D Deck Plans for the Core Rulebook includes a science station I could have used. Oh well. > > I also have a couple of PDF versions: > >
My attempt at Death Station

In case you're not familiar, Death Station is an adventure for Traveller.
As many more have done so, I gave it a try myself, mostly because I wanted a large map to place on the table.
Little did I know that the free 2D Deck Plans for the Core Rulebook includes a science station I could have used. Oh well.
I also have a couple of PDF versions. One without labels/numbering: and with labels:
Kickstarter for Dark Realms and Other Horrors is live!

The waiting time is over — the Kickstarter campaign is live now! Get ready to unravel the mysteries that lurk in the murky depths of the dark realms beyond the veil, both in the streets of Metropolis and the borderlands where the Illusion is crumbling.
Greengulf - North gate

I started a huge map a couple of years ago. Long story short: my cousin needed a map and I wanted a project to teach myself how to use Campaign Cartographer 3+.
The project is huge, and I totally underestimated the scope. But then my cousin's players wandered away from the city of Greengulf, so the pressure is no longer there.
This area of the city was one of the first images I shared with my cousin. I'm freeing up some space on my email account, but I thought I'd share this here instead of just deleting those old emails (don't panic, I do have a way to generate this image again in the future... or any part of the city if needed).
Streets of Mos Eisley

In the post where we're listing all the Sci-Fi games we could come up with, there's a distinct lack of PBTA games. And I get it... there's probably too many to list.
But even if I have my Sci-Fi needs fulfilled (perhaps for the moment, and for the most part) there are a few games that I'd still like to play some day. This is one of them.
Why? Because it's straight and to the point. I tell myself that one of these days, when I think of a plot for a Star Wars Worlds one-shot adventure, I can grab this and get rolling in 5 minutes.
A lot of people dislike PBTA, but I actually find it valuable. I think PBTA is particularly good at short adventures and one-shots. For longer campaigns? Not so sure. One of my favourite (non-scifi) games, Kult ([email protected]), uses PBTA in its newest version. They did try to think ahead to advancement for longer campaigns, but would it be enough for a regular multi-year group? I don't know.
Just from this small post, there's so much I'd like to ask anyone reading: Do you have a PBTA game you love and/or play? Have you tried this one? Do you know another overlooked Star Wars game (such as Never Tell Me the Odds)? Do you love/hate PBTA? Have you used PBTA for long campaigns?
Anyway, Streets of Mos Eisley can be downloaded from here:
Cepheus Deluxe aims to simplify many rules, and Position in space combat is a great example. It also replaces initiative (those with highest position choose if they want their action to happen before or after their opponent).
At the beginning of combat, pilots roll 1D + Piloting + DEX + Ship's maneuver. This is your starting Position.
If you want to attack ships with higher Position than you, you get a penalty (or restriction... or maybe prohibition).
There's also restritcitons depending on your weapon types (i.e.: fixed mounts are inflexible and may not attack without a favorable position). The Pilot must execute the Attack Vector action in order to allow the attack with fixed mounts (or main guns) when in an inferior position.
So, the position tracker/chart I made just lets you keep track how hard it is to hit your enemies.
I.e.: Ships placed in the top part have a better position than you; to hit them you need an Attack Vector, or to use Turrets. And you'd have a DM-3. You can hit those in the middle with DM-2, no other restrictions. Ships on the bottom are easy prey, you have a DM+1. Right area has DM0, and left area has DM-1.
So the chart/tracker is not... gamechanger, by any means. But I figured its a nice way to visualize the battle in a VTT. Perhaps someone will actually use it on a VTT and let me know if it was useful or at least cool to have.
I settled on Campaign Cartographer 3+.
It has a steep learning curve, but seems to be the most powerful tool by far.
Traveller Discord?
Yeah. There's a very active Discord server for Traveller and all it's variants:
Love the art! Thanks for sharing.
From the outside, it seems like you’re close to finishing it. What’s next?
Google threw this at me... haven't read it, but at least it costs $0 to check it out:
Have you heard about SW5E?
I’d go for ███ ████ or ██-█.
Aside from the ones mentioned, Star Wars also has the FFG system, right?
No hard rules at the moment. Though it's hard to judge if a digital image is truly "micro". ;)
Great! I'm taking you up on your offer.
Wecome to [email protected]k
That thought has crossed my mind. At first I thought it might be too broad, but now I'm thinking otherwise.
Maybe Lemmy isn't as big (yet) as I initially thought.
It’s… weird. There seems to be a lot of people who play it, but you’re right: we don’t hear much about it.
There’s a Discord server (not a fan of Discord myself, I get lost easily) with tons of users (and many publishers) very much active. Even r/Traveller has decent traffic (but r/cepheusengine not so much). There’s a relatively active T5 community at MeWe as well.
Maybe most players are happy to use Discord. Aaaand maybe I should be asking over there if there would be people interested.