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rlaimondas Raimondas Lapinskas 🌍

I only respond to people who donate, volunteer or run trade-free products and services. I donate to tromsite, signal, wikipedia and khan academy. Environment scientist. I am interested in #science, #fitness, #photography #Linux, #music, #books, #planet, #reality, #activism, #universe, #Olympic lifting, #weighlifting. Science is not a media. I try to avoid, and I am not interested in Media politics, Media religion, media marketing, media economics and trades of those medians. (he,him,his,theirs #objectiveperception Living in the Positive Feedback Loop of the Trade (Origin of the most problems) and most of the time talking to the Aliens. Languages I speak: Lithuanian, English, Russian, Polish (very little). Student on GO game \#fedi22 \#psych!

Posts 0
Comments 12
They just want to have some fun!
  • @TWeaK I haven't read Dr Suess's book.

  • They just want to have some fun!
  • @possiblylinux127 I Can't understand what this post "say".

  • Do you use adblock? Why? Why not?
  • @Cola7608 It is my first linux distro from moving away from Windows. I use it from the first day it is already 6 years. Even my mother( computer retarded) using it without a problems. Windows for her was impossible mission.

  • Do you use adblock? Why? Why not?
  • @tsukii I don't, because TROMJARO do everything fir me.