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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 72
  • First, there are more than enough resources to tackle multiple issues at a time. Just because the money is the more important aspect doesn’t mean we can’t also invest in things to improve people’s quality of life.

    Second, this:

    You don't have to build it; it will build itself once the people have money to spend.

    Is probably the most ridiculous rebuttal you could have come up with. People will bring the infrastructure with them? It will build itself? Where the hell do you think these things come from?

  • Research
  • But at a more macro level, geographic access to grocery stores and clinics and colleges and bus stops and permanent homes and factories matter just as much.

    Here’s some emphasis for you. “Give them money” is a part of the solution, but it can only go so far when they lack access to places to spend that money. And no, delivery is not a real solution. It’s a very expensive bandaid.

  • Trump rebrands his ramblings as ‘I do the weave’ – but is he just losing it?
  • I also have ADHD (and know a lot of people with it) and totally agree. We may be hard to understand at times, but we have a clear line of tangents that can be explained. Trump on the other hand has no coherence or traceable train of thought. He just jumps between half-finished, completely unrelated thoughts.

  • 'This pig': Observers erupt as ex-president caught 'threatening the voters' at his rally
  • to be honest the GOP lost the chance to be free of Trump when their senators refused to convict him after the Jan 6 impeachment.

    I think they lost their chance when he won in 2016. He has so thoroughly captured their base that ousting him would certainly lose them the next several elections, if they ever could fully recover. That’s not to say it’s not 100% on the GOP, he’s the consequence of decades of pandering to the far-right. I’m convinced they could have gotten rid of him before 2016 as well, but the conservatives thought they could control Hitler again and now he’s got them by the balls.

  • Snopes: [True] Project 2025 Wants All **Public** High School Students To Take Military Entrance Exam?
  • I think this would make more sense if it were connected to public education somehow. Lots of high schools already require community service hours to graduate, turn that into a program where third and fourth year students spend some time in school and some time doing some kind of public service work. Though It would need to be more of an educational thing than actual paid work.

  • Generative AI creates playable version of Doom game with no code
  • It's hard to run any Unity/Unreal game in 4k on my 1070

    Both of these engines are capable of making very optimized games, it’s just that most of the developers using them either don’t have the expertise or don’t care to put in the effort.

  • What is something you SHOULD cheap out on?
  • If a saw sucks ass like the one I used a few days ago, you can't safely cut through wood and you end up doing dangerous things like putting your body weight on the top of the miter saw to get it down all the way, gripping the piece closer to the blade to try to get it to cut better with less tear out or to not slip, etc...

    There is a big difference between cheaping out on blades/never replacing them and cheaping out on the saw itself. I agree I wouldn’t get the absolute cheapest miter saw, but a relatively cheap one with good blades that are replaced often shouldn’t be significantly more dangerous than a more expensive one.

  • The C++ learning process
  • That’s fair, I honestly haven’t used it in a while and forgot the real usage of unsafe code. As I said to another comment, it is a really rough language for game dev as it necessitates very different patterns from other languages. Definitely better to learn game dev itself pretty well first in something like C++, then to learn Rust separately before trying game dev in Rust.

  • The C++ learning process
  • Those are fair points. I haven’t used it for a little while and forgot the exact usage of unsafe code. I love Rust, but I totally agree that it’s a rough language for game dev. Especially if you’re trying to migrate an existing project to it since it requires a complete redesign of most systems rather than a straight translation.

  • The C++ learning process
  • The biggest reason is that it's much harder to write prototype code to test out an idea to see if it's feasible and feels/looks good enough. I don't want to be forced to fully plan out my code and deal with borrowing issues before I even have an idea of if this is a good path or not.

    There are options for this with Rust. If you wanted to use pure Rust you could always use unsafe to do prototyping and then come back and refactor if you like it. Alternatively you could write bindings for C/C++ and do prototyping that way.

    Though, I will say that this process gets easier as you gain more experience with Rust memory management.

  • Trump Staffer ‘Abruptly Pushed’ Arlington Cemetery Employee, Army Confirms
  • The victim “pressing charges” is just a fancy way of saying reporting the crime. It’s not something that needs to happen for the prosecutor to file a criminal complaint. Though, in a case like this they would probably rely on the victim’s testimony, so there may not be a case if she doesn’t want to cooperate.

  • Kamala Harris wants Trump's mic to stay unmuted the whole time during their upcoming debate
  • I’m willing to bet that’s the goal on Harris’ part. The Democrats have finally found that the way to unravel him is just belittle him rather than giving him any measure of power. If the debate goes forward unmuted, she just has to be dismissive and call him weird/old/whatever and I guarantee he’ll fly off the handle.

  • It's not that I don't want to listen...
  • Demand avoidance is a very common symptom of ADHD. If someone tells me I need to do something it instantly becomes very difficult to accomplish, no matter how much I myself want it done as well.

  • [OC] Spotted on a road which is funded by my taxes
  • I can guarantee you that most of the right-to-travel people are also 100% against taxes of any kind. I have a coworker who believes no one should need a license or car registration and is also fully against any kind of taxes whatsoever. If you mention public roads he just says “we made do without them before”.

  • Elon Musk’s rightward turn includes a fringe fascination: Civil war
  • Probably millions of dead. The American Civil War only lasted four years and the death toll is somewhere between 650,000 and 1.5 million. A modern war would either be extremely quick or a long running insurgency that ends up with potentially millions dead.

  • Support your local libraries
  • For me, if I’m only a little high while on my meds then I am able to read way faster. It’s like the calming effects of weed + focus from my meds lets me just fly through books. If I get actually high, then my meds don’t seem to have any affect anymore, and I just stare at one paragraph forever.

  • Researchers discover potentially catastrophic exploit present in AMD chips for decades
  • Which, again, is an incredibly unlikely attack vector unless you have some government secrets on your computer. And chances are that any attack through the IME or PSP is trying to do an implant into the UEFI/BIOS and not the processor itself.