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retrotechtive retrotechtive

Retro computing and games enthusiast.

Games industry coder by day, electronics + old computer tinkerer the rest of the time. He/Him

Posts 2
Comments 1
New arrival - Parsec.
  • @[email protected] oh yeah those are terrible! I'd forgotten that, mine were broken anyway so I made an adapter for Atari style controllers instead.

  • Retro Gaming retrotechtive

    New arrival - Parsec.

    New arrival - Parsec.

    Seems very fluid and fun! 😍

    #ti99 #parsec #retrogaming

    Retro Gaming retrotechtive

    I've no idea why I do this to myself. The #Amstrad version of #Nebulus was actually the one I had in the 80s too, but I still absolutely suck at it.

    I've no idea why I do this to myself. The #Amstrad version of #Nebulus was actually the one I had in the 80s too, but I still absolutely suck at it.

    Maybe it's because I'm playing it on a Plus. Yes. I shall pretend that.


    !Close up view of Nebulus.
