Here some screenshots of my projects. It isn't beautiful but remind you: build in 8h complete with backend.
@Sid ad some screens! My application looks like this now:
It suports:
- register
- login
- ranting
- commenting
I'll write my devrant clone in aiohttp (python) and I expect to finish:
- home screen with listing of rants
- register page
- login page
- rant create page
- comments
It'll contain a lot of bugs like double registration and such :P
What's your github?
@ostream any progress?
Hi all,
Hi all,
I want to do a code competition. It's a fight between stacks. Which one is the best? The idea is to write a devrant clone in your stack and see how far you'll get in 8hrs. These 8hrs are pure for coding and testing. IT DOESN'T INCLUDE:
- setting up tooling (installing python / npm)
- configuring repository
- docker configuration (if you want to use it)
How to join: write a comment with the tooling you're about to use (python, node, js, ruby or whatevs) and how far you think you'll get. Extra: 8hrs is of course nothing, but we can extend this hackaton with 8hr a few times.
How to create a lexer using pure C - part 1
How to write a lexer in C - part 1
A lexer translates text to tokens which you can use in your application. With these tokens your could build your own programming language or a json parser for example. Since i'm fan of OOP you'll see that I applied an OO aproach. The code quality is good according to ChatGPT. According to valgrind there are no memory leaks. We're gonna create in this part:
- token struct
- token tests
- Makefile
- gcc
- make
Writing token.h Create a new file called "token.h". Implement header protection:
// Where the code goes
This will prevent that the file gets double included. Import the headers we need:
``` #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h>
Define config:
``` #define TOKEN_LEXEME_SIZE 256
this means our token size is limited to 256 chars. It's not possible to use a huge string now. Dynamic memory allocation is too much to include in this tutorial. Define the token struct:
``` typedef struct Token { char lexeme[TOKEN_LEXEME_SIZE]; int line; int col; struct Token * next; struct Token * prev; } Token;
Implement new function. This will instantiate Token with default values.
``` Token * token_new(){ Token * token = (Token *)malloc(sizeof(Token)); memset(token->lexeme, 0,TOKEN_LEXEME_SIZE); token->line = 0; token->col = 0; token->next = NULL; token->prev = NULL; return token; }
Imlement init function. This will instantiate a Token with given parameters as values.
``` Token * token_init(Token * prev, char * lexeme, int line, int col){ Token * token = token_new(); token->line = line; token->col = col; if(prev != NULL){ token->prev = prev; prev->next = token; } strcpy(token->lexeme, lexeme); return token; }
Implement free function. This is our destructor. It will:
- find first token using given token
- will call itself with related token(s)
``` void token_free(Token * token){ // Find first token while(token->prev != NULL) token = token->prev;
Token * next = token->next; if(next){ token->next->prev = NULL; token_free(next); } free(token); }
Testing Now it's time to build some tests using assert. Create a new file called "token\_test.h". Add this:
``` int main() { // Check default values Token *token = token_new(); assert(token->next == NULL); assert(token->prev == NULL); assert(token->line == 0); assert(token->col == 0); assert(strlen(token->lexeme) == 0);
// Test init function Token *token2 = token_init(token, "print", 1, 3); assert(token->next == token2); assert(token2->prev == token); assert(token2->line == 1); assert(token2->col == 3); assert(!strcmp(token2->lexeme, "print")); token_free(token2);
printf("Tests succesful\n"); return 0; }
Now we have a working application. Let's make compilation easy using a Makefile. Makefile Create a file named "Makefile".
``` all: tests
tests: gcc token_test.c -o token_test ./token_test
Run make
That's it!
So, we created Token which is required for the lexer in next part of this tutorial.
If something not working or you need help; send a message.