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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (


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Post soviet Estonia

Do you guy have any good materials about Estonia after the fall os the USSR?

How is their economy doing, how is the wealth distribution, the populations access to basic needs etc

this kind of i formation

I’m so tired of ‘revolution is bad’ storylines
  • The one I hate the most is the Falcon/Winter Soldier series. Halfway through the series a black man that was tortured and experimented on by the US government tells Falcon this about becoming the captain america:

    "No self-respecting black man would ever wear these symbols"

    And he is fucking right, but you know what is the resolution to his storyline?? Falcon inaugurates a statue with a 3 paragraph text explaining his story in a museum dedicated to the Oeiginal captain america. Literally a footnote on the history of the "great myth" of Captain America.

    Its so ironic and infuriating bc that is exactly how Americans treat any of their past horrendous crimes. Its just a footnote on their history at best.

    Native americans genocide? That was long time ago...

    Slavery? Oh but the civil war...

    Two fucking nukes on civilians? Not war crime because WWII or some shit

    Concentration camps for japanese? Philippines genocide? Colonization on the Pacific? Apartheid? Imperialist agressions? Wiping out whole nations? Chemical weapons? Persecution of black movements? Radiation poisoning of native people on the pacific? Torture centers? Police brutallity? Keeping the whole world under surveillance?

    That's bad, sure, but fuck China because Mao killed some feudal lords I guess 🥰#blm

  • Rare Harris W
  • This. I feel like these kind of videos by propagandists are superficial videos that do not really criticize the US and actually gets to the core of why these coups happen - a.k.a imperialism - because this would mean to oppose it in any meaningful way you would have to be a socialist.

    Instead they serve the purpose to dismiss any criticism that he may be a US propagandist bc he "criticizes" the US

  • Marvel fans are getting on my nerves...
  • Really? I always saw Bane as ebil socialist. The fash character would actually be Batman, at least in the third movie with the whole cop thing and anti-communist strawman. That whole "stop crime with fear" thing and the laws based on lies because "order and progress" aint looking good either

  • Totally normal country
  • The craziest thing Ive learned in my life is that spider-man co-creator Steve Ditko was an "objectivist" aka Ayn Rand follower

    How tf do you write about a working class hero struggling with money, hates his boss profoundly and fights bilionares and you are a fucking ancap?

  • yooo now were famous in wikipedia boys 😳. inb4 lemmygrad next on the list
  • Not really, I was joking (mostly)

    They are a decentralized group of hackertivists that go way back to the early 2000's, and if I'm not mistaken, they claimed they are socialists, but I'm not sure.

    The thing is, there is no way for us to know who are they or when are they acting and when is another group impersonatingthem, bc they want to protect their privacy while they act against goverments and other institutions.

    I've seen many "Anonymous" twitter and facebook pages talking about recent topics while spreading western propaganda.Obviously, these are fake, but libs believe it anyway. And it is not something recent either, I remenber back in 2013/2014 during the huge protests in Brazil that there were a LOT of posts about them and claiming they did a series of attacks. I was really young and didnt really care but I remember thinking it was "cool". You can see many people from these protests using the guy fawkes mask.

    The point is: It's very easy for the departament of state/CIA/NSA to "infiltrate" the movement and use it for propaganda. Since they are seen as the good guystm fighting against ebil authoritarianism 1984 and they have that good old decentrilization idea that libs and anarchists love so much.

    Although the initial idea of the group seems cool and they have even collaborated with wikileaks, the movement could be - and I believe it has been for a while - co opted by the NSA in order to spread propaganda

    I mean look at what they have done w reddit and other social media, I don't think it's too far fetched to claim this

    EDIT: Just as a side note, to add a bit more context, we had big protests here in Brasil back in 2013/2014 that actually started as LEFT WING protests. The rulling class ignored it as long as they could but they grew stronger and stronger and then they attempted to infiltrate it and it worked. After some time there were all kinds of reactionaries even asking for the return of the fucking military dictatorship and it would eventually lead to the fall of the workers party and the rise of Bolsonaro and his neoliberal policies. I believe 100% the US played a key role in this process and that it was no different from color revolutions like the Euromaidan in Ukraine or the arab spring in africa. But I'll make a post about Brazil soon discussing all this with kore context, but it's getting too big and I'm trying to write it in a decent way and as succint as possible so it will take some days.

  • Creating a new community

    Hey guys, let's suppose I want to create a new community here, this would make me a mod in the community right? So what does that mean exactly? Do I have to mod it just like in Reddit or nah?
