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Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Court
    1. I constantly refer to killing children in Gaza as a unforgivable crime, hence my "you are not wrong" comment
    2. You make BS assumptions on what others think or the views they have and it always assumes others are somehow for genocide
    3. Screeching 'genocide' in just about every comment from you is borderline mental
    4. It seems you have this thing I call 'pastor' or 'preacher' syndrome. Always telling others what to do and think and assuming you have the pinnacle of opinions
    5. I was right in predicting you would respond in the same way, you are seemingly in a self serving loop, just like people in a cult would be like
    6. You are still a bellend
  • Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Court
  • Gods, you are an insufferable twat. You are not wrong per se, just also a massive twat.

    Waiting for you to do your usual 'blah blah...genocide!...blah bla' routine...

  • Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Court
  • "I love how I can be called every single name in the book on Lemmy and Reddit for having a different opinion"
    Yes, everybody else is crazy and wrong, not you. Absolutely do not question your stance if everybody opposes you, just double down on crying about it and call it not fair.

    "funny how ultra Liberal these sites have become..."
    I call BS on this one, you always found these sites unsavory and liberal, you just made an account on those sites to 'push back' on these liberals. You are probably on some form of mission, either coordinated or personal, I don't know, but you sure do sound like a troll.

    Now don't take this as 'mean librul hurst my feelies', these are just my opinion after assessing you to be an a-hole.

  • Anthony Davison's analysis of Verstappen/Norris fights - moving under braking + crash
  • "But, there's always an excuse to shit on Max when it comes to Max."

    There, fixed it for you. I get it, you are not a fan of Max but please stop inventing.

  • Red Crescent Refutes State Department, Says Israel Never Reached Out About Hind Rajab’s Death
  • Wow, are you really this thick or are you putting on a show?

    Read carefully, you have been told this before but it doesn't register it seems:

    hamas is irrelevant to the position of israel killing kids.

    Israel killing kids is solely and purely the responsibility of Israel the moment they pull the trigger or drop bombs on them.

    Why is it so so so difficult for you to understand this simple statement: you do not bomb your way through kids to get at your target.

    You know, this insistent clowning around this morally simple topic of you is starting to make me think you are a troll Denying reality and relishing in the pain and hurt of others. Little kids in this case seems to be your...niche? Or is it a fetish? Either way, something is really wrong with you.

    FYI, I will now block you as I have no interest debating or discussing with people who find justice and reason in infanticide.

  • Red Crescent Refutes State Department, Says Israel Never Reached Out About Hind Rajab’s Death
  • Are the children hamas? Do they have a say in this?

    Insane that you keep pushing the hamas narative where these kids have no blame or influence over them being bombed. Yet you keep equating the existence or actions of of hamas with it being OK to kill little kids.

  • Alternative uses of a 3D printer: Toner transfer on a watch dial
  • Ah, clear. Have fun then! The end result look quite nice actually, fun project.

  • Alternative uses of a 3D printer: Toner transfer on a watch dial
  • Very cool! This is the second time I see the heat-bed used in an 'exotic' way 😄

    But what piqued my interest is, what the heck are you doing with watch dials? I know from buying a couple of watches that the dial is always considered a work of art, precision and crispness. What I mean to say is, dials seem to be uber important. And seems very, very difficult to mimic by yourself at home.

    Are you trying to create watches and thus need to also create dials? Create new dials for existing watches? I'm super curious now 😀

  • Red Crescent Refutes State Department, Says Israel Never Reached Out About Hind Rajab’s Death
  • Does it matter, at all?

    See, you still want to couple hamas and the allowance to kill children. I purposefully decoupled them because I know what will happen, bizarre discussions where "he said she said" will be abound.

    No, there is no story or excuse to kill children. It is that simple. I am at a loss that this is not understood or agreed upon.

  • Red Crescent Refutes State Department, Says Israel Never Reached Out About Hind Rajab’s Death
  • You are so, so wrong here. These children are not hamas, yet you equate them nonetheless. Notice how I did not take a side other then the children's side. And yet, you argue.

    This tells me all I need to know, I have seen your stance already. Not because I want to see something, it's your arguing the matter that tells all I need to know.

    "Oh also one other thing - you’re fine with mass murder and carnage, as long as it’s against Israelis. That’s what you’re saying when you don’t say Hamas should surrender." And there it is, took you long enough. None said any such thing, you are making this up and you know it. Next up: calling me an anti-semite...

    All I did was argue to not kill children and you argued and keep arguing it is an option, a valid option at that. See, if only hamas surrenders right now then all will be fine. This is a lie, a way to justify the killing of children. Well, you argue this point while you know the little children have no say in this at all. So instead of making the correct moral decision to not kill children, Israel chooses to do so anyway, knowing fully well that the kids have no say in the matter.

    You keep being despicable and it just gets worse with each post.

    It's OK to hold Israel to account for killing innocent people, it is OK to ask Israel to stop bombing little kids. You will not loose anything of value of you are opposed on these stances. Be good, take the moral path. This is a softball position to hold and fail at it.

  • Red Crescent Refutes State Department, Says Israel Never Reached Out About Hind Rajab’s Death
  • You are implying, or outright saying it, that it is OK to bomb children. You support that because, what else can Israel do? Right? How about: don't bomb your way through children

    Discussing the morality of hiding behind children is another one all together. I (almost) cannot believe you hold this opinion. Turning 5 year olds into a red mist of blood because...reasons. You want it justified, you want Israel to be able to kill little children.

    No need to reply, you are a despicable person holding these opinions.

  • Red Crescent Refutes State Department, Says Israel Never Reached Out About Hind Rajab’s Death
  • "Hamas should surrender"
    And I guess until they do, Israel will continue to kill children? I mean, if the baddies are hiding behind children you are fully allowed to bomb them into a red mist. Just say they were hamas and you are good to shoot and bomb them. It's only just because, you know, hamas!

    Israel has lost all morality and has become which they suffered so much under.

  • The first visually confirmed use of M30 DPICM GMLRS rockets with HIMARS, near occupied Burchak, Zaporizhzhia region.
  • Perhaps by some definition it is. Or not.
    For me it is common sense. What is war if not eliminating as much of your opponent as you can? You take every opportunity you can to inflict as much pain, hurt and loss onto your enemy as possible.

  • The first visually confirmed use of M30 DPICM GMLRS rockets with HIMARS, near occupied Burchak, Zaporizhzhia region.
  • Bit of free advice should anyone in charge be listening 😀 (they are not of course)

    Have a couple of drones swarming the area you bomb. Once the big one has exploded, people tend to panic and/or be in disarray. And when humans are in that condition, they tend to 'clump' together and not pay attention to protocols and safety guidelines. That's when the mop-up drones come in and take groups of soldiers out by attacking these stressed out groups.

    You're welcome.

  • FIA can’t claim Herta didn’t deserve an F1 drive after changing rules for Antonelli
  • This is a bit weird to me. The FIA changed the rules after an exceptional talent came into F1: Max Verstappen
    Now they want to change the rules because an exceptional talent might come in and you want a loophole for that.

    This is borderline schizophrenic to me. You change the rules after an exceptional talent, how is that ruling not contradicting your current actions?

  • What do Canadians think of Stroll?
  • I am also not Canadian but I recently saw one walking the street. Did not ask him anything but saw the maple leaf stitched insignia on his backpack and assumed he disliked Canada so much that he fled the country, or so I like to think.

    Don't know what that has to do with Stroll but anyways...

  • Ukranian FPV operators celebrate a successful strike.
  • I love how you give all this reasonable and sensible advice on movements and equipment but I think the russian army is just not that clever, disciplined and equipped to do all the things you mention, nor do they care 😂

    They'd be throwing rocks and shovels if russian command demands them to. It's a meat grinder, they do not care about personnel, they expect you to give up because you cannot keep up with the killing of their men. That is the russian tactic and way of doing things. Overwhelm you with bodies and once the surviving bodies get a hold of you, they will be brutal towards you like you live in a nightmare, due to the facts that the surviving soldiers will have an insane amount of hate towards you for killing so many of their comrades. Ask Germany how that went at the end of the war.

  • United Airlines passengers to see targeted ads on seat-back screens
  • And for the low, low price of $4,99 you will get not one, not two but three ad blocking devices you can use to stop these ads from bothering you! Available in several cute patterns and colors. Get yours now, call now!

    (warning: do not wash these cloths above 105°F or there might be ad-spillage while using the ad blocker due to shrinkage)

  • Russian woman traveling to the US through Mexico complains that everyone hates Russians.
  • Now why would the world hate russia, hmmm? Could it be the war and killing you do in Ukraine? The threats against other democracies? The bullying of other countries and persons? The megalomaniac tendencies of that monkey putin?

    No sympathy from me...

  • Slap-Ass Bros

    That was a subtle yet nice touch (pun intended) to see between these two. Absolutely casual and normal to them. These 2 are real friends.
