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reazonozaer ReaZ
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Comments 19
ANNOUNCEMENT: The TankieJerkers have found out about ProleWiki.
  • "Everything I don't like is exactly the same thing."

  • One of my favorite Anti-Imperialist songs🚩 (OG video got yeeted by YT, edited URL)
  • They have been working hard across the net to clean up the narrative. Posts and accts are getting vanished all over. This is a great song btw.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Did your know it's unfair to call every member of the SS a Nazi?
  • A significant number of people in the SS only supported, empowered, and enabled the murder... 🙄

  • Br*tish (🤮) Tabloids feel like an Onion article at this point when they report anything related to The War, Oh Boy...
  • But I thought that Putin was the source of all evil in the world. If he's dead shouldn't the war be over, Russia collapsed, Biden reelected, and peace reigning over all the Earth?

  • This Just in, A normal Simple Ice Cream Is Ackshually.. *Check notes*... Russian Psyop
  • I love how it ends with daily updates about how everyone but the author and those who agree with them are "seething" Because when I'm totally not upset I post daily updates on how upset everyone but me is.

  • least carbrained american school
  • Sure the planet is heating up faster, but at least we could spend less money on education...

    As an aside I read this as carbonated instead of carbrained and thought this was going to be about something else.

  • “Socialist Genocidal BRICS”
  • I guess posting balkanized maps of countries the West doesn't like is just the new go to thing for these types.

  • Liberals never get tired of falling for the same tricks
  • poking with a stick meme come on collapse already

  • Is any of these true about China?
  • Wait, I thought the "ruthless Chinese Communist Party" banned and silenced anything even slightly cricial of the "horrible Communist regime" but I can also just go there and talk about these things with people right on the street and buy books right in the stores and online to read about it? And apparently it's just taught openly in the schools?

  • Libertarian Party of New Hampshire equates black slavery to having free access to medicine 💀
  • It shouldn't be surprising that a couple days after this they made this post.

  • *The image basically*
  • Here's a link to a tweet with a video that'll give you an idea

  • ‘Anyone who thinks Stalin/Lenin/Mao weren’t fascists has a severe mental impairment.’
  • The liberal definition of fascist boils down to basically, fascism is when I don't like the leader and the more I dislike the leader the more fascist it is.

  • DeSantis building paramilitary force in Florida

    Excerpt: By March, however, the state’s vision began to change. That month, state lawmakers and the governor revealed that they wanted to assign the State Guard $89 million to buy boats, planes and helicopters. They wanted a specialized unit within the guard to have police powers and the ability to carry weapons. And they wanted to boost the State Guard to 1,500 members. Instead of being activated only during emergencies within Florida, they could be sent to any state to “protect and defend the people of Florida from threats to public safety.”

    Weebs and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
  • I remember when that poll came out. A lot of people in the comments tried to excuse it by saying, "You put the option in there of course everyone is going to pick it." as if that somehow justifies it. "He he I think excuting the homeless is a funny joak." is not the defense they think it is.

  • I've noticed something about anarchists that i find pretty funny: they'll praise marxist revolutions and revolutionaries AS LONG AS they dont actually succeed.
  • It is easy to support failed attempts because then they can imagine that this time those folks would have done things "perfectly" or in other words, the way the person imagining it would have done things. Without any of the messy details of having to work in the real world with real conditions.

  • Account request received on ProleWiki just earlier
  • Let me in! I have come to save you all! You'll be lost without my same old ass 'arguments' you've heard a thousand times before! They're different this time though because they are from me, the most important person in the world!

  • I'm starting to dislike the "Reddit exodus"
  • I just joined here a couple days before the Reddit thing happened. They're bringing all of what I didn't miss from quitting Reddit years ago. At least on the bright side I can mostly stay out of all that here.