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rbos Rob Bos

Administrator of Weekly sourdough bread baker. Servant to a barfy void cat. Linux wrangler. Space nerd. Sustainability advocate. Cishet white dude trying to be aware of (he/his) robot suit. Neoluddite. Trans rights are human rights. Black lives matter. Birds aren't real.

"Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased. Thus do we refute entropy." -- Spider Robinson

GNU Terry Pratchett.

"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love." --Carl Sagan

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Comments 3
The HPV vaccine prevents head and neck cancers in men, study suggests
  • @MicroWave That's cool. I got the HPV vaccine a few years back (because why not) and I'm glad to hear that it might actually be preventative. It was a "can't hurt, might help" kinda thing. Plus you don't want to spread it to other people.

  • Is Kbin dying? I wanted to address the deleted thread and provide some insight into the current situation.
  • @ernest
    I primarily use Lemmy but I love that kbin exists, in case Lemmy's architecture doesn't work out. We need diversity in the ecosystem, and different technological solutions to the same problem. Diversity is resilience, and it's great to see the work being done.