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Your average friendly nihilist from Finland.

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every company right now
  • So many things just needs something that looks right and is not too long or too short. Nobody will actually read it with some thought. It only matters that it exists.

    For bureaucratic bullshit like that AI is a godsend.

  • Vesihuoltolaitoksiin murtauduttu kesän aikana eri puolilla Suomea – tämä murroista tiedetään nyt
  • Omasta kokemuksesta pakko sanoa, että monilla kunnilla on hyvin naiivi suhtautuminen vesihuoltoon. Jos vesi-infraa halutaan sabotoida, onnistuu se helposti. Oikeastaan hyvä, että hiukan maalaillaan uhkakuvia. Varsinkin kun pikkukunnissa monessa asiassa edetään otteella "poikien kanssa tässä vähän puuhaillaan", eikä ison maailman hömpötykset paina. Jos valmiusharjoituksissa tulee toruja, pistetään silmät kiinni riittävän pitkäksi aikaa ja toivotaan, että asia korjaantuu itsestään tai unohdetaan. Oikeat ratkaisut on kalliita, eikä niihin välttämäti ole rahaa. Teknisesti päteviä henkilöitäkin on vain se yksi, joka yleensä hoitaa sen ulkopuolisen konsultin tilaamisen, kun asia on iso, eikä sitä voi muuten välttää.

  • How different would civilization be if humans had "mating season" ?
  • Post nut clarity for most of the year sounds peaceful, but I'm guessing people in heat would think with their genitals and wouldn't care about STDs or pregnancy.

    Everyone wound have some STD and birth control would be a side note. Human reproduction would work like clockwork and without neutering world would have exploded long time ago.

  • Will anything dethrone the Steam Deck? Probably not -GamingonLinux
  • So much good hardware, but lazy obsession to enshittify them with Windows.

  • [Discussion] Double discussion this month, what games did you buy for your Deck during the Steam Sale, and what are you playing on Deck right now? - July 2024
  • Agreed. I experimented heavily with different control options and had special configs for all classes and even for some weapon sets. Some things were really good, others remained combersome. Also used the steam controller.

    In toughest lvl 5 moments, no tweaking was enough. It was "OK" if you were on the road and with shitload of practice it might have been great.

    In the end, I've done most of my playing with Dock + keyb + trackball + external display.

  • Donating a gaming PC, how can I let them try my games in a safe way?
  • I'd read EULAs carefully.

    Shouldn't be a problem with a temporary try, but if there is a bureaucratic rat somewhere, you might receive some 'cease and desist' letters.

  • [Discussion] Double discussion this month, what games did you buy for your Deck during the Steam Sale, and what are you playing on Deck right now? - July 2024
  • So far just Juno: New Origins

    I've been mostly playing:

    • Noita
    • Deep Rock Galactic
    • Oxygen Not Included

    Will pick up Juno when I get a chance to play when I'm not dead tired.

  • What's the coolest thing you found while metal detecting?
  • Found my wifes disapproval, even before I even had a chance to buy the detector. It wasn't just cool, it was cold.

  • What's the easiest song or melody someone with not experience can play on an acoustic guitar?
  • If you had said 'I can't do it, I have been trying that for two weeks'.

    I would have said 'going great, keep on it'

    Your fingers need to harden to play more than punk rock.

  • What's the easiest song or melody someone with not experience can play on an acoustic guitar?
  • I know a lot of people that have started with Metallica - Nothing Else Matters.

    So much so that it's locally almost corny.

  • Air Friar
  • Like every one after that it made a greasy mess.

  • Steam Summer Sale 2024: Official Trailer
  • It's time again to buy dozen games cheap I never play.

  • Help me out here
  • ever been married?

  • My mom's doctor be like
  • If you actually came from your fathers anus, I'd say you are absolutely right.

  • Greece introduces the six-day work week
  • Won't stuff like this just cause competent work force to bleed outside Greece and make the problem worse, or is this just for the uneducated low level employees who are easily replaced and have no choice?

  • Israeli army strapped wounded Palestinian to jeep
  • Yes. Right after PR event for "gods chosen people" and some fun shooty-time with Hamas.

  • Finland’s free contraception initiative reduces teen abortions by 66%
  • "Finland doesn't exist"

    -Fox news

    ^the day will come^

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • That was more a comment on obfuscation of the net. In internet you can just trow adjectives together and somebody will raise their hand, but you can never be sure if they are just putting on a role.

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • personally

    Everyone is everything in the internetz.