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quixote quixote

Usually found Elsewhere, so this should be the perfect place for me. Longer thoughts at Acid Test ( and Reimagining Democracy (, (1st ed. 2010). The header pic is the Eastern Sierras not far from Bishop, California, looking west (Rockies behind, Pacific ahead). #tootfinder #searchable

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Comments 3
  • @JoeBidet I settled on mobian. I think I tried pmOS (this was back in '21? '20??) and a couple of thers I don't remember. I do remember ssh-ing for something else, never edited crontab though. Sounds interesting! I'll have a look at that. Still have the phone. Be great if I could make it useful πŸ˜†

  • pinephone?
  • @JoeBidet @urheber I'm one of the "tried Pinephone" people. Not nearly adept enough to do all the CLI work you did. I can edit config files if someone tells me what to type in πŸ˜†.

    I use a laptop for the fun stuff. A phone to me is for texts and calls. I gave up on the Pinephone because of problems with that. Big one: not waking from sleep to ring. I get about 2 calls a month, but they're the sort I can't miss. After about the 3rd miss, I had to give up. Yes, I'd try again after updates πŸ˜–

  • We need to support Linux Phones development more now than ever based on recent news
  • @Laborer3652 @dandu3 Officially, Macs use MacOS. Sort of like the difference between two versions of Windows, from a user's perspective.