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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 23
Hello fellow adults! Anybody else feel like almost every time you have to talk to someone to buy a thing, you're being swindled? If so how do you keep yourself from being taken advantage of?
  • First if all, you're not wrong. Depending on the financial risk in play, the anxiety and trust get tossed into a tizzy.

    When I say financial risk, if I'm buying a car, we all already know that that's a whole racket. Buying a house, even bigger $$$$ involved. Buying a staple commodity, like a loaf of bread? Meh, it's no biggie.

    One big factor in play is our emotional side.

    I'll make a suggestion here. Feel free to ignore.

    There's a book by Dr Robert Cialdini on persuasion. From what I recall, he got into learning how humans react to certain things, because he felt that he himself was duped into doing/buying things that he later realized he wished he hadn't done/bought. He wanted to better understand the process so that he could be more aware and less vulnerable to the grift. He ended up going into psychology and... well, specializing in the subject.

    One sec, there's a website that gives a nice intro to this:

  • Reddit plagued with 1-star App Store reviews over API debacle as users search for 0-star button
  • Fully agreed.

    Also, while using one's own dev key is a nice workaround, it's disappointing to hear that jerome is having to 'wait' for their dev key. I've used other apps (eg, GitHub) where I can create an API key within moments.

  • Reminder that RedHat makes A LOT of money already. The results of the 2019 fiscal year show that RedHat spends twice as much money on ads and sales people than on developers.
  • Just a reminder of a couple of things here. And to say that I'd forgotten myself.

    1. Red Hat was acquired by IBM.

    2. IBM has had increasingly questionable business practices over the years (ref: The Decline And Fall Of IBM.

    3. The old saying "Nobody got fired for buying IBM" is an old saying that meant something at some point; whether it still does is another matter. Read the link above to get the full picture. (As someone that used to do support work for HP, a lot of the sales-centric, don't-spend-money-on-the-tech-folks mindset resonated with me.)

    People (myself included) aren't happy with Red Hat's proclamation. As an individual, I can't do much other than to watch how this plays out and give my team and management the heads-up, and monitor.

    Jeff Geerling weighed in on this yesterday and had a quick additional thought just a few mins ago.

  • Reddit API fee protests push into third week
  • Just wiped all my comments a couple hours ago with the help of PowerDeleteSuite. Didn't quite take the first time, and was surprised that it was a clean sweep the second time. From what I've read, I shouldn't have expected that degree of success.

    Even so, I'll check back periodically to see whether they've been 'restored'.

    I'll not contribute to that site any longer. I might still pop on over once in a while, eg, if a web search leads me there. But I'll be sure to have my adblockers/anti-trackers engaged.

  • While you're waiting on a kbin app, you should know the mobile site is entirely functional as a mobile app. Just make a shortcut for your home screen
  • It seems I'm the only one who seems to get logged out from one visit to the next...?

    Even if I don't close my mobile browser/tab; if I've not been active on it for some hours (haven't yet worked out what the cutoff is), I find I have to login again.

    Happens on both Firefox and Brave for Android.

  • Why everyone is switching to NixOS ?
  • It occurred to me that NixOS might have a hard time doing something like this:

    • create a 6 node Docker Swarm cluster, where 3 of the nodes are managers

    I can see NixOS doing a fine job of templating a standard build that includes the Docker engine. But working out which one gets to init the swarm, which ones get to join as managers, which ones get to join as workers? Yeah, that's probably better off left to something like Ansible.

  • Why everyone is switching to NixOS ?
  • Thanks for this, it was definitely a nice overview. Not the first time I'd heard of NixOS, but I do seem to be seeing more frequent and more substantial discussions of it.

    What I'm getting from all this, is that it looks to be a great way to set up reproducible desktop environments. And servers too, I suppose.

    What I'm not getting from this: a compelling reason to switch from established players like RHEL and Ubuntu in combination with cloud-init and Terraform and the likes of Chef/Puppet/Ansible/Salt to spin up a cluster in the cloud, reconfigure, tear down, etc.

    In case anyone is misreading me: this is not a dig at NixOS. It definitely looks interesting. Like, to the point that I'll at least spin up a VM on my Manjaro laptop and see whether I should perhaps consider wiping and reinstalling with NixOS. The "configuration through code" is extremely appealing here.

    My concern here is corporate inertia. And before anyone gets gets ready to launch a diatribe about how corporations don't decide what the best tech is, I will agree with you. I've been around a while, and excitedly watched as Unix ramped up and displaced platforms like VAX/VMS and AOS/VS, using smaller and faster hardware. Then along came Linux and the battle for which distros would dominate.

    As for configuration through code, I've been keeping a keen eye on things (tinkering when it's been possible to do so) since the days of cfengine and Jumpstart. I used to share this site with anyone that would listen to me; it's dated now, but the underlying principles are (were?) solid:

    So for now, I think I'll have to limit my professional NixOS usage to tinkering and potentially useful side projects. For personal usage? Yeah, it might become my daily driver, but I need to find the time to tinker.

    I will say that I'm presently involved in an effort to test something out that has my company's product available using rpm-tree. Not my decision, this is all being driven by a customer that has a lot of clout; they really, really want to use rpm-tree. It's proven to be a bit onerous at times.

    What this NixOS discussion has managed to do for me is to have me wondering whether a NixOS approach would have worked out better; my sense is that yeah, maybe it would have. But my feelings here might simply be the result of "woo, shiny new object", which has definitely colored my opinions of things in my career of ~35 years. Something that I've had to restrain my excitement over, pending corporate sanity checks.

  • What's the easiest way to subscribe to a new magazine?
  • Right on. That's helpful, although I still had to scroll past what you posted in your screenshot:

    ... and it seems I can only go as far as choosing the file, and not actually upload it.

    If you could only see my interpretive dance of what the screenshot looked like :D

    But seriously, it's still a longer scroll. Not by much, just needed to get past a pane that describes my account (?)

    Edit: wtf it actually did attach. There was no indication that this was happening.

  • Looking for a way to fuzzy-search the list of magazines
  • I meant searching through the list of magazines. Not through the entire corpus of content.

    Athough I've been doing more digging and am now wondering where I saw the "exact match only" come up, because it now seems that I do get case-insensitive results while searching for magazines.

    Blah. Not sure where I saw that now. And doing everything on mobile is a bit like looking through a keyhole. It'll be different once I've been here a while, I'm sure.

  • /kbin meta quaddo

    Looking for a way to fuzzy-search the list of magazines

    From what I'm seeing, you have to be spot-on with what you type for your search. Case sensitivity, etc.

    Is there no fuzzy-search option?

    /kbin meta quaddo

    What's the easiest way to subscribe to a new magazine?

    So far, I've managed to (mostly randomly) stumble into various magazines. But there's nothing at the top of the page that shows what magazine I'm in.

    Once I've scrollscrollscrolled down past the last comment, then I see it: the reference to the magazine and the option to subscribe.

    Surely I'm missing a better way...?
