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Dashboard display issues on Firefox
  • Does it display alright in a private window?

  • Recommended hard drive monitoring (Ubuntu server) options?
  • Scrutiny uses smartctl --scan to detect devices/drives.

    It will recognize the block devices but not the filesystem construct. That means ZFS pools themselves are out of scope.

  • Cloudflare tunnels on a pi zero?
  • For anyone's information, if you have an ARMv7 hardware, cloudflared also has compiled to armhf a.k.a. ARM Hard Float. It is not listed in the official site but can be downloaded from GitHub release.

    And ARMv7 hardware floating point support can confirmed by inputing cat /proc/cpuinfo and check if vfpv3 is listed in the features row.

  • Cloudflare tunnels on a pi zero?
  • Pi Zero you mean the original Pi Zero 1 right? Its SoC is driving a 32-bit ARMv6 CPU core.

    The most straightfoward way is to try the Cloudflare Package Repository. It should be able to match the OS and arch for you.

    You can also try installing the precompiled ARM deb package, specifically cloudflared-linux-arm.deb directly if the repo does not work.

    P.S. If none of the above works, you can try setting up the Go build environment and compiling from source on your Pi Zero.

  • VPN blocked, how can i tunnel my VPS to home network?
  • Maybe you can give Outline a try. It is based on shadowsocks a proxy tunnel with enough obfuscation to fly even under the radar of the GFW of Communist China.

  • How do I strip "Giant River Company" encryption from purchased movie?
  • Given the information provided,

    Media Size: 7168MB + 100MB = 7268MB = 58144Mb

    Run time: 1h47m = 6420s

    Average bitrate = 58144Mb / 6420s = ~9.06Mbps

    That is definitely not FHD Blu-ray quality (~30Mbps) but better than DVD on average (~6Mbps).

    I think a quality HDMI capture card should be able to not just match but surpass this bitrate.

  • How do I strip "Giant River Company" encryption from purchased movie?
  • What do you mean by doing a "webrip” from the GRC app? Is it actually a web app in disguise? Or you mean doing a screen capture?

  • How do I strip "Giant River Company" encryption from purchased movie?
  • Okay so they are just reusing the format for local files.

  • How do I strip "Giant River Company" encryption from purchased movie?
  • The files are supposed to be played with the GRC app, correct? If so I think you need to intercept the (usually HTTPS) request(s) for the key made by the GRC Windows 11 app.

    Btw can the said movie be played in a browser via say the GRC site? It may be an easier target.

  • How do I strip "Giant River Company" encryption from purchased movie?
  • SegmentURL is a tag for MPEG-DASH which is usually for streaming. How large are the .mp4 files?

  • How do I strip "Giant River Company" encryption from purchased movie?
  • If reencoding is to be avoided, one can try ffmpeg -i xxx.mpd -c:v copy -c:a copy out.mp4

  • How do I strip "Giant River Company" encryption from purchased movie?
  • The MPD file should be a Media Presentation Description file. Can you open it in a text editor? It should be a bunch of XML.

  • VPN or Not?
  • Those letters are often void threats. ISPs are not really the right plaintiff to bring priacy cases to court. The only thing they can do is to terminate service but that is obviously not in their interest.

    Just if you are already paying for a VPN and the download/upload speed is acceptable, there is no point in getting yourself in trouble no matter how small the odd is.

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • What? Do you have only a black/white mentality? Of course not. We have a mixed system, as does almost the rest of the world that isn’t a dictatorship. Capitalism and socialism are not mutually exclusive; in fact, there’s a compelling argument that one really can’t exist without the other.

    We have a mixed system. But we are capitalistic leaning are we not? Being capitalist or socialist are not discrete choices, but a continuous scale. I agree with you on that.

    Btw the 1929 great crash was facilitate and exacerbated by lax Federal Reserve control of money issuance and the drastic tightening after the crash. This is actually an argument against centralized money.

    Yes, that’s called socialism. The government levies taxes from its people, then the government redistributes the wealth, that’s the very definition of socialism.

    Well a joint stock company also does that. It engages in production. It does redistribute wealth. For a long time, public services e.g. firefighting, were provided by private entities. Is it socialism? I don't think so. It has to involve coercion, say, via monopoly of violence to be socialism as it is a form of governing.

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • Capitalism as a classification/concept did not exist does not mean the practice did not exist. Capital (both in kind and in mind) accumulation has been occurring since even the stone age. Of course we would not call those societies capitalistic.

    Plus I am replying to the comment that tries to dismember science from finance/economy.

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • So are you saying, after the New Deal, the US was/is no longer practicing capitalism? I am afraid I have to disagree.

    The US government did not produce all the technologies. Many of them are from private companies. Yes the government funded them with public money, public money paid by the taxpayers.

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • Yes so we need to understand it. You don't think our countless historians and social scientists are doing their work purely for fun or do you?

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • And please enlighten me on where the resources come from and how they are allocated. Do the coal/oil/gas buried deep under earth dig themselves out or the cattle/pigs/chickens will automagically grow and serve themselves on our dinner table? Command economies can only work spontaneously. The Nazi and the USSR both did have made spectacular achievements over the course of their existence. But is the process sustainable? No. That was why they both failed eventually.

    The US did not become the arsenal of democracies by centralizing all the industries during the second World War. The private industries involved a lot. You can say that paved way for the future military-industrial complex. Even the secretive Manhattan project had a number of corporate partners.

  • How can I migrate my microSD card install of OMV to an SSD?
  • Your preference may vary but I would not recommend anyone trying to "clone" anything on a running system.

  • Why are folks so anti-capitalist?
  • "Improving things" is not a justification for ignorance. I have never seen things getting "improved" by someone ignorant of the building blocks or even worse motivated to destroy the building blocks on which we all stand.