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Random YouTube comment on the whole Reddit situation that perfectly sums up my thoughts
  • I think one of the biggest issues that Reddit has with third party apps is that they don’t have control over the user experience.

    I think Reddit is experimenting a lot with their app to see what works and doesn’t work to get new users engaged. Note that I said new users. Reddit doesn’t care about old users. They only care about growing and getting new users engaged.

    Reddit implemented features like community chat, community voice/talk spaces, subreddit suggestions, NFTs etc.

    I think it’s harder for Reddit to keep experimenting and seeing what sticks when 3rd party apps won’t or don’t implement those features.

    So yeah, bottom line is, Reddit wants more control and Reddit wants new users that are engaged.

    I understand why they do it. I don’t agree with how they went about it. I’m mostly upset that they think 3rd party apps are riding on Reddits succes when Reddit itself is riding on free user content/moderation/voting. It’s our content and we should be able to consume it the way we want to.

  • Is there a way to sign into multiple Fediverse instances using the same account? Or is it possible to merge account across instances?
  • No and no as far as I know. But why would you want multiple accounts? Just use one account and subscribe to all the communities that are on different instances. You can even create + comment on posts with your account even if you aren't part of the instance.

    The only real thing that you will miss out on is if you want to create a community on a different instance. I think you can only create communities on your local instance (Unless you sign up for an instance that restricts that feature).

  • What music genre or artist changed your life?
  • Arcade Fire saved me from religion and now speaks to me on a religious level. M83 speaks to me on a celestial level. Both have deepened my love for music.

  • Rule True Gender
  • ContraPoints rules!

  • Authenticator App
  • I use Bitwarden (I know opinions are split when it comes to passwords and 2FA being in separate apps). But I like the convenience of it all being in one platform.

    I also like Raivo, you can import/export them too.

  • Great progress!
  • Love the progress! Especially not seeing duplicate posts. Keep up the good work.

  • Me on my first day of lemmy
  • This is OUR meme now!

  • bdrmm - It's just a bit of blood

    Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon – first hands-on gameplay
  • I thought the combat was going to be slow but this combat actually looks pretty fast paced and smooth!

  • The end of Reddit? Why the blackout is still going – and what happens next
  • Yeah, I definitely agree with that rule.

    I have several friends that work at Reddit and from what I gather they ran all the numbers and determined that most mods use old.reddit and not 3P apps. So Reddit did their calculations and they have determined they will make more money in the long run by steering people to their new app. They know Reddit drama always seems bigger than it is and will blow over in a month. They know they will lose some users but they think the majority will stay, including mods and content creators.

    I definitely understand why they made all these decisions from a business perspective but holy shit was this poorly handled by Spez. I think they could've given developers a longer shutdown period and they could've handled PR way better + the whole Christian (Apollo) debacle also didn't help.

  • The end of Reddit? Why the blackout is still going – and what happens next
  • Honestly, there won’t be a mass exodus and Reddit will live on. I’m sure a bunch of users will flock to other platforms but in the long run Reddit only care about people that are already using their new UI and their new app. And those users won’t be leaving.

    Regardless whether Reddit survives or not I am glad I found this space and excited for the future of Lemmy/Fediverse.