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puddleposs puddle

little, petplayer, neurodiverse, queer, agender, vegan, plural, kangabirdpup open messages, interested in roleplay pronouns: they, she, it, ey, xe, ze, elle avatar description: illustration of anthropomorphic kangaroo looking at the camera. they're wearing a black and purple hood and have long hair.

Posts 1
Comments 23
Where do you like to be touched?
  • Didn't know that was common, i always feel weird telling people because it's like a hard no for me and sometimes people think i'm joking or something. Sucks, i really wish i could enjoy seeing other people's tums and cool piercings.

  • I absolutely love this image - don't know model name or source
  • So far the most exciting is my split tongue. It's been totally worth it. Really enjoying the result even though i had some issues healing.

    Next favorite has to be the septum piercing, so many things can be done with it and it's amazing! Think that one is at 0g but i can't seem to stop stretching my holes so...who knows how big it'll get! At this size i have to take it out for oral depending on partner but it's not a huge deal.

    The cartilage piercing on my upper ear is finally big enough for a tunnel, hoping to find someone to do something interesting with some string or something, maybe a bit of predicament if i'm lucky!

  • always support your local cat girls! [nsfw] [solo] {image} (VelvetLamb)
  • trans kitten and puppy 🐾pawidarity🐾 (solidarity)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • So where's the post about christofascist colonialism backing extremists in (at least) the 70s, 80s, and 90s to destabilize the regions that led to that moment? Maybe we could talk about how christian imperialism set this problem up to generate xenophobic sentiments, get some cheap oil claims, and to destabilize grassroots movements and 'the spread of socialism'.

    By all means be critical of power structures but implying that islamic thinking led to this in a vacuum is propaganda that just makes atheist spaces less safe for people trying to find new social circles away from religion and indoctrination.

    If you want more athists it's time to unpack how unwelcoming you're making this space and how you're furthering christian colonial ideas by posting this trash. Stop acting like islam is uniquely a religion of terror when the meddlings of christianity are precisely what caused the unnecesary suffering. Seems like you're either willingly engaging in the dog whistle, or unable to hear it due cultural insulation.

    Meanwhile those towers were built on stolen land, by the labour of stolen people, using stolen resources. All so some plutocrats can pass around some fake numbers while people starve and go without medical care. Doesn't exactly sound too peaceful to me. These reactionary acts come from somewhere, don't forget to follow the trail. Do i mourn those that lost their lives that day, absolutely, but also every life lost through the exploitation required to get to that point.

  • nipple orgasm
  • When we were trying to do the same for our girlfriend we ultimately had luck using tongue and vibrator at the same time...Either one on each nip or if you can pull it off both on the same one. Try to alternate and give the areas around some attention too if she likes that. Can be kinda like a clit where too much for too long can get kinda...overwhelming in a non orgasmic way. Girlfriend likes sucking and lite biting on them so that helped too. She likes lighter touch with the wand while for myself i occasionally like to press the wand up against the underboob and experiment with speed until the wavelength is just right to stimulate out to the nipple/areola. The indirectness of it can be a nice 'surprise' and keep things free 'on top' for whatever implement you wanna use.

  • I absolutely love this image - don't know model name or source
  • Oh nice, that's kinda the setup i'd like i think? Talked to a couple piercers about it and now that i got my other body mods done it's probably time 👀 Seems like it'd be fun to get someone to 'lace it up' or do some rope work :3

  • Where do you like to be touched?
  • When my girlfriend first brought up ear stuff i was...skeptical but it's been surprisingly good and there's so much stuff you can do :)

  • Where do you like to be touched?
  • i do yeah, i didn't get them until i was older though. Just figured everyone saw like that... Eventually i couldn't read what was on the board in my uni classes. Unsure if it developed before or after that 🤔

    Could be part of it but i think it's more that there's a lot of nerves near the eyes and it does something for me on a kink level at times.

    And nope, no gender for the most part. i've had estrogen dominant and testosterone dominant parts of my life, tried progesterone for a while. Still just not into it. Before all that they were sensitive it hurt a bit but now it's not nearly as bad.

  • I like people to be just a little bit stinky
  • i'm allergic to a lot of the stuff they put in 'scents' so people's natural scent smells so much better to me. Never gonna tell someone not to but i get a little sad when they want a shower before we cuddle or fuck :P

  • Where do you like to be touched?
  • i like a lot of the usual things so i'll skip those. One of the ones that people are usually confused about or think is a joke: the bridge of my nose. Like right where it meets the forehead. Something about pressure or being held there just feels really good and safe. It's like i can turn my mind off a bit and just enjoy whatever other sensations are going on.

    On the flip side i don't enjoy nipple stuff at all. i want to get it but it just doesn't feel interesting. It's kinda fun if someone wants to torment me though, it's a bit like being tickled?

  • Hot encounter
  • It's an electric crock one you just plug it in and wait! Learned this from a dungeon i went to. They always have a crock full of wax and several tools you can dip into in. Usually cups or laddles as well so you don't contaminate the whole pot. i really like the volume and temperature control but i think the flame of the candle can add a lot to the ambiance!

    Maybe a cadle burning nearby would help :) i especially like the sounds of a wood wick.

    i actually find the cleanup to be kinda fun, it's like a big mess to play with! You can do (dull) knife play to remove it or massage with body oil beforehnad to make removal quick and easy.

  • Sometimes I just stare at myself
  • And today some of us get to join in on the fun, lucky us! 🌈💜

  • Hot encounter
  • Wax play feels so overlooked! It can be pretty low risk with a bit of prep and education and can create a huuuuge range of sensations. So much fun, would love to do more. i even got a tiny crockpot from the thrift shop just for these sorts of scenes and it was only a couple bucks.

  • [gif] Little space
  • Nothin like holdin a plushie durin/after a scene :3

  • Shower thought(?) : some labels are less helpful.
  • Got curious, ended up here: Wondering what current discourse is on whether it's transphobic? It seems to have gotten more popularity since last i looked. Honestly femmesexual and mascsexual sounds more appealing to us without any real reference to genitals or specific genders? Plus it's just easier for our perma-fried brain to remember~

  • Do you look at non-furry porn?
  • It's honestly kinda frustrating at times because if someone sends lewds and i'm just not in the headspace it can be awkward to express that they're very nice, but i probably won't enjoy them any time soon.

  • Do you look at non-furry porn?
  • Typically i'll read some furry stories or look at illustrations. On a very rare occasion there's non-furry illustrations i like. Tried stories about humans and it just...isn't as interesting? Rarely i'll watch some irl stuff if it really appeals to one of my kinks. Then the urge is gone for like 6 months or a year.

  • 32 X Tampa
  • for every downvote i validate ten new genders :3

  • When she refuses to get on top
  • One of our all time fav movies, always makes me cry but i can't help laughing at this scene...

  • What is your favorite toy? Why do you like it?
  • i've tried some other fancy things that feel really good but nothing is as trusty as my's got a dial from high to low and plugs in. It's basically a mild upgrade on the classic hitachi so all the fun attachments still work!