Not really; it's mostly just stuff I find interesting. I've been using "psycholabs" since high school, circa 1993. If you want to post stuff about laser engraving / cutting go right ahead, I've been wanting one for years. I finally got a 3d printer and a very small chinese CNC machine, next is a laser engraver. I just have to scrape up roughly four grand. I did get side tracked with an embroidery machine. I need to find some artwork - ideas!
Inkscape libraries for Makers (including laser cutting/etching)
Stadtfabrikanten e.V. | seit über 8 Jahren aktiv und lebendig auf dem Sonnenberg | FabLab Chemnitz - Die offene MitMachWerkstatt in Chemnitz | MakerSpace | Offene Werkstatt | DIY - Do It Yourself | DIT - Do It Together
Yes, yes it does.
I assume that means reply to?
This is a comment. How enlightening.