Skip Navigation Inside big beef’s climate messaging machine: confuse, defend and downplay

A Masters of Beef Advocacy program teaches ‘scientific sounding’ arguments on cattle’s sustainability in an all-out public relations war

Inside big beef’s climate messaging machine: confuse, defend and downplay

The world can't afford the rise in global beef consumption that experts predict - while wealthier nations, whose residents have the most emissions-intensive diets, could make rapid climate gains by choosing to eat less.

This narrative is one that industry-aligned interests badly want to extinguish. Through blog posts, videos, educational assets, op-eds, TV ads, social media campaigns, trained influencers and other channels - many described here for the first time - the industry is trying to convince us all of what the science definitely doesn't show: that dietary change has no role in climate strategy.

1 Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient

Far more animals than previously thought likely have consciousness, top scientists say in a new declaration — including fish, lobsters and octopus.

Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciousness, saying even insects may be sentient

Far more animals than previously thought likely have consciousness, top scientists say in a new declaration — including fish, lobsters and octopus.

(Of course there's someone at the end of the article still trying to rationalize murder as "humane")

Like chicken but tastier: Plant-based nuggets outperform chicken nuggets in world's largest blind tasting
  • I mean, I have been known to do meat. It’s just so sexy, all juicy and with the myoglobin dripping. Who wouldn’t do it?

    The sexual politics of meat strikes again

  • Fires on large-scale animal farms, or factory farms, are surprisingly common. Over the last decade, at least 6.5 million farmed animals, mostly chickens, perished in barn fires in the US, according to Washington, DC-based nonprofit Animal Welfare Institute (AWI).
