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pr0sp3kt pr0sp3kt
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Elon Musk calls Social Security ‘the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time’
  • I mean, this system only works if we keep reproducing 2.5:1 factor. I don't want to condemn anyone to this world, so he is right. And with the birth rates lowering this is gonna be a serious problem, for most zoomers and alphas.

  • GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser
  • Dude, who is gonna kill you in this case?

  • GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser
  • I agree with you at some extent. As you say, maybe a different channel for politics, tech, etc.

  • GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser
  • Wow. Calm down omg. This is not a witch hunting.

  • GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser
  • Don't you think for a second that talking like this is indicative of extremism, polarization, even fanatism? It is ok to take political posture, but this is excessive

  • GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser
  • I disagree with Lunduke videos, specailly when he tried to bork Rust as a bad language without knowing single shit of rust programming. But if he was left wing we weren't having this conversation. People from moderate right should be excluded? I'm not talking about Lunduke here, but In general.

  • GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser
  • I should be an idiot. I dont see a direct relationship between race and sexual orientation. Even if the PR was rejected because a pronounce how the hell this is white supremacist?

  • GitHub - LadybirdBrowser/ladybird: Truly independent web browser
  • Under that POV stop using Volkswagen because Hitler invented it.

  • TIL that "nginx" is pronounced "engine-x", and not "n-jinx"
  • Omg really was someone pronouncing like "njinks"??? Wtf is wrong with you lol

  • Out of 169
  • If you look well there are good health providers in south America.

  • Out of 169
  • This is the truth. My aunt comes to my third world country to treat her teeth. And for her is cheaper to come, pay the plane, pay the treatment, stay some days and return, thant to pay the same treatment in the US

  • Mozilla Introducing 'Terms of Use' to Firefox
  • I am still not convinced

    Mozilla still has a massive say in web standards

    I don't know if we can say this with less than 3% of market share.

    until a better alternative comes out.

    I like Cromite a lot. Yeah, Brave has a lot of scandals, most of them because trying to make money however they can

    largely because of engine diversity.

    As an end user, I choose a browser looking for features I need.

  • Mozilla Introducing 'Terms of Use' to Firefox
  • Guys, some of you here posted that you gonna switch to a fork. My question is: isn't still the same problem? It seems the problem here is Mozilla, and Mozilla is the creator of Firefox and Gecko. So you suggesting switching to a fork at the end has the same problem that is using Gecko. I don't think it is better than using a Chromium based browser. I mean you still using a Mozilla product. If you really want to avoid Mozilla you should be using Epiphany or wait for Ladybird. I am genuinely asking this because It is not clear enough for me.

  • Mozilla Introducing 'Terms of Use' to Firefox
  • I agree with you. I don't think there are any ethical way to make money. You always have to exploit someone or something affecting third parties. Yes, you could reduce to minimal expression, but it will never going to be zero. And at the end, I think this is the problem with most forms of life, the predatory model. With some plants and bacteria exception. But yeah, nature knows nothing about justice because it is a human construct, but still...

  • Boycott USA Flyer
  • This rebase the inconvenience barrier

  • Chad rule
  • You really need job regulations. In my country if you gonna fire someone you have to pay a lot of money, this way companies think twice.

  • Perspective
  • Well, bones heal if there are some love from your close community members for a time.

  • Perspective
  • I don't know a lot of happy people, a lot of them uses fake masks to cover all the shit. Not my close family or friends at least...