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poorsocialskills poorsocialskills
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'Scooter' by Lola Dupre
  • Biblically accurate cat.

  • X wants permission to start collecting your bio data and employment history
  • I was keeping my account open but disused, but that's enough. I'm deleted now.

  • Elon Musk Booed At Valorant Tournament
  • Oh, I dunno, I personally enjoy watching crowds boo this jackass. It’s not tech news, but I’m willing to allow it.

  • X officially takes on LinkedIn with its new job posting feature
  • Non-starter. Zero chance I’m giving Elon Musk any personal data.

  • All of Physics in 9 Lines
  • There’s emerging work in Milgrom gravity dynamics that suggests that gravity at low accelerations behaves differently than “conventional” gravity. One possible result of this would be to eliminate the need for dark matter to explain the Standard Model.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • People seem to think he’s trying to make X successful. That’s not the point at all. He’s trying to convert what was once a useful commons into a smoking hole full of trolls and conspiracy theories. There’s just no other reasonable way to look at his actions.

  • A guide to neopronouns, from ae to ze
  • I would have found this article more helpful if it had discussed what gender each of the new pronouns was meant to refer to. There didn’t seem to be much context there.

  • Kari Lake Praises Joe Rogan as a ‘Brave Man’ After He Said ‘Real Fraud’ Happened in Her AZ Election
  • Conservatives monetized lying to people and ginning up exploitable rage. Rogan just wants his share of the take.

  • Any aspiring symbologists out here?
  • It reminds me of some of the stuff I've seen during Boy Scout ceremonies.

  • Mr. Spock is an elf 🖖
  • Missed the obvious "My mind to your mind" for the second line of the banner.

  • TweetDeck's new name is 'XPro' | Engadget
  • Don’t care. I’m a user now.

  • Quake mode terminal
  • Have you seen Guake? That's pretty much what you're looking for.

  • What are some of the values or beliefs that guide or inspire you? And what brought you to them?
  • I’m trying to be more kind. Normally, I tend to be analytical and abrupt. If someone is wrong, I try to demonstrate it a simply as possible and move on. If they’re right, that is good, there’s no reason to celebrate; move on. I find most people don’t respond well to any of this, for their own reasons. So, I’m trying to set that aside and simply be more gentle when handling interactions with another person.