I love my girlfriend ❤️ (She’s @[email protected], she’s also the one who introduced me to Lemmy and said I should make an account)
Thanks 🙏
She hasn’t cheated but her previous boyfriend cheated on her with some random lady.
¡Hola! Soy la novia de Aurora
Oh yeah, I totally am. That’s why Aurora is dating me. She’s into zombies
At what point in the friendship does dating become awkward?
I've been friends with my gf for 6 years and we only just started dating. I kinda always had an on-and-off crush, though, and was always open to staying friends OR dating, even when she sadly had a bf.
I know, hehe!! I'm alive muahaha!!
Tired lesbians unite!!
Yep. Comphet made me think I liked men. Once I dated some, I decided I'm not even into them and it was comphet all along.
Now I'm a lesbian who happens to be OP's girlfriend (check our bios).
Yo 😜
(Ella habla de mí jajaja)