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Pianist, writer, just a man of twenty-something years who likes technology but hates DRM for some reason. Icon by Anonymous.

Posts 24
Comments 26

En košček ledu, z žličico medu, ki prihaja z ljubljanskega gradu in je nastal zaradi grmenja plazu ... Ja, mislim, da se razumemo


© RTV Slovenija. Vse pravice pridržane.

The west :
  • What doctor "assumes" a baby's sex? Shouldn't the doctor know?

  • Veselo poletje, Slovenke in Slovenci!


    anon loses a job

    Why is it so lonely in the fediverse
  • I wish all instances did. Sadly some have a growth mindset bigger than their own ego and don't mind the Zuck'

  • Relaxing though
  • Nice cropp, shitlor! Jokes aside, I feel like I've watched similar videos on there. Man, it really do be low...

  • Zakaj so knjige drage? Ali pretiravam?

    Enkrat sem si naročil Oxfordov tezaver prek Mladinske knjige, pri čemer je dostava v tujino stala več kot sama knjiga. Račun pove, da je le-ta stala €14, a kasneje se je dostava res podražila (€19.50). Sedaj, ko gledam, da si kupim Dublinčane od Jamesa Joycea in tudi njegov magnum opus Ulikses (v angleščini), skupaj z dostavo vse stane kar €52! Nekateri pravijo, da je podražitev knjig le en mit, ampak se zaradi očitnega primera jaz ne strinjam. Kaj je vaše mnenje?

    anon is a virgin
  • Imagine having sex with hundreds of women. Can't be me, can't be you, or rather I don't want anyone to be doin that

  • Taxi drivers
  • sobs in Belgrade

  • Where's my Creative Commons dictionary when I need it?
  • Oh shoot, I totally forgot about that one! I need to bookmark it =)

  • anon reports from an unknown country (planet)


    Where's my Creative Commons dictionary when I need it?


    Kje nakupujete?

    V bistvu ko sem jst živel v Sloveniji (v Mariboru mmg), sem vsakič šel v različne trgovine. V Sparu se mi zdi velika izbira, ampak pogosteje sem nakupoval v Hoferju. Kako pri vas? Kje in zakaj? Zanimivost: v Bosni smo nekoč imeli Tuš, tudi v mojem mestu. Zdej je tukaj naša veriga trgovin Bingo.

    0 now runs on v0.18!
  • Yay, new version! The comment section looks snazzy, ngl

  • Now you're speaking my language!


    Watching Youtube via Kodi but without the official Youtube app

    Is it possible? I can't really be bothered to get the API key...


    Zakaj, le zakaj ...

    No, really
  • Yeah, it's a joke. Please don't sacrifice me to the VN gods

  • No, really

    YouTube Experimenting with Anti-AdBlock
  • Well, Odysee isn't in the Fediverse...

  • i approve of this message
  • Say that to any parent over here

  • Težave z objavljanjem slik

    Sem edini ali tudi vi imate težave z objavo slik? Verjetno je tako zaradi dela na instanci/instancah, ampak ne vem =/

    Which one: Revolt or Divolt?
  • Right, well I've made up my mind. That said, how do you synchronise Discord with Revolt (or in your case Divolt)? I've found a program called Revcord, but the instructions are a little ambiguous (doesn't help that English isn't my first language).

  • I literally just made an account here... Who's attacking, Discord?


    ... Ker Hitri lončki(R) najbolje povejo človekovo hitrost, ne pa teka ali nekaj takega


    Which one: Revolt or Divolt?

    As someone who isn't just looking for a place to discuss digital piracy, but also look for friends and to slowly move away from Discord, should I use Revolt or Divolt? I can't decide, and I don't know if I can handle having both accounts.


    Pozdravljeni v skupnosti!

    Ko se je Reddit CEO odločil popolnoma spremeniti način, na kateri delujejo programje tretjih strani, veliko ljudi je stavkalo tako, da so začrnili svoje skupnosti (ki jim rečemo subredditi). No, žal to ni pomagalo, saj je CEO dejansko prepričan, da je, kar počne, dobra ideja. Dvajset milijona dolarjev na leto!? No, spez je ponorel ...

    Torej, za tiste Slovence, Slovenke in preprosto tiste, ki jih zanima Slovenija, ki ne želijo več podpirati Reddita, dobrodošli! Naj ta skupnost na Lemmyju bo vaš novi dom.

    Subreddits you are going to miss?
  • Ah yes! I'm actually registered through that instance :)

  • If we want this to work out make content do not just lurk
  • Makes sense, I can wait I just got here, after all

  • If we want this to work out make content do not just lurk
  • I would post images first and foremost, but I've veen having troubles doing so. Maybe in a few hours I'll be able to post some OC memes or something of the sort

  • What audio player do you use to play your pirated music collection?
  • Elisa is in the KDE suite of applications, so I use that. I used MusicBee in the past, good stuff

  • Does Adobe realise that by constantly "disabling" my pirated Photoshop, they're just ensuring I always have the latest and greatest version?
  • Idk, I'm stuck with a portable version of CS6 which miraculously works on Linux. That said, I still don't use it, I have no need for it