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pius_q_bird pius_q_bird
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SLRPNK Community Discussion - September 2024
  • What does it take to create a community here... I'm thinking of creating an analog to reddit's /r/disabilities community.with a focus on amplifying disabled creators with an anarchist/solarpunk bent. In addition to providing the emotional support/resources as the reddit forum does

  • The Fate of Composition
  • I didn't like the writing style of this piece way to much jargon, even someone familiar with the Marxist discourse through the centuries would get lost

  • cutting your children off from society doesn't help your children or society
  • As a former homeschooler i get what he's saying paritally, there are a lot of those what i call "extreme helicopter parents" in the community. But there are other reasons to do it. I was discriminated against by my local public school. In the days before the 2004 IDEA extensions went into effect. We couldn't afford to sue, so homeschooling was our only recourse.

    The district was finally sued into submission in 2016. My parents and i both agree it wasn't the best situation. When i got to college i was like years ahead in English/humanities but had to take remedial math for three years . I took six years on a four year degree because of the unevenness of my skillset

    And this was before the internet got big so you'd often get Fundamentalist Christian propaganda by mistake. And not realize it until the book blamed the flappers for the great depression for example. The authors were good at hiding their biases, until they got to 20th century history and then they just lost the plot

    That was actually the best educational moment of those years.. Mom read that and was like "Oh Shit..." And then my Dad turned it into a lesson in how to spot bias in sources. And mom dumped a bunch of first wave feminism on me.

    But this poster confuses one particularly loud segment of the community with the whole thing,

    And we as a community may eventually need the liberal homeschooling laws, if the US gets more authoritarian with book banning and limiting what teachers can say and such.

    So i hesitate to endorse this, even though i get it

  • Rewild the Internet!
  • Lemmy be like.. Oh that's a great article. I should post it.. 14 people say at the same time :P

  • We Need To Rewild The Internet We Need To Rewild The Internet  | NOEMA

    The internet has become an extractive and fragile monoculture. But we can revitalize it using lessons learned by ecologists.

    We Need To Rewild The Internet  | NOEMA
    Al Gore Thinks Trump Will Lose and Climate Activists Will Triumph
  • not necessarily. he just would not have moved in that direction policy wise given the politics. clinton was the way he was because of the political climate of the time which was heavily influenced by reagan.

    Could be... But i think the most likely scenario. Would be a a Republican win in 84, not sure who... Could be Papa Bush followed by a Gary Hart Presidency in 88. In which case Clinton wouldn't even be considered until 96 at the earliest, and by that point his historical moment was over

  • Al Gore Thinks Trump Will Lose and Climate Activists Will Triumph
  • Duuuddde you wouldn't have Clinton as president if Carter had one a second term. Clinton was not a left wing president. he was Third Way.

    Remember he approved the Effective Death Penalty Act,

    Remember he continued govt favoring of single mothers. which has made marriage unobtainable for the poor.

    Remember he is the single person most responsible after Nixon for the current state of mass incarceration .

    Why did Third Way bullshit take over the party. Because Clinton and his collaborators, made the case that there was no alternative after Carter and Mondale lost so badly to Regan.

    But if Carter had won.. That's like a Turtledove level point of divergence. the late 20th Century would be so different because of that i don't even want to speculate.

    But with the old left still in charge of the Dems.. It could be better. Trump would've been prosecuted for discriminating against his African American Tenants at least... in the 70s.. And we'd still have effective antitrust.

    On the other hand Carter kneecaped the cia. So we might have gotten nuked. You really can't say