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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 45
Comments 8
Oh cool, a sword of detect evil
  • Yet here we are, and evil we are. Case closed

    You can go ahead and waste time beleaguering the point if you want. It's not gonna change the fact that humanity is inherently evil whether you like it or not.

    If it makes you feel better, it means I am evil too. Then again, so are you. We all are. It's just the natural state of being human.

  • What is it ?
  • Meh. I live alone and can tell you from a biological standpoint it's not healthy. People have to be around others because we are hardwired for it. Loneliness is more destructive than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, and that's a hardwired consequence you can't get around with your worldview and moral outlook. Those who live alone live shorter lives on average.

  • [Serious] The revolution was successful! The old government is gone. You get to help write the new Constitution. What do you put into it?
  • 🤔🤔🤔

    Okay, so I have put a LOT of thought into this question, and after reading everyone else's opinions on the matter, I thought I'd share mine. You guys have a lot of good ideas, some of which I didn't think about before. I hope my ideas can inspire similar contemplation.

    Okay, here goes:

    IN THE NAME OF liberty, truth, justice, cupcakes, porn, and all that is good in this life, We The People of The Motherfucking Galactic Republic hereby establish and ordain this new Constitution, with blackjack and hookers.

    Based on the millennia of suffering of ourselves and our ancestors, We The People hereby establish and remind the reader that ALL PEOPLE HAVE BASIC NATURAL RIGHTS that either the government or any organization of people cannot violate, or must enable and adhere to, respectively. We lay out this Constitution to provide a Framework from which the government, organizations and the people can sort out what and how that should be done, and what ways most benefit the people.

    We also hereby establish in the name of harmony, justice, truth and goodness that along with RESPECTING AND ENABLING NATURAL RIGHTS, government, organizations and the people must also adhere to certain responsibilities to ensure the best and most positive outcome for the people and to protect the natural rights of everyone involved.


    We the People hereby establish this list of Natural Rights we recognize from the start.

    We first stress that this list is not exhaustive, and that Natural Rights are not limited to only the contents of the list. As the future plays out, the people will experience situations new to humanity and therefore the Natural Rights of which the people expect the government and organizations to enforce and protect will, by its nature, expand. New amendments to this list shall be done in accordance with the instructions of this here Constitution.


    The most basic of all Natural Rights is the right to have one's physical needs met by the government and organizations. These rights include, but not limited to:

    • The right to steady and fair access to nutritious and delicious food, and clean, safe, drinkable water.

    • The right to a safe, clean, pestilence-free, and sturdy domicile that will comfortably meet a person's need for shelter, food, water, electricity and homeostasis.

    • The right to access to electricity, including but not limited to power generation for their shelter.

    • The right to access and use all publicly available or published information that has ever been created up to this point and in the future.

    • The right to access and use communications platforms, including but not limited to mail and any electronic communications systems developed before or since, especially Internet and interplanetary/interstellar communications systems.

    • The right to clean, suitably fitting clothing that will meet the wearer's need for protection from the external world and homeostasis.

    • The right to clean, safe, fast and efficient transportation, on all scopes as described later in this Constitution.

    No organization and no government can receive or require payment for the fulfillment of any of these aspects of the right to have one's needs met.


    We The People assert that we live in an objective reality with a natural world filled not only with wonders, but with many dangers, and therefore the government and organizations are mandated to protect, enforce and safeguard the very real need the people have to maintain and protect themselves, each other, their communities, nation and species.

    These rights include, but not limited to:

    • The inalienable right to use lethal or non-lethal force in self-defense and defense of other people in life-threatening situations, whether those situations be immediate, or long-term such as domestic abuse, stalking or harassment.

    • The right of all individuals to own weapons.

    • The right to access and receive combat training, including in the use of weapons.

    • The collective right to own ordnance for all communities.

    • The collective right to form militias and militaries, and to give combat training access to all individuals in a community.

    • The right to secure one's domicile against all forms of attack, whether foreign or domestic

    Weapons are defined as:

    • any instrument or device for use in attack or defense in combat, fighting, or war, as a sword, rifle, drone or cannon, that can be held and operated by a single individual. Explosive devices equal to or less in power than a stick of TNT are also included.

    Ordnance is defined as:

    • any vehicle designed for military or combat use, including but not limited to tanks, ships, airplanes, or spaceships; large weapons that require more than one individual to operate; explosive devices more powerful than one stick of TNT; bioweapons; nuclear, relativistic (such as asteroids or missiles deliberately launched toward another) or antimatter weapons. Note that individuals are explicitly ALLOWED to have vehicles NOT designed for combat use as defined here. No government or organization can declare a clearly not combat-designed vehicle as one.

    FOR THE safety, protection, provision, and betterment of the people of The Motherfucking Galactic Republic, the government is mandated to have and operate A SPACE PROGRAM, to be given no less than 10% of the federal government's gross earnings (whether they be taxes, direct revenue, however the hypothetical government makes money).

    This space program must do, bare minimum:

    And that's as far as I've got. The Motherfucking Galactic Republic is obviously just a filler name; I don't know if any of these ideas would ever be implemented but they could be used for any new nation, so...

  • [Serious] The revolution was successful! The old government is gone. You get to help write the new Constitution. What do you put into it?
  • Corporations should honestly be banned outright. There's no actual reason to have them. Have workers' guilds do collective labor if it's that damn important, and ban the guilds from doing any of the evil shit corporations do.

    That's just my opinion. I have a whole-ass treatise about what I'd put in a constitution and I might share it in the thread if people want to hear it.

  • Nothing to see here, just join lemmy promoting a pedophile instance. Not a good look for the fediverse
  • Yeah, I'm sure someone who won't put up with you trying to frame pedophiles in a positive light would be a monster in your eyes. Can't have anyone actually hold the pond scum you're protecting accountable in any meaningful way. How else would you fulfill your pathological need to feel needed?

    You keep living up to your namesake and you're going to find yourself in a gutter with a crack pipe and an empty bottle of Jim Beam, dude. Seriously.

  • Nothing to see here, just join lemmy promoting a pedophile instance. Not a good look for the fediverse
  • Tell us you're not actually paying attention without telling us you're not actually paying attention

    There are people who have messed up brains, who are attracted to kids, and hate themselves for it. They seek help (usually through lots of chemical treatments), and use the term MAP to separate themselves from the pedos.

    This is a lie meant to make pedophiles come off as sympathetic. They're ALL terrible and there is no distinction between one pedo and another. If there's anything that horrific instance should have shown anyone, it's that. Any pedo who claims they hate themselves for it and are getting therapy are lying to you.

    Maybe actually read what's being said before blowing a gasket.

  • The revolution was successful! The old government is gone. You get to help write the new Constitution. What do you put into it?

    News pinkdrunkenelephants

    The NYPD just unveiled a new crime-fighting robot to patrol subways


    What do you eat and drink every day?


    What kind of scenes, themes, etc. do not exist in movies that you sorely wish did?

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    What will happen to my wallet once November 17th arrives


    You are diagnosed with cancer but have no money for treatment. You've no option but to steal the money somehow. What's your plan?

    Assume you're life-lusted and are willing to abandon every moral you have just to live. Paying for cancer treatment is also worth prison time to you.

    Also assume you've exhausted all ethical fundraising options, i.e. GoFundMe, loans, etc. and that insurance won't cover treatment for whatever reason.

    I Am A Total Piece Of Shit pinkdrunkenelephants

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    Writing Prompts pinkdrunkenelephants

    You wake up in a strange place not knowing who you are, and unable to remember anything.

    Writing pinkdrunkenelephants

    You wake up in a strange place not knowing who you are, and unable to remember anything.

    Writing pinkdrunkenelephants

    Welcome to the Writing Sub =D

    Hello everybody and welcome to Lemmy's newest writing sub. Loosely based off of r/writing back on Reddit though with no official affiliation, this place is a place to post all of your written creations.

    As this place grows, we can do weekly activities like brainstorming sessions, theme days, whatever suits the sub's fancy.

    Oh, and we definitely need to do something for NaNoWriMo.

    Have fun and enjoy~

    I Am A Total Piece Of Shit pinkdrunkenelephants

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    I Am A Total Piece Of Shit pinkdrunkenelephants

    Ashton Kutcher is trending on Twitter because he defends his Scientologist rapist buddy from that 70s Show. Twitter is not happy

    cross-posted from:

    > ! > ! > ! > !

    I Am A Total Piece Of Shit pinkdrunkenelephants ‘They Treat Us Worse Than Animals’: Working Without Water at Amazon

    Exclusive: Amazon bosses forced staff at the company's Bristol warehouse to work without access to drinking water and toilets — the latest example of the company's hyper-exploitative employment practices.

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    I Am A Total Piece Of Shit pinkdrunkenelephants

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    Original source:


    How do you torture an evil hell entity you capture in your room?

    So at 4:30 in the morning, I was woken by an interdimensional alien monstrosity I can only imagine is one of the creatures David Grusch was alluding to in that Congressional hearing a few weeks ago, and after an hour of running away, suppressing my screams, and unsuccessful attempts at smashing the thing, I have captured it in a Mason jar, and now have no idea how to properly punish it.

    And I emphasize punish as opposed to simply kill, for the indignities this not-so-little asshole put me through the past hour render it completely undeserving of any mercy, quarter, or protection under our legal system.




    It dared to defy the authority of the top creature of the motherfucking pecking order on Earth, and for my humiliation it must be forced to suffer. An example must be made so none of its kind get any ideas. I don't want them to invade Earth and destroy humanity.

    Only this is my first time dealing with something like this and I don't know how to make it suffer.

    How do you maximize the pain of an evil alien entity from another dimension? How do we make it suffer as much as possible? Yes, this is a serious question.

    Can these things even feel pain?

    Did, did Lovecraft ever leave any of his instructions in his books? Anyone have a copy of the Necronomicon, perchance?

    Proof that aliens exist, EAT YOUR HEART OUT GRUSCH:

    No throwaways, we die like aliens dumb enough to crash land in the American heartland

    Improvgames pinkdrunkenelephants
    • Lollipops and unicorns

    Post the most insane, unhinged rant about lollipops and unicorns as you can muster. Give me that autistic nerdrage

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