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What foods can last 3-4 days without refrigeration?

I'm going to be camping for 4 days at a location without easy access to fire (hence no boiled water). As such, I'm going to be packing a bunch of canned stuff for my daily meals. The place is in England, where we're expecting a few hot days this week and maybe some rain over the weekend.

However, I have some free time before the trip to cook food. But I'm not sure if there's any good foods I could bring along that could keep for 3-4 days without a fridge. I guess that crosses out most meat dishes.

Some ideas I had were: falafel, fritters, bread, calzones, pasties. Have you tried taking such foods camping and if so, did they last a few days without spoiling? Are there any other foods you'd recommend? Thank you so much!

Is veganism a thing in China?
  • Sure thing my dear bot friend

  • Sunken boat killing hundreds overshadowed by Titan submersible coverage
  • This is effectively saying, "This article is correct but for the wrong reasons". People aren't angry about why hundreds of migrants dying isn't newsworthy. They're angry that it's not newsworthy.

    I'm frankly surprised that not enough people find it disgusting that the EU passively killing hundreds of refugees is less interesting because the EU does so regularly.

    • June 18, 2023
    CH341a for Librebooting an X200: Yay or nay?
  • Oh sorry I meant I've seen reports that the voltage issue was due to a few faulty programmers, I've personally never used one.

    Interestingly, this video also brings up amps as the root cause, not volts. I might get an Arduino in that case just for more control, but would you say it's beginner-friendly? This would be my first time attempting libreboot (or any kind of chip programming for that matter)..

  • CH341a for Librebooting an X200: Yay or nay?
  • Thanks a ton. I've been looking into this myself, and it seems like the issue was mostly due to a few faulty CH341a models, and it also seems that newer models allow a toggle between 3.3v and 5v. But reassuring that it's worked well for you too.

    I think I might get a cheap multimeter as they can come for less than $10, just to be safe. Could be a good long term investment!

  • FOSS Android Keyboards
  • Oh nice thanks!

  • Refurbishing an old ThinkPad for a friend -- Debian, Fedora or something else?
  • Cheers! Yep, I'm gonna give them the down low on Linux. I might even modify the DE to imitate the Windows 11 UX so the transition is easier.

    I'm basically boiling it down to Debian/Debian-based OR Fedora..

  • important rulepost
  • I should emphasize that a lot of pro-Western outlets and commentators have recently weaponised the term to discredit any diverging points of view re-the Ukraine War. So someone like Cornel West would be a "tankie" by this point of view, which is actually kind of disgusting in how dishonest it is.

  • Refurbishing an old ThinkPad for a friend -- Debian, Fedora or something else?
  • This is actually a good shoot. Or maybe something like Gallium OS, but dunno if that's still around haha.

  • Refurbishing an old ThinkPad for a friend -- Debian, Fedora or something else?
  • Thanks for the heads up. My main concern with Zorin and Pop (out of ignorance, more than anything) is that they're built with more modern devices, and will make the ThinkPad experience extremely slow? You think this should be a concern or it'll be fine?

  • Want to enjoy Lemmy on your phone but not a fan of Jerboa? Try Native Alpha!
  • Amazingggg, never thought of the YouTube use case, I'm gonna try it myself. I've been using NewPipe and Libretube, but they just don't cut it for me hahaha.

  • Want to enjoy Lemmy on your phone but not a fan of Jerboa? Try Native Alpha!
  • Yep, the UI can be a bit tricky. If I swipe a few times it usually figures out that I'm trying to refresh, and does so.

  • Refurbishing an old ThinkPad for a friend -- Debian, Fedora or something else?
  • Perfect! Honestly, my greatest fear is that something breaks and they need to look up fixes by themselves. For a technophobe, StackOverflow and other forums can be pretty intimidating or downright hostile.

    Ideally I'd like to opt for a distro that firstly works well on old machines (I'm going for a ThinkPad T400, i.e. an ancient one), and secondly, if it does break, can be fixed with a GUI hopefully.

  • Refurbishing an old ThinkPad for a friend -- Debian, Fedora or something else?
  • Based on my understanding, primary uses:

    • Read research papers (PDFs). Annotations functionality is a must (includes highlighting, commenting etc).
    • Write university essays, including formatting, academic citations etc. I'd personally stick to Libre Office but realistically, they're gonna use the MS Office suite. So I'd like to either have MS Office offline on the machine, OR let them use the on-line version easily.
    • Listen to music fairly regularly, so Spotify is a must.
    • Easy access to banking, finance etc.

    Secondary uses:

    • Streaming-wise, they occasionally use Netflix but mostly stream via one of "those websites" if you catch my drift
    • They also like to use a VPN, which I can help set up (I'm planning to use my own OpenVPN instance)
    • Social media, i.e. Gmail, FB etc.

    So yeah, I think the ideal situation would be one that easily allows:

    1. Using MS Office
    2. Using Adobe (I'd have used Okular personally, but it's annotations are utterly inaccessible if I share my Okular-annotated PDF with an Adobe user and vice versa)
    3. Browser for everything else (I'll likely give them Brave)
  • Refurbishing an old ThinkPad for a friend -- Debian, Fedora or something else?

    I'm trying to set up a Linux laptop for a friend who lives in another city. They have only ever used Windows, and likely won't have easy access to fix issues (not that I'm an expert).

    First off, is it a good idea to give them a Linux PC at all? Have others had good/bad experiences giving technophobes Linux?

    Secondly, if I go ahead with it, what's a good, stable, "safe" OS for a beginner? I'm shy of anything that's a rolling release (e.g. Arch, Manjaro etc) as "bleeding edge" can break things more often than not. I'm leaning towards Debian or something Debian based. But I've also heard good things about Fedora.

    If I was the one using the PC, I'd have installed Fedora, as I've heard it's well-maintained. Then again there's been some good buzz about Debian 12. What would your advice be? Thanks!

    Want to enjoy Lemmy on your phone but not a fan of Jerboa? Try Native Alpha!
  • My thoughts exactly! I plan to use Native Alpha mostly to give the devs ample time to improve Jerboa, and will eventually jump ship (I think)

  • Tomorrow many subreddits will open up again, will you switch back to Reddit or stay on Lemmy (or use both)
  • On mobile website, just click the hamburger menu from the top right and click "Create Community"!

  • Want to enjoy Lemmy on your phone but not a fan of Jerboa? Try Native Alpha!
  • I think you're right in that the structure is confusing. Personally, I think it's less confusing than it is "novel". Like in a world where the fediverse was the norm, centralised apps would've been confusing.

    Either which way, I think you're correct -- part of it is because we don't really have a good analogy for how this whole thing works.

    This is how I see it: Lemmy is like a house party hosted in a huge venue that has hundreds of doors (i.e. instances). The doors have some slight differences (maybe some are huge, some are tiny, some have bouncers, some let you bring your own costumes etc). But for the most part, it doesn't really matter what door you enter the party through, as all doors open into the same common space.

    However, the door you choose does make you physically closer to one cluster of people than the rest of the party. That's how I see the "local" filter. But if you're just interested in getting into the party asap, just pick any instance and join.

    This still isn't a perfect analogy though -- if a door shuts down, you don't magically disappear from the party. But if an instance goes down, you do. Still, for the uninitiated, I feel like this is a sensible enough analogy.

  • Want to enjoy Lemmy on your phone but not a fan of Jerboa? Try Native Alpha! Native Alpha - Apps on Google Play

    Enjoy your favourite websites full-screen and create homescreen shortcuts

    Native Alpha - Apps on Google Play

    Native Alpha is an Android app that lets you easily create PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) of your favourite websites. Basically, it's a way to make a website look and work like an app in a matter of seconds.

    I've mostly used it to access websites that are effectively spyware (Instagram, Facebook etc) but still somewhat necessary to visit every now and then. This is because Native Alpha also has the added benefit of sandboxing PWAs from the rest of your phone. You can tailor each PWA to your needs (block ads, disable cookies etc).

    But with Lemmy, I've actually enjoyed using Native Alpha for its primary purpose (easy PWAs) instead of secondary one (privacy).

    Here's how you can set up Lemmy on Native Alpha:

    • Download & install Native Alpha from F-Droid or the Play Store
    • From the main screen, click the "+" icon from the bottom right
    • Input the URL of your Lemmy instance
    • Tweak the rest of the settings, or leave them unchanged. Personally, I like to allow the PWA to open links in my browser. I'm not too worried about the privacy risks of this, but YMMV of course.
    • You'll now have the option to create an app icon on the home screen if you'd like. Completely up to you.
    • All set! Access the PWA from your homescreen or Native Alpha, login, and you've got your very own Lemmy "app" in basically <1 minute

    You can stop reading now, but some extra thoughts. Pros of this approach:

    • Unlike Jerboa, you can now create communities and search posts (not just communities) from your new Lemmy "app"
    • Unlike Jerboa, you can now mark messages read from you inbox
    • Jerboa is obviously not invasive, but you save some space on your phone, and prevent any potential additional tracking that would've come from installing an extra app

    Some cons:

    • You still can't open links to other instances within the app. I'm sure there's an easy workaround for this, I'm just not sure what that is.
    • Native Alpha is a bit glitchy with opening links within a PWA. This is why I chose to open links in my external browser above.
    • Some UI gestures are unintuitive. To reload, you need to swipe down with two fingers. But if you also enable the "pinch to zoom" option from your PWA settings, you lose the reload functionality for some reason.

    Have you already used Native Alpha? Your thoughts on the experience?

    If there's interest, I can also share a quick recording of the Lemmy experience on my phone.


    Beyond The Monastic Self: Joint Mind And The Partial Illusion Of Individuation – David Graeber


    Advice for raising Lemon Balm, Chocolate Mint and Orange Thyme indoors?

    For context, I have no idea on how to take care of plants, but I'd like these three baby plants I bought to thrive.

    I'd also love to snip them every now and then when I'm cooking, making a salad or a tea etc.

    Right now each plant is quite young and in small plastic pots. The chocolate mint is already about 8-12 inches tall. The lemon balm and orange thyme are both less than 5 inches tall.

    My questions where I'd love your advice are:

    • How often should I water these plants?
    • They're all newly bought and in disposable plastic containers. When I repot them, will it be dangerous to mix their current soil and the generic store bought soil I'm planning to get?
    • How fast do these plants grow? Should I be optimistic and already buy semi-large pots, even though they're quite tiny right now?
    • Any other general tips to care for these plants?

    Appreciate your advice, whether it's plant-specific or applies to all the three plants. Thanks in advance!


    What Radiohead song captures the ongoing Reddit drama for you?

    For me it's either Punchup at a Wedding ('you had to piss on our parade .... you had to ruin it for all concerned') or Bodysnatchers ('your mouth only moves with someone's hand up your ass', re-the Spez AMA). How about you?


    I’ve just created c/libreboot, please feel free to join! Libreboot - Sopuli

    A Lemmy community for Libreboot [], the essential firmware for fully liberating your laptop! Libreboot is a free (libre) BIOS/UEFI replacement. Based on coreboot, the aim is to distribute low-level boot firmware that is 100% free software, and easy to use. Post questions, issues...


    I’ve just created c/libreboot, please feel free to join! Libreboot - Sopuli

    A Lemmy community for Libreboot [], the essential firmware for fully liberating your laptop! Libreboot is a free (libre) BIOS/UEFI replacement. Based on coreboot, the aim is to distribute low-level boot firmware that is 100% free software, and easy to use. Post questions, issues...


    I’ve just created c/libreboot, please feel free to join! Libreboot - Sopuli

    A Lemmy community for Libreboot [], the essential firmware for fully liberating your laptop! Libreboot is a free (libre) BIOS/UEFI replacement. Based on coreboot, the aim is to distribute low-level boot firmware that is 100% free software, and easy to use. Post questions, issues...


    I’ve just created c/libreboot, please feel free to join! Libreboot - Sopuli

    A Lemmy community for Libreboot [], the essential firmware for fully liberating your laptop! Libreboot is a free (libre) BIOS/UEFI replacement. Based on coreboot, the aim is to distribute low-level boot firmware that is 100% free software, and easy to use. Post questions, issues...

    Libreboot - Sopuli

    I’ve just created c/libreboot, please feel free to join! Libreboot - Sopuli

    A Lemmy community for Libreboot [], the essential firmware for fully liberating your laptop! Libreboot is a free (libre) BIOS/UEFI replacement. Based on coreboot, the aim is to distribute low-level boot firmware that is 100% free software, and easy to use. Post questions, issues...


    Michael Greger - What Are the Best Beverages? What Are the Best Beverages?

    A review of the best drinks. Are there health benefits to drinking tea, coffee, milk, wine, and soda? New subscribers to our e-newsletter always receive a free gift. Get yours here: Stay tuned for what the exhaustive review of meta-analyses and systematic r...

    One of my favourite sources of nutrition advice -- not to mention an instrumental figure on my own path to veganism. Hope you find him informative


    I've just created c/askanthropology, do direct your burning questions about anything anthropological over there! AskAnthropology - Sopuli

    Welcome to c/askanthropology, fellow Lemmings and ex-Redditors! This a brand, spanking new community for posting all your questions about anthropology, the study of humankind. New to Lemmy? Sign up here []. Or here []. Or here []. It won’t matter f...

    AskAnthropology - Sopuli

    CH341a for Librebooting an X200: Yay or nay?

    I'm aware that Leah strongly discourages using CH341a, but I understand that this is chiefly because it's voltage is 5V, whiich risks burning the 1.8V or 3.3V datalines of the devices we're librebooting.

    At the same time, I've seen a popular video specifically recommending CH341a when librebooting an X200. I assume this advice should be ignored.

    However, Leah also specifies that you can technically tweak the CH341a to reduce it's voltage, following this guidance.

    My question is: is this worth it, or is it safer to just use a Beaglebone Black/Raspbery Pi instead? What's your experience been?

    I'm unfortunately on a budget, and BB/RPi are both prohibitively expensive for me. Then again, so is a laptop that's bricked thanks to an improperly fixed CH341a.

    Have you had problems using a (tweaked or untweaked) CH341a? What's your advice? I really appreciate it. Thanks!


    What are some good recent ethnographies of online/digital communities?

    I'm aware of a few good ones, say, Tom Boellstorff's Coming of Age in Second Life, Gabriella Coleman's work on Anonymous, and Daniel Miller's Why We Post series.

    But I feel like these examples are somewhat dated now. Curious to learn about any good ethnorgaphies on this topic from the last 2-3 years, especially from the COVID/post-COVID era. Cheers!


    I've also created c/beatles, so feel free to join! Beatles - Sopuli

    A community for Beatles fans! Share you favourite songs, covers, memes, artwork, theories, interviews, gossips and more here :)

    Beatles - Sopuli

    You can tell I'm pasting this across a few relevant communities.

    Upon reflection, I don't know if niche communities will help or possibly fragmented consolidated communities like this one, but I thought I'd just create a few communities mirroring my own favourite subreddits.

    Hopefully this makes it easier for people in those subreddits to migrate over to Lemmy. We'll see.


    I've also created c/beatles, so feel free to join! Beatles - Sopuli

    A community for Beatles fans! Share you favourite songs, covers, memes, artwork, theories, interviews, gossips and more here :)

    Beatles - Sopuli

    You can tell I'm pasting this across a few relevant communities.

    Upon reflection, I don't know if niche communities will help or possibly fragmented consolidated communities like this one, but I thought I'd just create a few communities mirroring my own favourite subreddits.

    Hopefully this makes it easier for people in those subreddits to migrate over to Lemmy. We'll see.


    I've also created c/beatles, so feel free to join! Beatles - Sopuli

    A community for Beatles fans! Share you favourite songs, covers, memes, artwork, theories, interviews, gossips and more here :)

    Beatles - Sopuli

    You can tell I'm pasting this across a few relevant communities.

    Upon reflection, I don't know if niche communities will help or possibly fragmented consolidated communities like this one, but I thought I'd just create a few communities mirroring my own favourite subreddits.

    Hopefully this makes it easier for people in those subreddits to migrate over to Lemmy. We'll see.


    I've just created c/radiohead, please feel free to join! Radiohead - Sopuli

    “d bst onln cmmnty fr my bnd” --thm Welcome to c/radiohead, the Lemmy community for the undisputed best band that has ever been, or will be. Feel free to post any content about Radiohead and related projects (EOB, Philip’s projects, Junun, The Smile of course etc) here. It’s lonely in these parts fo...

    Radiohead - Sopuli