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@[email protected] breaks down why motive matters in the new trump indictment Trump’s Legal Team Just Blew a Big Hole in His Third Indictment Defense - Politics -

Trump lawyer John Lauro responded to the indictment news by admitting the crimes that Trump is charged with....

Trump’s Legal Team Just Blew a Big Hole in His Third Indictment Defense - Politics -
Wouldn't it be cool if we had a Steam Deck dedicated VR headset?
  • this guy thinks Valve is working on a device likes Apple's, basically a steam deck that fits on your head or some such

  • Infected Mushroom - Turkish Nights
  • Had tickets to see them at a club in Boston. Took edibles before the show and got higher than I expected. In my stony state I was too intimidated by the bouncers and the line to get in and I ended up going to a coffee shop instead. Still dream about the show I missed :(

  • Factorio upgraded with controller support - now in the stable release
  • Supes excited, been waiting a long time for this!

  • Bard’s latest update: more features, languages and countries

    Today we're expanding Bard to new languages and countries, and launching new features to help you get creative and boost your productivity.

    Bard’s latest update: more features, languages and countries
    Fairphone 4—the repairable, sustainable smartphone—is coming to the US
  • I'm still on my OnePlus 7T which is holding up pretty well but I'm so happy to see this phone as an option in my market, pretty sure my next phone will be a Fairphone.

  • New report shows how hundreds of billions in COVID-19 aid vanished
  • I have a close relative who works for a small government department responsible for investigating and prosecuting financial fraud in government contracts or something similar. I believe they are part of, or work with the FBI. I don't know all the details but this is my understanding based on what my relative has told me.

    Since the PPP "loans" were distributed, the enormous task of investigating and prosecuting all the reported instances of PPP fraud has fallen entirely on their department. It is something like 40 or less people spread across the country and they have literally hundreds of thousands of fraud reports. They are completely and entirely unable to make meaningful progress on that backlog and while they are making successful prosecutions, the enormity of the problem is not being properly addressed.

    People who blatantly committed PPP fraud are walking around scot-free simply because our country has not allocated the proper resources to hold them accountable. The last time we chatted about his work he had mentioned that they had received some new resources last year but not nearly enough to catch up on their backlog.

    Please, reach out to your elected representatives and communicate that we want justice applied equally. These people took our money in a moment of crisis and defrauded the American people. They need to be held accountable. There may be people here who are better acquainted with the situation and I apologize if I have mis-represented anything. I just wanted to share what I had heard from someone directly involved in the hopes it might spur some change or at least inform people of the problem.