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philip_cardella Philip Cardella

GenXer studying American and transnational history with a focus on de jure racism in housing and policing through the lens of illiberalism.

Married to an Engineering prof.


\#SacramentoKings fan way before it was cool.

Warning: If you follow me without interacting I'll likely block you.

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Comments 2
If you have 7 minutes, check this very strong DNC speech by AOC.
  • @MarkRNay @pascaline @fifischwarz @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews I suspect AOC was on the stage for the people she brings despite the fact that she may turn others off.

    Generally, my observation is the people she engages the most tend to be under 35 and the people she turns off the most are over 35.

    The reality is people under 35 are either disengaged OR angry. Very, very angry. And bitter. But above all, motivated because they know their lives depend on it.

  • Following Google Maps directions in rural Tasmania and encountered this sign.
  • my kid goes to the oldest freaking high school in Southern Florida if not the whole state.
    Google maps cannot navigate you to the front of the school. Always takes you to a secured gate on the side of the school.