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pewpew pewpew
Posts 4
Comments 149

How to summon god

GIFs no longer play at all
  • For me they only play when I scroll the feed

  • The most irreplaceable thing
  • There is a subreddit for this: r/laughjokes which this post was probably taken from

  • Old timers know
  • I use this to deploy stuff on my web server

  • Don't forget to tip the boy!
  • He isn't a good boy. He is the best boy

  • Can't be thanked enough
  • It's just basic civil behaviour

  • Blood is thick rule
  • In Italian we literally say "blood exams"

  • I still don't get buffers
  • Windows also has it, but it's disabled by default for some reason

  • How to impress your date with an armpit fart
  • Thats how human males attract potential partners

  • Error when loading Ubuntu live USB
  • I highly reccomend Kubuntu

  • Bloat
  • Tiny Core Linux

  • yeah why
  • It's just lazyness. Don't you know how much effort is required to build stuff this big?

  • "I want to live forever in AI"
  • Thanks, I was Just curious. I knew what * did but I wasn't sure about &

  • "I want to live forever in AI"
  • Whats the difference between void fn(Type& var) and void fn(Type* var)?

  • upgrade
  • apt: could not get lock: permission denied

  • Why did they move the comments to the right
  • You should also try YT Redux

  • Linux continues to be above 4% on the desktop
  • Maybe in 20 years, but I still doubt it. Everyone still buys PCs with Windows preinstalled and don't even want to try Linux

  • Unixporn pewpew

    [KDE] Linux Vista ultimate (TM)


    Jerboa crashes rendering this post

    The app crashes everytime this post shows up in the feed. Let me know if this happens to you.
