Ooof I'm an asshole for this one, but admittedly this was high school so forgive my childhood self.
I had been flirting with two girls (openly, nothing behind anyone's back) and knew that both wanted me to ask them to homecoming, but definitely preferred one (we'll call her the brunette). But when one of my friends mentioned he was thinking about asking the other girl, the blonde, to homecoming, I didn't like the idea of having one of my options taken from me without my input so I asked the blonde out to homecoming instead.
We went on a couple of dates after that but it was clear there wasn't really anything more there so we called it off. In the meantime my friend went back to his ex (a bad move for him) and the brunette I actually really liked was furious I didn't ask her to homecoming and was basically done with me forever after that.
So yeah, bad move on my part all around.
Tattoos, piercing, being more music savvy or more of a music hipster than me, playing violin.
I have an ass. I'm here for big titties.
Probably the stimuli on my penis.
Yeah feeling like I'm being nanny-ed on the NSFW instance is weird, and imo makes this instance seem inherently unserious.
Can't speak for others, but I'd be more than game if my partner was interested and asked me
I know I'm late to the debate, but just for the sake of voicing my opinion I want to say that not being able to downvote frankly to me makes this instance feel childish and not serious, and worse than that, like I'm being nanny-ed or babysat - which is very strange for an inherently NSFW instance.
I understand the reasoning behind the decision, and absolutely acknowledge the very clear good intent, but it feels needlessly oversteppy to me, like an elementary school teacher telling their students they don't have to merely get along but they must all be friends. And certainly I don't want anyone to feel bad, whether by receiving downvotes or any other means, but I also don't feel obligated to shelter the feelings of those who put themselves out there for assessment either, and I don't think we're being entirely honest about the situation at hand in these discussions... The potentially offending parties don't largely appear to be breaking into people's homes to insult them, more closely rather these potential offenders are being offered free samples by a local hot dog stand; some people are just not going to think the stand makes very good hot dogs and yes some people are just not going to be fans of hot dogs at all. I don't think saying "I didn't enjoy that hot dog" is the same thing as being an unruly dick. And yes I'll acknowledge that of course there will be some bad actors, but there will always be some bad actors. I'm not trying to say "toughen up" exactly but I don't think the benefit of sheltering some users from the potential negative impact of being downvoted by a bunch of complete strangers is enough to outweigh the restriction on users.
I understand this is a settled point and don't expect my input to change matters, nor am I trying to pull any disingenuous ultimatum bullshit or anything, but from reading the discourse on the topic I've gotten the impression the admins of this instance are genuinely trying to do their best and make the most reasonable decisions while listening to the voice of the community, so I felt I would be remiss not to add mine to the discourse. Cheers.
I think most men want you to pretend their skull/jaw was your favorite pillow or bedpost (depending on your taste) and grind against it like you were trying to get yourself off on an inanimate object, tbh